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Contrary to what most people believe about satanism being a religion/spiritual practice of murder,slunder,hate and human sacrifice...i have studied satanism for more than 10 years and i must sa,the resistance is very confusing because most of whats being fed to me and all the people following this site are actually satanic practices.i am not the enemy and i am not againsts the resistance either,but what i want to know is,if you guys dont believe in religion and you are not atheists either…


Added by Antoine on November 17, 2011 at 5:49pm — 11 Comments

Buffet Goes buying

So Warren Buffet has brought shares in IBM, Intel & direct tv.. Rings of Saturn anyone?

Warren moving into tech stocks..there has to be a reason for this..the sage doesn't do anything without being 3 steps ahead of us...

Added by C Thy Catalyst on November 17, 2011 at 5:20am — 3 Comments

the powers that be

so happy, i found out some 30 minutes ago, that the negative power that ruled and pestered the world for about 300 years, it all over. thru the white society, 100 countries who join force in order to defeat the negtaive ones. tomorrow a mass arrest of elites will took place, according to my info.

a noble who tried to withdrew some $1.4 trillion dollars, failed, bank declined,

a once head of this country whose family is in vacation somewhere, was arrested.

this mighty…


Added by ramontapawan on November 15, 2011 at 9:02am — No Comments

i commit a mistake, i am human not a robot,

hi. good morning asians (asian time 8:42am nov 15)good evening world, i keep on laughing see yesterdays entry, wrong spelling mantion, shouldve been mansion hahahah, or mention hahahaha.

its been raining in here, i hate it, its a gloomy feeling, almost negative, lethargic, sleepy, maybe somebody sends us rains by using haarp?

yesterday i was in the forum and an entry reads, aliens are going to attack now, asteroid last week is a warning, then it said watch obama's speech.



Added by ramontapawan on November 14, 2011 at 6:56pm — No Comments

why i hate evrything that is happening in america right now

when my aunt died, in her will, she said "sell my mantion, give 25% to my sister (my mom)" she is a psychiatrist somewhere in america, my cousins having a hard time selling the mantion because of the economy is down. buyersoffer, half, so my cousin said no. so somebody offers to rent it, cousin say yes. now my mom is waiting in vain, need that money so we could afford to buy our own house. my aunt gave us a lot in a far away province, we wanna sell it but we need money since we inherited it,…


Added by ramontapawan on November 14, 2011 at 8:17am — No Comments

this is the lawful, so complete and naive

hello. gosh its november 13, 2011 barely 16 days to go before that dreaded date, i hated that date. everytime that date appears, always in chaos, am so afraid, actually mix feelings.

dont ask. its my birthday hahaha. send your gifts. what i want right now is a sony bloggie cam, or an android phone i have 4 web tv station and i need it to go live without using my netbook.

id 15 blogsites and its not earning. google cancelled it. i joined pay per click but after 3 mos, i only erned…


Added by ramontapawan on November 13, 2011 at 9:32am — 1 Comment

Bach to the Future; Some fluences of babylonia in babylondon.

Hello agen brothers and sisters.


There arhh, quite obviously influences (or just fluences) within the infractions of the angle-land that was here from the Sax and (just to observe where they hid them), there should be noted the efx of two Big Wars in 1900 (at this locus). Largely, the Nazis observed what the cess of babylonia had done in Germany; and Prussia before Hitler's mantra back-shot at them (forgot, didn't he? The language keeps changing and the wyrd crafts kept…


Added by DonaldChristopherAdrianRobinson on November 12, 2011 at 6:10pm — No Comments

The Next Bad Joke Of The Tower of Babel/El'Abba

eyE said some things in a last post of the tower of Babel, about how it Blinded OO into IO (I - Aima;O - Abba), and two friendly Solar Brothers became a Brother Eye and the Nuit Sister; because the children beneath built an Able Pylon (from which prob. words like Pylorus - Pyloric sphincter) have been given as a rendered sacrifice. Someone should look out a Jim Steinman song called Original ("Everything that they taught us was No-thing but lies(DI=ID), everything that they brought us…


Added by DonaldChristopherAdrianRobinson on November 12, 2011 at 12:45pm — No Comments

yesterday is gone, ony the sweetest mempries remains....cry mot

i like my badge, quite cute. how about an id?

university of the world



think its nice to display in my blogs.

to those who sent their comments thanks again, i was reading this site it contains blasphemous and all those negativity, just laughed it off. what matters is, we are still alive, do some good things, enjoy life, let them fight each other as long as you are safe, i dont care. ive a thousand and one problems and im jobless. i need to earn,…


Added by ramontapawan on November 10, 2011 at 8:34am — No Comments

if you cant beat them, id say you rather join them

hi. i would like to thank all those people who send me a comment. i treasured it.

right now i still attend mass, on a regular basis but now its different i listened intently, words might change or the sermon of the priest might change into a diabolical one.

i go to church to hear the gospels, thats what matters most.


i read somewhere (i cant remembered it anymore) that JESUS CHRIST was fiction and was created by those aliens? though the reason is…


Added by ramontapawan on November 10, 2011 at 1:53am — 1 Comment

Hopefully seen as a kindly thought for today. Peace.x.

If I could stop the Wasting of All Time, by never asking why?

Then maybe I'd learn to be as the Wind and Rain; and maybe learn to fly.

If I could salve the deserts, hot and bare; with nothing more than Tears -

Then I'd fly around in the Wings of Night, and Cry for a Thousand Years.

Added by DonaldChristopherAdrianRobinson on October 27, 2011 at 4:33am — 1 Comment

Operation Conflict Negation Round 3...Following the Bread Crumbs of Time..#TeamCounterClockwise

What if We started viewing time counter clockwise instead of clockwise..if so could it be possible to travel back in time and undo this whole big heap of a mess we made?, or will going/thinking Counter-Clockwise symbolize the act of you returning back home and back to Wholeness?


Some people might say things like "Dont do that!, it's COUNTER_PRODUCTIVE!" see even THEY/YOU/EGO-DUDES/US...WHEW! lol..  want you to Steer away from anything Counter because  Counter causes the…


Added by Kv_Three_O_Five on October 26, 2011 at 2:05pm — 2 Comments

Support the Resistance!!!


wholeness to all my Resistance family. I am asking you all to help support the Resistance. Let's keep the information coming! What ever you can contribute. Here is something very beautiful to listen to.

Added by Denise La Roche on October 25, 2011 at 6:19am — No Comments

A Couple of Negative Ion Info Sites

'Stumbled upon this info looking for information on how negative ionization occurs in nature.  (ie water, oxygen etc).


"When two different materials rub against each other, static electricity is generated. An electron is moved from one (leaving a positive charge) to the other (making a negative charge). Different polarities will attract, as when synthetic fabric cling to your body.

In nature, half of the ions are formed by…


Added by nima on October 24, 2011 at 7:42am — 1 Comment

breaking down religion again?

This guy on the video in the link has some very interesting information that i thought made some sense of different things sevan has said in his show.The information syncs up nicely .I hope you will check it out i would like to see what those here at the resistance would add or disagree with.     By the way the resent shows have really been puting things… Continue

Added by Raymond Gene Key on October 21, 2011 at 12:29am — No Comments

More Information. Trying to connect the dots


About 2 weeks ago a friend sent me The Code...., after reading it, I knew that I would never think the same.  Long story short,  I began not only looking at this site, but also listening / reading  other material.  I have asked for some answers here, however I haven't received any but I'm sure it's because there is a lot of waking up going on right now and Sevan has  probably got 8 bottles of milk in each hand with…


Added by Gene Hopkins on October 19, 2011 at 10:08am — 3 Comments

Support the Resistance

Wholeness to all of my Resistance familt, I just want to take a moment to remind you to help support the

Resistance. Any amount you can. You will never find the level of knowledge anywhere that you find here.

Let's keep the Resistance going!!!

Here is something to listen to to help you get thru your day!

Added by Denise La Roche on October 19, 2011 at 6:24am — No Comments


welcome fellow seekers of the truth, i would like to ask a quetion, it really bothers me a lot, but what exactly will happen on dec 21, 2012? thought provoking. those rich persons are safe in their dungeons, living comfortably, eating like a king, they have their own electricity, mall, movie house, just like when they are still above.

the rest of us, will die of hunger, sickness, mentally inbalance.

this relly really freaks me, i read somewhere that jesus Christ was created by…


Added by ramontapawan on October 15, 2011 at 7:35am — 3 Comments

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