Today, the calendar on is November 12, Monday.

Today, the calendar on is November 12, Monday. It's almost a year since I started to work on the third novel about the concept of time, time cycles in the space environment. Today, the street lay the drifts of snow that clung wire, hid with a thick layer of the roof and tree trunks. The feeling of purity and whiteness make my world a little hill and fragile, and even, cocoa is the coldness and alienation. But this bright sunlight creates a mood of celebration and warmth. How strange: the white snow and the yellow sun - cold and heat. These two opposing association summoned to mind something an average, a warm, gentle, bright. A year ago, in October, when I began working on a third novel, the whole month, almost without stopping, pouring rain and it was overcast and a frown. And in the end I realized that handled text scientific information base on the time and space to the ground. Normal people who faced with these concepts in the first simply cannot absorb the entire database. And inside me I was the conflict itself - like the information I have, but all I have gone and brought inside to write it in the text. And so I left it for a year. During this time he painted and actively preparing for exhibitions. So time went by. Two weeks ago my good friend invited me to make a documentary on the subject of two previous novels, poems, paintings, and the information which I have a mental activity. In meditations to me that's for sure and clearly explain to people about the importance and role of the main ideas in our life, I had to write several thematic lectures. So I had never worked. After writing the first lecture, I decided to read it on the tape recorder and listen to the recording. The lecture itself was written on four sheets of A4 notebooks total. Pronouncing it on tape, I almost had to go to the recorded, as were my thoughts, but not to stray from the topic, I monitored periodically through the eyes of a piece of paper, and so considered her "one fell swoop" into the recorder. At the time, it seemed to me, it lasted no more than five minutes. And I sat down to listen to the recording. Do you think how much my lecture on the recorder? Exactly half an hour. Can you imagine? It was a shock for me. I always say quickly and emotionally, I read the same way. But what I heard on the recorder - it was some kind of meaningful pause, skip, and delay of spoken words as dictation. Why is that? The first question that is asked me. Then I decided to check it out on a different text. I chose the text from my last unfinished manuscript, which describes the dating scene when my heroine sitting in a cafe, remembering her first love. During the reading of this passage on tape, I was guided by my inner time - fifteen minutes, it seemed to me. In fact, a passage was read but the voice recorder five minutes. Strange, I always feel, when someone asked me what time I uttered aloud the exact figure is not looking at the clock. There were discrepancies in the resort for five minutes. If you doubt my phrase was: "somewhere in the region of 15-20 minutes of the first." And now such a discrepancy in the sensation of time for me was a big surprise.
Previously, as you always thought that live together with everyone who lives with me in my country in the world except for the translation of the clock in the spring and autumn period, as well as pole lengths of time by region, in the same time. That is, the length of the segment of life for each of us, the amount expressed in seconds, minutes, and hours - are the same. But I think that this is not true. And to the contrary: everyone on the planet in their personal lives according to his level of consciousness of sense of time.

The distance is long.
There is only the stop,
Where can I get,
Before reaching goals
But we want to know,
Absorbing the essence of tricks:
The immortality of the soul -
Creator's desire for us
To become ourselves.
We are looking for a means of eternal youth of the body in artificial joints, toe is the "pill of youth", not realizing that she is quietly waiting in the wings when you're about it remember in your thoughts, in your mind, which is yet to rise to it realize.

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