"Hypnotism is nothing new they used to call it putting someone under a spell"

It will just keep coming until all is laid bare and everything is transparent so you can see...We are coming together rapidly!

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The following is an excerpt from Black Terror White Soldiers by David Livingstone

MK-Ultra, the CIA's infamous "mind control" program, was an extension of the behavior control research conducted by the Tavistock Institute. Formed at Oxford University, London, in 1920 by the Royal Institute for International Affairs (RIIA), a sister organization to the Council of Foreign Relations (CFR) created by the Round Table, the Tavistock Clinic became the Psychiatric Division of the British Army during World War II.[1] The clinic took its name from its benefactor Herbrand Russell, Marquees of Tavistock, 11th Duke of Bedford. The Dukes of Bedford was the title inherited by the influential Russell family, one of the most prominent aristocratic families in Britain who came to power and the peerage with the rise of the Tudor dynasty. Herbrand Russell and arch-conspirator Bertrand Russell shared the same great grandfather, John Russell, 6th Duke of Bedford. Bertrand Russell was descended from John Russell’s third son, Bertrand’s grandfather, John Russell, 1st Earl Russell, who served twice as Prime Minister of the England in the 1840s and 1860s. Herbrand Russell’s son, Hastings Russell, Lord Tavistock, the 12th Duke of Bedford, went on to become patron of the British Peoples Party, a far-right political party founded in 1939 and led by ex-members of Oswald Mosley’s British Union of Fascists. It was he whom Rudolf Hess flew to England to contact about ending World War II.

The basis of the project of the Tavistock Institute was explained by Round Tabler, Lord Bertrand Russell, is considered one of the founders of analytic philosophy along with his predecessor Gottlob Frege and his protégé Ludwig Wittgenstein, and is widely held to be one of the twentieth century's premier logicians. Russell offered a revealing glimpse into Frankfurt School’s mass social engineering efforts, in his 1951 book, The Impact of Science on Society:

I think the subject which will be of most importance politically is mass psychology... Its importance has been enormously increased by the growth of modern methods of propaganda. Of these the most influential is what is called "education." Religion plays a part, though a diminishing one; the press, the cinema, and the radio play an increasing part.... It may be hoped that in time anybody will be able to persuade anybody of anything if he can catch the patient young and is provided by the State with money and equipment.

…Although this science will be diligently studied, it will be rigidly confined to the governing class. The populace will not be allowed to know how its convictions were generated. When the technique has been perfected, every government that has been in charge of education for a generation will be able to control its subjects securely without the need of armies or policemen.[2]

A successor organization, the Tavistock Institute of Human Relations, was then founded in 1946 under a grant from the Rockefeller Foundation when it separated from the Tavistock Clinic. According to John Coleman, a former British Intelligence agent, it was Tavistock-designed methods that got the US into World War II and which, under the guidance of Dr. Kurt Lewin, established the OSS. Tavistock became known as the focal point in Britain for psychoanalysis and the psychodynamic theories of Sigmund Freud and his followers. Tavistock is ostensibly a British charity concerned with group behavior and organizational behavior. Tavistock engages in educational, research and consultancy work in the social sciences and applied psychology. Its clients are chiefly public sector organizations, including the European Union, several British government departments, and some private clients. Its network now extends from the University of Sussex to the US through the Stanford Research Institute (SRI), Esalen Institute, MIT, Hudson Institute, Brookings Institution, Aspen Institute, Heritage Foundation, the Center of Strategic and International Studies at Georgetown, US Air Force Intelligence, and the RAND Corporation.[3]

The Tavistock Institute’s projects were a follow-up on the work of the Frankfurt School, a predominantly Jewish group of philosophers and Marxist theorists who fled Germany when Hitler shut down their Institut für Sozialforschung, “Institute for Social Research,” at the University of Frankfurt. The school’s main figures sought to learn from and synthesize the works of such varied thinkers as Kant, Hegel, Marx, Freud, Weber and Lukacs, and focusing on the study and criticism of culture developed from the thought of Freud. The Frankfurt School’s most well-known proponents included Max Horkheimer, media theorist Theodor Adorno, Herbert Marcuse, Walter Benjamin and Jurgen Habermas. Dr. Kurt Lewin, the founder of the study of “group dynamics,” was a member of the Frankfurt school in America, and an important influence on the work of the Tavistock.

In producing their critical theory, the Frankfurt School brought together the dialectical versions of history of Hegel and Marx. They were deeply influenced by Hegel's idealism and dialectical interpretation of history, and derived a sense of the power of Spirit (Geist) or of cultural forms in human cultural life. From Marx they derived a sense of the importance of material forces in history and the role of economics in human and social life. They were also heavily influenced by Nietzsche, particularly his critiques of mass culture, society, morality and the state, which in Thus Spake Zarathustra, he had denounced the new idol, a new object of worship. Nietzsche also criticized "mass man" and conformity, and was one of the first critics of the role of journalism in creating mass opinion. The Frankfurt School agreed with Nietzsche that a lot of the common cultural forms repressed natural instincts, and therefore tried to develop a philosophy that would lead to the supposed emancipation of the human being in society.

The Frankfurt School recognized that modern consumer society was the new form of capitalism, creating novel forms of social institutions that integrated the working class into advanced capitalist systems. Important, therefore, was their attempt to update traditional Marxist interpretation by analyzing the role of what they recognized as state and monopoly capitalism. While, beginning in the late nineteenth century, a new era of monopoly capitalism had arrived, additionally, with the Great Depression the state began to play a much more important role in managing the economy, resulting in the new model of state capitalism exemplified by the New Deal. There were two forms of state monopoly capitalism: there was the fascist and authoritarian state capitalism of Nazi Germany and the democratic state capitalism of the United States. In both of these forms of state capitalism, new types of administration, bureaucracy and methods of social domination emerged that contributed, they believed, to a curtailing of individual freedom and democracy, giving rise to conformity and massification. In particularly, the Frankfurt School explored the role of the mass media. Where control of mass media was overt in Nazi Germany, and similarly in the Soviet Union, the Frankfurt School saw that the instruments of mass culture and communication were playing an equally important role in marketing capitalism, democracy and the American way of life.

The members of the Frankfurt School were, for the most part, from assimilated Jewish families. And it would seem, due to their secularism, despite retaining a Jewish identity, as well as their cohesiveness and theories promoting a reinterpretation of traditional morality, particularly sexual morality, that they must have been of Sabbatean origin. When they treated religious topics, as in the case of Walter Benjamin, it was of a decidedly mystical orientation. Benjamin was highly influenced by his close friend Gershom Scholem, the renowned twentieth-century expert on the Kabbalah, regarded as having founded the academic study of the subject. Scholem, by tracing to the origins of Jewish mysticism from its beginnings in Merkabah and all the way forward to its final culmination in the messianic movement of Sabbatai Zevi, rehabilitated perceptions of the Kabbalah as not a negative example of irrationality or heresy but as supposedly vital to the development of Judaism as a religious and national tradition.[4] According to Scholem’s “dialectical” theory of history, Judaism passed through three stages. The first is a primitive or “naïve” stage that lasted to the destruction of the second Temple. The second is Talmudic, while the final is a mystical stage which recaptures the lost essence of the first naïve stage, but reinvigorated through a highly abstract and even esoteric set of categories.

Frankfurt School historian Martin Jay concedes that a certain degree of Jewish identity nurtured the Frankfurt School’s perspectives. Having attempted to live assimilated lives in Weimar Germany with dubious success, he says, must have had an impact. “The sense of role-playing that the Jew eager to forget his origins must have experienced,” says Jay, “could only have left a residue of bitterness, which might easily feed a radical critique of the society as a whole.”[5] Jay additionally concedes that the Kabbalah would have had some influence as well, as noted by one of its own members, Jurgen Habermas. Jay summarizes:

Jurgen Habermas has recently argued that a striking resemblance exists between certain strains in the Jewish cultural tradition and in that of German Idealism, whose roots have often been seen in Protestant Pietism. One important similarity, which is especially crucial for an understanding of Critical Theory, is the old cabalistic idea that speech rather than pictures was the only way to approach God. The distance between Hebrew, the sacred language, and the profane speech of the Diaspora made its impact on the Jews who were distrustful of the current universe of discourse. This, so Habermas has argued, parallels the idealist critique of empirical reality, which reached its height in Hegelian dialectics… The same might be argued for its [the Frankfurt School’s] ready acceptance of [Freudian] psychoanalysis, which proved especially congenial to assimilated Jewish intellectuals.[6]

Habermas cites the example of the Minima Moralia of Theodor Adorno who, despite his apparent secularism, explains that all truth must be measured with reference to the Redemption, meaning the fulfillment of Zionist prophecy and the advent of the Messiah.

Philosophy, in the only way it is to be responsive in the face of despair, would be the attempt to treat all things as they would be displayed from the standpoint of redemption. Knowledge has no light but what shines on the world from the redemption; everything else is exhausted in reconstruction and remains a piece of technique. Perspectives would have to be produced in which the world is similarly displaced, estranged, reveals its tears and blemishes the way they once lay bare as needy and distorted in the messianic light.[7]

David Bakan, in Sigmund Freud and The Jewish Mystical Tradition, has shown that Freud too was a “crypto-Sabbatean,” which would exlain his extensive interest in the occult and the Kabbalah. As shown in “The Consolation of Theosophy II,” an article by Frederick C. Crews for The New York Review of Books, several scholars have established that Freud was among the key figures who developed therapy through the retrieval of forgotten trauma, through a debt to Franz Anton Mesmer.[8] Adam Crabtree’s From Mesmer to Freud: Magnetic Sleep and the Roots of Psychological Healing traces Mesmer’s use of artificially induced trance-states to uncover the influence of unconscious mental activity as the source of unaccountable thoughts or impulses. Jonathan Miller traced the steps by which psychologists gradually stripped Mesmerism of its occult associations, reducing it to mere hypnosis and thus paving the way for recognition of nonconscious mental functioning.[9]

Hypnotism is nothing new. It is merely what had been known as putting someone under a spell, and practiced for thousands of years by witchdoctors, spirit mediums, shamans, Buddhists, and yogis. Freud himself was renowned in Vienna as a suggestive healer, his practice relying heavily on the use of hypnosis, a method he characterized as essentially "mystical."[10] Freud engaged in magical propitiatory acts and tested the power of soothsayers. He confided to his biographer Ernest Jones his belief in "clairvoyant visions of episodes at a distance" and "visitations from departed spirits."[11] He even arranged a séance with his family members and three other analysts. He also practiced numerology and believed in telepathy. In Dreams and Occultism, he declared, "It would seem to me that psycho-analysis, by inserting the unconscious between what is physical and what was previously called 'psychical,' has paved the way for the assumption of such processes as telepathy."[12]

Freud, when he was made aware of the Lurianic Kabbalah apparently exclaimed, “This is gold!” and asked why these ideas had never previously been brought to his attention.[13] Carl Jung, who had worked with Freud, commented approvingly on the Jewish mystical origins of Freudian psychoanalysis, stating that in order to comprehend the origin of Freud’s theories:

…one would have to take a deep plunge into the history of the Jewish mind. This would carry us beyond Jewish Orthodoxy into the subterranean workings of Hasidism...and then into the intricacies of the Kabbalah, which still remains unexplored psychologically.[14]

Freud’s theories were excessively concerned with sex and even incest, which is reflected in Sabbatean antinomianism. As Gershom Scholem noted, the Sabbateans were particularly obsessed with upturning prohibitions against sexuality, particularly those against incest, as the Torah lists thirty-six prohibitions that are punishable by "extirpation of the soul,” half of them against incest. Baruchiah Russo (Osman Baba), who in about the year 1700 was the leader of the most radical wing of the Sabbateans in Salonika and who directly influenced Jacob Frank, not only declared these prohibitions abrogated but went so far as to transform their contents into commandments of the new “Messianic Torah.” Orgiastic rituals were preserved for a long time among Sabbatean groups and among the Dönmeh until about 1900. As late as the seventeenth century a festival was introduced called Purim, celebrated at the beginning of spring, which reached its climax in the "extinguishing of the lights" and in an orgiastic exchange of wives.[15]

As Bakan indicated, in his book Moses and Monotheism, Freud makes clear that, as in the case of the Pharaohs of Egypt, incest confers god-like status on its perpetrators. In the same book, Freud argued that Moses had been a priest of Aten instituted by Akhenaten, the Pharaoh revered by Rosicrucian tradition, after whose death Moses was forced to leave Egypt with his followers. Freud also claims that Moses was an Egyptian, in an attempt to discredit the origin of the Law conferred by him. Commenting on these passages, Bakan claims that his attack on Moses was an attempt to abolish the law in the same way that Sabbatai Zevi did.

Thus, Freud disguised a Frankist creed with psychological jargon, proposing that conventional morality is an unnatural repression of the sexual urges imposed during childhood. Freud instead posited that we are driven by subconscious impulses, primarily the sex drive. In Totem and Taboo, published in 1913, which caused quite a scandal. Freud theorized about incest through the Greek myth of Oedipus, in which Oedipus unknowingly killed his father and married his mother, and incest and reincarnation rituals practiced in ancient Egypt. He used the Oedipus conflict to point out how much he believed that people desire incest and must repress that desire.

Freud also read Nietzsche as a student and analogies between their work were pointed out almost as soon as he developed a following. Freud and Nietzsche had a common acquaintance in Lou Andreas-Salomé, a Russian-born psychoanalyst and author. Her diverse intellectual interests led to friendships and affairs with a broad array of well-known western intellectuals, giving her a reputation of somewhat of a femme fatale. These included Richard Wagner and Rainer Maria Rilke, considered one of the most significant poets in the German language, and who was a friend to Gurdjieff’s collaborator, Thomas de Hartmann. Salomé claimed that Nietzsche was desperately in love with her and that she refused his proposal of marriage to her. During her lifetime she achieved some fame with her controversial biography of Nietzsche, the first major study of his life.

Salomé was a pupil of Freud and became his associate in the creation of psychoanalysis. She was one of the first female psychoanalysts and one of the first women to write psychoanalytically on female sexuality. She developed Freud's ideas from his 1914 essay On Narcissism, and argued that love and sex are a reunion of the self with its lost half. She was eventually attacked by the Nazis as a "Finnish Jewess,” though her parents were supposedly of French Huguenot and Northern German descent. A few days before her death the Gestapo confiscated her library, because she was a colleague of Freud, practiced "Jewish science" and had many books by Jewish authors. The fact that Salomé would have secretly been Jewish despite professing a Christian heritage would suggest that her family were Sabbateans. We may suppose that their deviant sexual practices might have contributed to a trauma that gave rise to her inability to develop normal relationships with other men, and in turn to her unconventional theories. We may speculate that, sadly, the origin of Salomé’s dysfunctions were possibly incestuous relationships with her father and five older brothers. In fact, Lou would claim to see a brother hidden in every man she met. Lou married linguistics scholar Friedrich Carl Andreas, and despite the marriage never being consummated, they remained together from 1887 until his death in 1930. Nevertheless, Salomé maintained sexual relationships outside marriage and visited regularly a gathering place for gay men and lesbians. Freud considered Salomé’s article on anal eroticism from 1916 one of the best things she wrote. This led him to his own theories about anal retentiveness, where prohibition against pleasure from anal activity “and its products,” is the first occasion during which a child experiences hostility to his supposedly instinctual impulses.[16]

Essentially, by rejecting that man could be driven by a higher moral inclination, Freud believed all that was left was man’s animal nature, particularly what he called the libido, a belief that was reflective of his association with the traditions of occult thought and its veneration of the act of sex as the only true vital impulse. Freud believed that the libido developed in individuals by changing its object of desire, a process codified by the concept of “sublimation.” He argued that humans are born “polymorphously perverse,” meaning that any number of objects could be a source of pleasure. He further argued that as humans develop they become fixated on different and specific objects through their stages of development. The first is the oral stage, exemplified by an infant’s pleasure in nursing, then in the anal stage marked by a child’s “pleasure” in evacuating his or her bowels, and finally in the phallic stage. In the phallic stage, Freud contended, male infants become fixated on the mother as a sexual object, referred to as the Oedipus Complex, a phase brought to an end by threats of castration, resulting in the castration complex, the severest trauma in man’s young life.

Through Freud’s influence, the “incest taboo” would become an issue of fundamental concern to the Frankfurt School. For example, Claude Levi-Strauss (1908 – 2009), a French anthropologist and one of the central figures in the structuralist school of thought, considered the universal taboo against incest as the cornerstone of human society. Incest, he believed, was not naturally repugnant, but became prohibited through culture. Lévi-Strauss’ theory was based on an analysis of the work of Marcel Mauss who believed that the basis of society is the need for the exchange of gifts. Because fathers and brothers would be unwilling to share their wives and daughters, a shortage of women would arise that would threaten the proliferation of a society. Thus was developed the “Alliance theory,” creating the universal prohibition of incest to enforce exogamy. The alliance theory, in which one’s daughter or sister is offered to someone outside a family circle starts a circle of exchange of women: in return, the giver is entitled to a woman from the other’s intimate kinship group. This supposedly global phenomenon takes the form of a “circulation of women” which links together the various social groups in single whole to form society.

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Laurel Canyon: Sex, Drugs and Aliens
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Submitted by David Livingstone on Fri, 07/19/2013 - 12:21

Xaviant Haze has put together an interesting article, building on the excellent research of Dave McGowan on the mysterious world of Laurel Canyon, that connected the early folk rock music scene to Satanism and military intelligence. In particular, Haze makes mention of a strange 1983 B-movie called Wavelength, about a young couple who discover aliens being held by the US government for experimentation in an underground base in Laurel Canyon. In Haze’s words, the movie “drops hints about where to look when confronted with the Canyon conspiracy.”[i]

This is a topic I deal with in my book, Black Terror White Soldiers, where I add my own findings as well. As McGowan has shown in his multipart “Inside the LC,” many of those musicians, like David Crosby, John Phillips of the Mamas and the Papas, and Frank Zapa grew up on military bases. Zappa’s father was a chemical warfare specialist assigned to the Edgewood Arsenal in Aberdeen, Maryland, a facility deeply enmeshed in MK-Ultra experiments, and where numerous Nazi scientists were employed under Operation Paperclip.[ii] Zappa, in the early years, was Laurel Canyon’s father figure, leading an entourage in a residence dubbed the “Log Cabin,” where, in the words of Michael Walker, author of Laurel Canyon, there “raged a rock-and-roll salon and Dionysian playground.”[iii]

Many of these musicians were involved in MK-Ultra, a known “mind-control” operation of the CIA, whose real focus was the spread of LSD through the Haight-Ashbury scene of San Francisco, to produce the 60s counter-culture scene, as per the dictates of the notorious Frankfurt School of psychologists. The chief evangelist of the project was Aldous Huxley, the kingpin of the CIA’s subversion of culture, and author Brave New World, a dystopia about a society drugged into servitude.

Huxley also wrote The Doors of Perception, which exploded the fascination with the “mind-expanding” possibilities of drugs. Jim Morrison, who named his band The Doors after the book, and one of the earliest to arrive on the Laurel Canyon scene, was the son of US Navy Admiral George Stephen Morrison, who was in command of the warships that purportedly came under Viet Cong attack, in the false-flag operation known as the Gulf of Tonkin incident of 1964.

Key to the CIA’s MK-Ultra operation was the soundman for the Grateful Dead, known as Owsley Stanley, or “Bear.” At only fifteen, he “voluntarily committed” himself to St. Elizabeth’s Hospital in Washington DC where, as Colin Ross explained in The CIA Doctors, Dr. Winfred Overholser Sr. funded LSD research through the Scottish Rite Committee and was at the center of the mind control network[iv] St. Elizabeth’s is also where presidential assailants, serial killers or other federal cases are kept, such as Ezra Pound and John Hinckley, Jr. who shot Ronald Reagan.

After a stint in the US Air Force, beginning in 1956, Stanley moved to LA, where he worked at Pasadena’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, founded by Jack Parsons. Parsons was a leader of the Agape lodge, the American chapter of Aleister Crowley’s Ordo Templi Orientis (OTO), and also one of the first known contactees of the so-called “Nordic” aliens. Likewise, Crowley claimed in 1919 to have contacted an extraterrestrial named Lam, which looked much like the iconic “greys” that have now come to be associated with alien contact.

Along with L. Ron Hubbard, the founder of Scientology, beginning in 1946, Parsons started the “Babalon Working,” a series of rituals designed to manifest an individual incarnation of the archetypal divine feminine called Babalon, and to conceive a child through sexual magic. Parsons wanted to create a Moonchild, as outlined in Crowley's occult novel by the same name.[v]

Parsons associated with Anton LaVey, the founder of the Church of Satan, who was also heavily influenced by Kenneth Anger, who enjoyed cult status in Hollywood as author of two controversial Hollywood Babylon books, and as underground experimental filmmaker of Crowley-inspired films that merged surrealism with homoeroticism and the occult. Anger became acquainted with notable countercultural figures, including Tennessee Williams, Keith Richards, Jimmy Page, Mick Jagger and his girlfriend Marianne Faithfull, which he involved in his Crowley-themed works, Invocation of My Demon Brother (1969) and Lucifer Rising (1972).

Anger also introduced Led Zeppelin guitarist Jimmy Page to Aleister Crowley, who became the owner of one of the world’s largest collections of Crowley memorabilia, including Crowley’s notorious Boleskine estate on the shores of Scotland’s Loch Ness. As explained by Gary Lachman, founding member of the New Wave band Blondie, and now author, in Turn Off Your Mind: The Mystic Sixties and the Dark Side of the Age of Aquarius, “tales of pacts with the Devil followed Zeppelin throughout their career, and stories of orgies, black masses and satanic rites were commonplace, mostly centered around the infamous Chateau Marmont off the Sunset Strip.”[vi]

Page composed a soundtrack for Anger’s Lucifer Rising, a film for which Crowley associate and OTO member Gerald Yorke was credited as a consultant. Yorke had also been the personal representative of the Thirteenth Dalai Lama to the West.

Anger and the Laurel Canyon groups were closely associated with Vito Paulekas, his wife Zsou and Karl Franzoni. Vito also happened to be first cousin of Eva Paul, wife of Winthrop Rockefeller.[vii] According to Barry Miles, in his book Hippie, “The first hippies in Hollywood, perhaps the first hippies anywhere, were Vito, his wife Zsou, Captain Fuck [Franzoni] and their group of about thirty-five dancers. Calling themselves Freaks, they lived a semi-communal life and engaged in sex orgies and free-form dancing whenever they could.”[viii]

Vito and his wife Zsou’s three-year-old boy was the first candidate to play in Kenneth Anger’s Lucifer Rising, before dying of a tragic accident, ascribed in the documentary Mondo Hollywood in morbid sarcasm, as “medical malpractice.” The child died on December 23, 1966, the very winter solstice heralded the Age of Satan by LaVey, who performed the role of the devil in Anger’s Invocation of My Demon Brother alongside Mason “Family” member, Bobby Beausoleil. Zsou suggested the fall occurred during a “wacky photo session,” which may be connected to the fact that, according to Beausoleil, some of Anger’s film projects were for private collectors: “Every once in a while he’d do a little thing that wouldn’t be for distribution.” According to biographer Bill Landis, Anger was at one time investigated by the police on suspicion that he had been producing snuff flicks.[ix]

According to Miles, Vito operated “the first crash pad in LA, an open house to countless runaways where everyone was welcome for a night, particularly young women.”[x] By the mid 1960s, the group had expanded into a guesthouse known as “the treehouse” at the Log Cabin. The “treehouse” attendees included Mick Jagger Marianne Faithfull, members of the Animals, Mark Lindsay from Paul Revere and the Raiders, Alice Cooper who joined Zappa’s Mothers of Invention, Janis Joplin, and Roger McGuinn and Mike Clarke from the Byrds. Journalist John Bilby recalls, “Tim Leary was definitely there, George Harrison and Ravi Shankar were there.”[xi] Zappa took over the commune in 1968.

Also included in the pack was Kim Fowley, who had spent time working as young male street hustler, but had his greatest success creating the Runaways, featuring Joan Jett, who were recently the subject of a film in 2010. Fowley crassly attired the band in leather and lingerie, and boasted, “everyone loved the idea of 16-year-old girls playing guitars and singing about fucking.”[xii]

It was the Runaways’ lead singer, Cherie Currie, who co-starred with Robert Carradine in Wavelength. Robert, who would later star in Revenge of the Nerds, is one of a number of prolific actors in the “Carradine family” of American actor John Carradine. As McGowan points out, according to authors such as Craig Heimbichner (Blood on the Altar), Martin P. Starr (The Unknown God), and John Carter (Sex and Rockets), Dennis Hopper and John Carradine, were both members of the Parsons’ Agape Lodge of the OTO, alongside, actor Dean Stockwell, and science-fiction writer, Robert Heinlein. According to Gregory Mank in Hollywood’s Hellfire Club, John Carradine and John Barrymore were also members of the so-called “Bundy Drive Boys,” who engaged in such practices as incest, rape and cannibalism.[xiii] Robert’s brother was David Carradine of Kung Fu fame, who later died in what appeared to be a ritualistic murder.

The Oxford Movement

A speaker increasingly popular among Muslim audiences, known as Sheikh Imran Hosein, was featured recently at the University of Moscow, hosted by Russian fascist ideologue Alexandre Dugin. Disturbingly, Hosein’s speech seems to be in support of Dugin’s vision of Russian backing for the aspirations of Muslims, which is closely connected with a long-standing British and CIA plot to create a “neo-Caliphate” as a puppet Islamic state to exercise control over the Islamic world.

As outlined in A Peace to End All Peace, during World War II, the British, in a characteristic act of bald-faced duplicity, incited the Sharif of Mecca to fight the Ottoman Empire, in return for the title of King of the Arabs if victory should result. It was a plan devised by London’s Middle East team, who were joined by Winston Churchill and Arnold Toynbee of the infamous Round Tablers. Outlining the policy was T. E. Lawrence “of Arabia”:

If the Sultan of Turkey were to disappear, then the Caliphate by common consent of Islam would fall to the family of the prophet, the present representative of which is Hussein, the Sharif of Mecca. Hussein’s activities seem beneficial to us, because it marches with our immediate aims, the breakup of the Islamic bloc and the disruption of the Ottoman Empire, and because the states the would set up would be as harmless to ourselves as Turkey was. If properly handled the Arab States would remain in a state of political mosaic, a tissue of jealous principalities incapable of cohesion, and yet always ready to combine against an outside force.[1]

Lord Palmerston

Edward Bulwer-Lytton

Up to that point, the British had been working to undermine the Ottoman Empire from within, by supporting the nationalistic causes of various ethnic communities and rival sects like, certain Sufi orders, and Freemasonry.[2] These actions were mainly the work of the Oxford Movement, whose sponsors were the British Royal family, and many leading prime ministers and aides, such as Benjamin Disraeli, Lord Palmerston and the highly influential Edward Bulwer-Lytton. Bulwer-Lytton, the English politician and novelist who was immensely popular during his time, was also the “Great Patron” of the Societas Rosicruciana in Anglia (SRIA), and one of the leading occultists of his day. Overseeing the movement was Scottish Rite Freemasonry, whereby missionaries were assigned to build branches of the rite throughout the Empire.[3]

Under the guidance Palmerston, who served as Prime Minister of England, Giuseppe Mazzini, who had apparently succeeded Weihaupt as head of the Illuminati, had organized all his revolutionary sects: Young Italy, Young Poland, and Young Europe.[4] In 1870, Mazzini along with Palmerston, Otto von Bismarck and Albert Pike, all thirty third degree Scottish Rite Masons, completed an agreement to create a supreme universal rite of Masonry that would arch over all the other rites. Known as the Palladium Rite, it was to be the pinnacle of Masonic power.

Pike had been assisted in the founding of the KKK by Judah P. Benjamin, the individual who gave the order for Lincoln’s assassination.[5] Benjamin was a British subject and leader of the B’nai B’rith and the Order of Zion, whose funding came from the London and Paris banking houses of Rothschild, Montefiore, and de Hirsch. According to Jeffrey Steinberg et al., in Dope Inc, the Order of Zion formed part of an underground network of subversion headed by Lord Palmerston, as Patriarch of the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry.[6] The Order of Zion was the elite secret arm of the masonic-style order Alliance Israëlite Universelle, whose American arm was the B’nai B’rith. The Alliance was founded in 1860, by Benjamin Disraeli, as well as Moses Montefiore and Adolph Cremieux (1796 – 1880), Supreme Council of the Order of Misraïm, as well as Grand Master of Scottish Rite Freemasonry.

Abdul Qadir al Jazairi

One of the chief agents of the Oxford Movement was Jamal ud Din al Afghani, who despite being the Grand Master of the Egyptian Freemasons, came to be regarded as the founder of the fundamentalist reform movement of Islam known as Salafism, from which emerged the Muslim Brotherhood, the primary agents of Western policy in the Middle East.

Afghani was part of a wider circle of British espionage that was centered around the person of Abdul Qadir al Jazairi, (1808 – 1883), an Algerian national hero who led a struggle against the French invasion of their country in the mid-nineteenth century. Abdul Qadir was ultimately forced to surrender, and eventually settled in Damacus, Syria, under a generous pension from the French.

In 1860, he attained international fame when he and his personal guard saved large numbers of Christians who had come under attack by the local Druze population. As reward, the French government bestowed on him the Grand Cross of the Légion d’honneur and he was also honored by Abraham Lincoln. As well, the town of Elkaker of Iowa was named after him.

Edward Scawen-Blunt

Abdul Qadir was also friends with Jane Digby and Sir Richard Burton, the famous British explorer, spy and fellow Freemason, who had been made consul in Damascus in 1869. Digby, or Lady Ellenborough (1807-1881), was an English aristocrat who lived a scandalous life of romantic adventures, having had four husbands and many lovers. She died in Damascus, Syria as the wife of Arab Sheikh Medjuel al Mezrab, who was twenty years her younger. Burton (1821-1890) is best-known for traveling in disguise to Mecca, his search for the source of the Nile, as well as a translation of One Thousand and One Nights and bringing the Kama Sutra to publication in English. Ouida reported in 1906 that “Men at the FO [Foreign Office] …used to hint dark horrors about Burton, and certainly justly or unjustly he was disliked, feared and suspected… not for what he had done, but for what he was believed capable of doing.”[7]

Jamal ud Din al Afghani

Burton and Digby were also close friends of Afghani’s handler, Wilfred Scawen Blunt and his wife Lady Anne, a grand-daughter of poet Lord Byron. Blunt had supposedly become a convert to Islam under the influence of Afghani, and shared his hopes of establishing a British-sponsored Arab Caliphate based in Mecca to replace the Ottoman Sultan in Istanbul. When Blunt visited Abdul Qadir in 1881, he decided that he was the most promising candidate for Caliphate, an opinion shared by Afghani and his disciple, Mohammed Abduh.[8]

Burton was also an avid occultist, and like Abdul Qadir, a member of the Qadiriyya Sufi order, because

“Sufism,” he claimed, is “the Eastern parent of Freemasonry.”[9] Burton was also a member of the Theosophical Society, started by Helena P. Blavatsky, who visited him in Damascus. Blavatsky was the great oracle of the Occult Revival of the late eighteenth century, whose channeled books are considered “scriptures” of Freemasonry, and who is regarded as the godmother of the New Age movement. According to historian K. Paul Johnson, Afghani was one of Blavatsky’s “Ascended Masters,” from whom she learned her central doctrines. Afghani was the reputed head of a mysterious order known as the Hermetic Brotherhood of Luxor, which exercised a profound influence over the occult societies of the period, culminating in the Ordo Templi Orientis (OTO) of the scandalous Aleister Crowley.


Gérard Encausse (aka Papus)

Jamal Aghani was in Russia in 1886, where according to Scawen Blunt, he "threw himself into the opposite camp, that of the advocates of a Russo-Turkish alliance against England."[10] Afghani joined up with Blavatsky’s publisher, Mikhail Katkoff, who was interested in organizing anti-British agitation in Central Asia and India. These activities were in alignment with the new political directions of the Great Game, that would feature actors connected to the Theosophical Society and the Martinist Order, headed by Gérard Encausse, also known as Papus. As a young man, Encausse studied Kabbalah and later joined the French Theosophical Society, and was also a member of the Hermetic Brotherhood of Luxor and the Golden Dawn.

In establishing the Kabbalistic Order of the Rose-Croix (OKR+C), which came to be regarded as the “inner circle” of the Martinist Order, Papus dreamed of uniting occultists into a revived Rosicrucian brotherhood, as an international occult order, in which he hoped the Russian Empire would play a leading role as the bridge between East and West.[11]

Papus believed that the vast Russian Empire was the only power capable of thwarting the conspiracy of the “Shadow Brothers,” and to prepare for the coming war with Germany. Papus served Tsar Nicholas II and Tsarina Alexandra both as physician and occult consultant. Through Papus the Imperial family became acquainted with his friend and spiritual mentor, the mystic Maître Philippe who exercised an important influence on the royal family before Rasputin. He was believed to possess remarkable healing powers, as well as the ability to control lightning, to travel invisibly. The purported forgers of the Protocols of Zion were also said to have made use of an earlier version of the work discovered by Papus.[12]

Papus had founded the OKR+C along with Saint-Yves d’Alveydre, who proposed the political philosophy of synarchism, which became the bedrock of much twentieth century fascism. Saint-Yves was Grand Master of the Martinist Order, and close to Victor Hugo and to Bulwer-Lytton’s son, the Earl of Lytton, a former Ambassador to France and Viceroy of India. Neville Bulwer-Lytton, the son of the Earl of Lytton, married Judith Blunt-Lytton, the daughter of Wilfred Scawen Blunt and Lady Anne.

Saint-Yves d'Alveydre

It was after 1885 that Saint-Yves began to refer to an Asian origin of synarchism, after he met the mysterious Haji Sharif. Although Haji Sharif presented himself as “a high official in the Hindu church,” he had a Muslim name, and was familiar with Hebrew and Arabic. This Haji Sharif would most certainly refer to Jamal ud Din al Afghani. In 1885, Afghani was in France, and with his disciple Muhammad Abduh, he began publishing an Arabic newspaper in Paris entitled “The Indissoluble Blond,” also the name of a secret organization he founded two years earlier. Among the members of Afghani’s circle in Paris were Christian and Jewish Middle Easterners with connections to Wilfred Blunt, as well as the Egyptian-Jewish actor and James Sanua, who was a travelling companion of Blavatsky.[13]

Synarchy came to mean “rule by secret societies,” serving as priestly class in direct communication with the “gods,” meaning the Ascended Masters of Agartha, a legendary city that is said to reside in the hollow earth. Agartha was connected to the myth of Shambhala, popularized by Blavatsky as the legendary home of the Aryan race, and derived its influence from Bulwer-Lytton’s occult novel, The Coming Race or Vril: The Power of the Coming Race.

Like Shambhala, Agartha was situated in Central Asia, which connected it to the myth of the Lost Tribes of Israel, who were expected by Jews to come forth at the advent of the messiah to assist him in his conquest of the world. In Medieval times, the so-called Lost Tribes of Israel were known to the Jews as "Red Jews," and believed to reside in Central Asia, where they had been absorbed among the Turkic peoples, themselves believed to be descended from Gog and Magog.

Alexander the Great

According to Colin Gow, the legend of the Red Jews was a conflation of three separate traditions: the prophetic references to Gog and Magog, the Ten Lost Tribes of Israel, and an episode from the Alexander Romance. In the Alexander Romance, the earliest version of which was produced in the third century AD, with the aid of God, Alexander and his men closed the narrow pass in the Caucasus by constructing a huge wall of steel, keeping the barbarous Gog and Magog from pillaging the peaceful southern lands. The wall has been frequently identified with the Caspian Gates of Derbent, Russia, and with the Pass of Darial, on the border between Russia and Georgia. An alternative theory links it to the Great Wall of Gorgan, also known as "Alexander's Wall,” on the south-eastern shore of the Caspian Sea, 180 km of which is still preserved to this day.

The accounts are reflected in the enigmatic figure mentioned in the Quran, named Dhul-Qarnayn, literally "He of the Two Horns.” Similarly, on Macedonian coinage of the third century BC, Alexander was typically portrayed with ram’s horns. According to Hadith, unable to pass the wall, Gog and Magog have been digging below ground ever since, but will emerge at the time of the return of the Messiah Jesus, to afflict the earth, but Jesus will pray to God to eradicate them.[14]

According to Jewish legends, the Lost Tribes of Israel were said to have been carried in the eighth century BC to a place called “Arzareth,” referring to the Araxes, a river that borders Armenia, Iran and Azerbaijan. Azraeth is also connected to Asgaard, the legendary homeland of Odin, the forefather of the Scandinavians. In the 1870s, Ernest Renan was inspired to place Asgaard in Central Asia. Another French writer, Louis Jacolliot (1837 – 1890), in Les Fils de Dieu (“The Sons of God”) wrote at the same time about a city of “Asgartha.”


Réne Guénon

Papus, the most high-profile follower of Saint-Yves, worked to put the synarchist ideals into practice by fusing the various secret societies of his day. He organized an “International Masonic Conference” in Paris in 1908 at which he first met Theodor Reuss the founder of the OTO of Aleister Crowley. Reciprocally, Papus assisted Reuss in the formation of the OTO’s Gnostic Catholic Church, based on Crowley’s Book of the Law. In 1913, Papus was elected to the office of Grand Hierophant of the Rites of Memphis and Misraïm.

Papus had a particular influence on one of the most influential occultists of the twentieth century, René Guénon (1886 – 1951), who would continue to offer intellectual inspiration to much of the political right.[15] Guénon was initiated into Martinism and the Rite of Memphis-Mizraim in 1907, and the OKR+C. Guénon founded the occult school of Traditionalism, which suggests that all exoteric religions share a single underlying occult tradition. Therefore, according to Guénon, one could choose any religion as one’s outward belief, and so he chose Islam.

Guénon was initiated in 1912 in the Shadhili Sufi order, which had been involved in a scandal that included Richard Burton. The inner circle of the Shadhili met at Abdul Qadir’s residence in Damascus to meditate and pray “for enlightenment before the throne of God.”[16] Finally, as related by Burton’s wife Isabel, they become conscious of a presence among them and used to hear and see things they did not understand. Finally, they received a vision that assured them it was the religion of Christianity which they were seeking. Richard and Isabel threw their support behind the Shadhili, and attempted to secure support for their conversion. But the British government, fearing the political consequences, removed Burton from his post in Damascus.[17]

Guénon’s initiation was effected by Swedish convert to Islam Ivan Aguéli, who was also interested in Kabbalah, and performed under the authority of the friend of Abdul Qadir al Jazairi, Sheikh Abder Rahman Illaysh al Kabir, a Freemason and head of the Maliki Madhhab at Al Azhar University. As a Freemason, al Kabir also aimed to demonstrate the relationship between the symbols of Freemasonry and Islam.[18] Al Kabir was responsible for the Fatwa that launched the Urabi revolt, that ultimately provided a pretext for the British to move in and “protect” the Suez Canal. The agent-provocateur revolt was followed by a formal invasion and occupation that made Egypt a colony.

The two principle organizations behind the revolt were created by Jamal Afghani: a nationalist organization called Nationalist Liberal Party, which was assisted by Scawen Blunt, and the Mazzini-inspired Young Egypt. Both were united in their membership in Afghani’s French Masonic lodges.

Arminius Vambery

When Afghani founded Young Egypt, it was mainly composed of members of the Young Turks, a Masonic political party, also known as the Committee of Union and Progress (CUP), who were the primary agents for the overthrow of the Ottoman caliphate, and inspired by the ambitions of Pan-Turksim. Pan-Turkism was first called for in the 1860s by a Hungarian Zionist named Arminius Vambery (1832-1913), an agent for Lord Palmerston, who had become an adviser to the Ottoman Sultan.[19] Vambery was inspired by Alexander Csoma de Körös, who was an important source for Blavatsky, and the first in the West to mention Shambhala, which he regarded as the origin of the Turkish people, and which he situated in the Altai mountains and Xinjiang.

Vambery’s reputation in England as an expert on Muslims began with his publication of Arminius Vambery: His Life and Adventures, about his travels throughout the Middle East and Central Asia disguised as a dervish between 1862-64. Vambery also chronicled the strange vampire and other legends of the Balkans, and knew author and Golden Dawn member Bram Stoker, to whom he acted as his consultant on Transylvanian culture. The character of Professor Van Helsing in Stoker’s novel, Dracula, is said to be based on Vambery.

The Young Turks were created in the 1890s by a prominent Sephardic Jewish family in Ottoman Salonika (modern Thessaloniki, Greece) and an official of the Italian B’nai B’rith, named Emmanuel Carasso. Carasso was also the grand master of an Italian masonic lodge there called “Macedonia Resurrected.” The lodge was the headquarters of the Young Turks, and all the top Young Turk leadership were members. The Italian masonic lodges in the Ottoman Empire had been set up by a follower of Mazzini named Emmanuel Veneziano, who was also a leader of the European affiliate of the B’nai B’rith, as well as the Alliance Israëlite Universelle.[20]

Young Turk revolt in 1908

Abdul Hamid II, the Ottoman Sultan, was overthrown in 1908 in a military coup carried out by the Young Turks, who seized power over the Empire. While in power, the Young Turks ran several newspapers including The Young Turk, of which Zeev Jabotinsky was the editor. Jabotinsky was the founder of Revisionist Zionism, on which the policy of the Zionist terrorist faction the Irgun was based, and helped form the Jewish Legion of the British army in World War I. He was educated as a young man in Italy, and later described Mazzini’s ideas as the basis for the Zionist movement. Jabotinsky arrived in Turkey shortly after the Young Turks seized power, to take over the paper. The paper was owned by a member of the Turkish cabinet, but it was funded by the Russian Zionist federation, and managed by the B’nai B’rith.[21]

Turkish nationalism based on the pseudoscientific race theories of Europe had become the guiding ideology of the Young Turks.[22] From the middle of the nineteenth century, the British had worked to develop an alliance between several leading Sufi orders in Turkey, such as the Bektashi who had strong associations with the crypto-Jewish community of the Dönmeh, as well as the Naqshabandi, and the Scottish Rite Freemasons of Afghani and his followers.[23]

Like the Nazis, the Pan-Turkists aspired to return to the true pagan heritage of their nation. Through the influence of the beliefs of the Bektashi Sufis, Pan-Turkism aspired at reviving shamanism as the true religion of the Turkish heritage. Following the collapse of the Ottoman Empire, the Young Turks expanded on the ambitions of Pan-Turkism and tried to replace the lost legacy with a new Turkish commonwealth. The legend of Agartha was therefore promulgated by Ataturk, who sought to create a sense of nationalism to replace the religion of Islam as the primary identity of the new Turkish secular regime.[24]

The Muslim Brotherhood

Hasan al Banna

Afghani’s chief pupil, Mohammed Abduh, also Masonic Grand Master of the United Lodge of Egypt, was made the Grand Mufti of Egypt, the chief legal authority in Islam, by Lord Cromer, where he instituted reforms that benefitted British imperial objectives. Abduh’s pupil, Rashid Rida, also a Freemason and a known reformer, was the mentor of Hasan al Banna, the founder of the Muslim Brotherhood. Banna’s Brotherhood was established with a grant from England’s Suez Canal Company in 1928, and over the following quarter century would be at the disposal of British diplomats and MI6 as a tool of British policy.[25]

Abdel Halim Mahmoud

More disturbingly, John Loftus, a former US government prosecutor and former Army intelligence officer, discovered that Hitler commissioned al Banna to found the Muslim Brotherhood, to serve as an arm of German intelligence in the Middle East.[26] Effectively, the Nazi Party was the result of a merging of the German branch of Crowley’s OTO and the Thule Gesellschaft of Germany, whose notions of Aryan superiority were derived from the ideas of Blavatsky and Edward Bulwer-Lytton. Thus the Brotherhood and the Nazis represented two branches of the influence of Jamal Afghani.

From early on, al Banna was a member of a sub-branch of the Shadhili Sufi order.[27] Many of the head lecturers of al Azhar University in Cairo have also been followers of the Shadhili. Prominent among them was a friend to René Guénon, Abdel Halim Mahmoud, who eventually served as Grand Imam of Al Azhar and became an important source of inspiration for members of the Muslim Brotherhood, and his articles were published in their magazines.

Louis Pauwels and Jacques Bergier note in their classic work, The Morning of the Magicians, that Nazism was “’Guénonism’ plus tanks.”[28] Guénon later dedicated his book The Symbolism of the Cross to al Kabir. By “cross,” Guénon meant the occult symbol of the swastika, employed by the Nazis as a symbol of their “Aryan” heritage. Guénon regarded the swastika as “a truly universal symbol.”

Idries Shah

In addition to Guénon, two important mystics who contributed to the myth of the Sufi origin of Freemasonry were George Gurdjieff and Idries Shah who, as reported by Robert Dreyfuss in Hostage to Khomeini, worked with the Muslim Brotherhood in London. Shah’s chief associate was Gurdjieff disciple, J. G. Bennett, head of British intelligence in Istanbul. As the secretary to Gerald Gardner, one of the key representatives of Wicca, whose rituals he developed with Aleister Crowley, Shah was responsible for popularizing that European witchcraft, as well as the occult tradition in general, was derived from Sufism. Specifically, in The Sufis, Shah mentions as a source of this occult tradition the Aniza tribe, to which belonged not only Jane Digby’s husband Sheikh Medjuel al Mezrab, but most importantly, the royal families of Saudi Arabia and Kuwait. Shah’s claim may reveal the hidden basis for the collaboration between the West and Saudi Arabia, which has been the primary source of funding for the Muslim Brotherhood’s activities, conducted on behalf of the CIA.

Shah was also a member of the Club of Rome, a project initiated by the Rockefeller family at their estate at Bellagio, Italy.[29] The founders of the Club of Rome were all senior officials of NATO. These included Aurelio Peccei, the chairman of Fiat who was also chairman of the Economic Committee of the Atlantic Institute, and Alexander King, the co-founder, who was Director General of Scientific Affairs of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD).

Seyyed Hossein Nasr

In 1965, Shah founded SUFI (Society for Understanding Fundamental Ideas), and dubbed himself Great-Sheikh, not only of the Naqshbandi, but of all Sufi orders. Several presentations were given by scientists like Alexander King to the Institute for Cultural Research (ICR), which evolved from SUFI.[30] Other visitors, pupils, and would-be pupils included the poet Ted Hughes, novelists Alan Sillitoe and Doris Lessing, zoologist Desmond Morris, and psychologist Robert Ornstein. Over the following years, Shah established Octagon Press as a means of distributing reprints of translations of Sufi classics. Several of Shah's books were discussed the Rand Corporation.[31]

At a November 1977 Lisbon conference sponsored by the Interreligious Peace Colloquium—an organization set up by Cyrus Vance and Sol Linowitz—Peccei conspired with several leading members of the Muslim Brotherhood, particularly with the well-known Iranian “court philosopher” who was highly active during the Iranian revolution of 1979, Seyyed Hossein Nasr of Teheran University, a personal friend of the Shah of Iran.[32]

Nasr is a Perennialist in the school of Guénon’s Traditionalism. Nasr was initiated into the Shadhili by Ahmad al-Alawi (1869-1934), who had been recommended to him by Guénon. Al-Alawi had founded the Alawiyya branch of Shadhili after supposedly being instructed to adopt the name for the order and himself in a personal vision of Ali, the Prophet Muhammed’s son-in-law.

Frithjof Schuon

Nasr was a student of Guénon’s leading disciple Frithjof Schuon who established the Maryamiyya branch of the Shadhili in Europe and North America. Some of Schuon’s most eminent students include supposed converts to Islam, Titus Burckhardt and Martin Lings, best known as the author of a very popular and positively reviewed biography of Muhammad, first published in 1983. But according to Andrew Rawlinson, in Book of Enlightened Masters, Schuon was not as a pious Sufi but as a charlatan.

Shuon was also interested in Native American sacred traditions, and was adopted by a Sioux family and Crow medicine man and Sun Dance chief. The author of Against the Modern World, Mark Sedgwick discovered photos sent to him by Rawlinson, showing Shuon dressed up as a Native American chief, surrounded by young women in bikinis. Another showed Schuon naked, except for what looked like a Viking helmet. Another showed a painting by Schuon of a nude Virgin Mary, who is known as Myriam in the Quran, after which his order is named. Burckhardt expressed concerns about Schuon and episodes “involving women,” but reminded other Maryiamis that the followers of a Sheikh [Sufi master] should judge him by his teachings, not his actions![33]

In 1976, the Traditionalist views of the Maryamiyya featured prominently in the World of Islam Festival in London. It involved Queen Elizabeth II, who opened the festival, as well as the archbishop of Canterbury who received Abdel Halim Mahmoud. Exhibitions were managed by Seyyed Hossein Nasr and Martin Lings, and though books by Traditionalists and Maryamiyya featured throughout, the festival generated much favourable publicity for “traditional” Islam.

Burckhardt is read by Prince Charles, and according to Sedgwick, “Traditionalist influences are increasingly visible in some of his speeches,” which explains rumors of his supposed conversion to Islam.[34] Prince Charles has also written a foreword to Lings' book on the esoteric meanings in Shakespeare's plays. Prince Charles' close friend and spiritual mentor, Sir Laurens van der Post, a friend and follower of Carl Jung, introduced him to Temenos, a publication of Schuon's followers. One of these was English poet and literary critic Katherine Raine, who studied spiritual magic with a group she identified as descended from the Golden Dawn. Prince Charles then encouraged Raine to establish the Temenos Academy, within his own Prince's Foundation.

The New Great Game

After World War II, the pretext of a Cold War with the Soviet Union was used by the US to carry out covert action in all countries of the world. CIA chief Allen Dulles devised a plan whereby on the explicit request of the Pentagon, secret armies of fascist terrorists, including many former leading Nazis, were set up across Western Europe with the coordination of NATO, known “Stay Behind” units. The most infamous “stay-behind” unit was Operation Gladio of Italy, which was responsible for the Strategy of Tension, which carried out false-flag terror operations to discredit the popular communist party, culminating in the assassination of Aldo Moro by the Red Brigades and the Bologna train station massacre of 1980.

Julius Evola

The chief inspiration for the fascist Gladio networks was Julius Evola (1898-1974), who is recognized as the primary heir of Réne Guénon’s Traditionalism.[35] Evola reflected the synarchist belief in the authority of adepts of secret societies. According to Evola, the superior priestly class of the world of Tradition was not merely a professional priesthood, but royalty itself because, in Evola’s view, temporal power proceeded from spiritual authority.

Mussolini, being impressed by these ideas, backed Evola’s launch of the journal Blood and Spirit. Evola traveled to Germany in 1942 and obtained support for German collaboration on the publication from leading Nazi race theorists. In the post-war years, Evola's writings were held in high esteem by members of the neo-fascist movement in Italy. According to one scholar, “Evola’s thought can be considered one of the most radically and consistently antiegalitarian, antiliberal, antidemocratic, and antipopular systems in the twentieth century."[36]

Julius Evola has been the primary inspiration to Alexandr Dugin, who is part of a plot involving the Turkish branch of Gladio, to dupe the Muslim peoples of Central Asia into creating a Neo-Caliphate with the support of Russia.

Although the Americans managed to defeat the Soviet Union, conflict with the two remaining powers of Russia and China for control of Central Asia is not yet over, and the New Great Game continues. And just as the occult legend of Shambhala was employed by the competing sides in the earlier episodes of the Great Game, now that the American’s have secured their hold in much of the region, so the same legend continues to be featured in the US’s actions, but now more precisely in the region said to be the location of the legendary city, Xinxiang, China.

To this purpose, the same pan-Turkism that first gave rise to the popularization of the story of Shambhala is being used by the Americans, in a covert strategy that is deceptively exploiting the notion of uniting Turkic peoples of Central Asia and under a neo-Caliphate to be ruled from Turkey.

The Turkish Gladio, known as Counter-Guerrilla, have exerted great influence over the country’s Cold War history, and were responsible for numerous unsolved acts of violence. Counter-Guerrilla were responsible for the development of the Ergenekon, the name given to an alleged clandestine, Kemalist ultra-nationalist organization in Turkey, with ties to members of the country’s military and security forces. “Ergenekon” is a name deriving from a supposed Turkish legend describing it as a mythical place located in Eurasia, in the inaccessible valleys of the Altai Mountains, serving as a model for the synarchist idea of the mythical underground realm of Agartha.[37]

The Ergenekon connection to Agartha is related to the Pan-Turkism movement, which the US sought to exploit after World War II in their continuing fight against communism. The Paris-based Intelligence Newsletter reported in 1990 that they had obtained declassified strategy documents with specific reference in how the Pan-Turkism movement could be exploited strategically by the United States.[38]

Colonel Alparsan Turks

US support of Pan-Turkism in bolstering Turkey’s role in NATO came in the person of a right-wing extremist named Colonel Alparsan Turks, who during World War II had been the contact person of the Nazis in Turkey. After the war, Turks made contacts with the CIA in 1948 and set up a secret anti-Communist stay-behind army in Turkey, eventually renamed the Special Forces Command, which operated Counter-Guerrilla.[39] To staff the Counter-Guerrilla, Turks had recruited heavily among the Grey Wolves, a right-wing terrorist group which he also ran.

Based explicitly on the Pan-Turkism movement, the Grey Wolves derived their name and flag from the mythological legend of the grey wolves that led the Turk peoples out of Asia to their homeland in Anatolia. The Grey Wolves’ dream is to create the “Turan,” the “Great Turkish Empire,” to include all Turkic peoples of the Central Asian countries of the former Soviet Union, as well as the Caucasus and the Uighurs' homeland of East Turkestan in the Xinjiang, China.

According to Turkish authorities, the Grey Wolves carried out 694 murders between 1974 and 1980.[40] As related by investigative reporter Lucy Komisar, the 1981 attempt on John Paul II's life by Grey Wolves member Mehmet Ali Agca may have been related to Gladio.[41]


Alexandr Dugin

Alexandr Dugin is the suspected leader of Ergenekon.[42] But Dugin is not a Turk. He is a Russian, and the most popular ideologist of Russian expansionism, nationalism, and fascism. He was born in Moscow into a family of a high-ranking Soviet military intelligence officer, and continues to have close ties to the Kremlin and Russian military. There were many reports that Dugin’s Eurasia Movement was heavily funded by associations of retired officers of the SVR and the FSB, the foreign intelligence and domestic security services into which the Soveit KBG had been divided in 1991.[43]

Dugin likes to see himself as the inheritor of the “ancient Eurasian order,” elements of which were already present in the Sicherheitsdienst (SD), the secret service of the SS.[44] Like Zbigniew Brzezinski, Dugin is also a follower of Sir Halford Mackinder, seeing Central Asia as a key aspect of geopolitics, but taking the reverse view, where he sees Russia as needing to create a Eurasian block to impede American imperialism.

Dugin’s platform is the basis of the Eurasia Party which he founded in 2001. After the fall of the Soviet Union, Dugin posited that Russian civilization does not belong in the “European” category, and that the October Revolution of the Bolsheviks was a necessary reaction to the modernization of Russian society. It suggested that the Soviet regime was capable of evolving into a new national, non-European Orthodox Christian government, shedding off the initial mask of proletarian internationalism and militant atheism.

Sometimes called Greater Russia, the movement closely aligned to Pan-Turkism, and is described as a political aspiration of pan-Russian nationalists to retake some or all of the territories of the other republics of the former Soviet Union, and territory of the former Russian Empire, and amalgamate them into a single Russian state.

Gaydar Jamal

Dugin’s call for an alliance with Islam is reflected in his associate Gaydar Jamal, a Muscovite of Azerbaijani origin, who exemplified the relationship between Traditionalism and Islamic extremism. Once a member of Naqshbandi Sufism, Jamal was the founder of the Party of the Islamic Renaissance (PIR) in 1990. In 1992, Jamal led a splinter group towards alliances with Islamist extremists in the Middle East and with the domestic opposition to Yeltsin, in the form of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation (CPRF).

Hasan al Turabi

Jamal’s relations with the Middle East included Hasan al Turabi, leader of the Sudanese Islamic Front. In 1991, after he left Saudi Arabia for his opposition to Ibn Baz’s Gulf War Fatwa, bin Laden first went to Pakistan and back to Afghanistan, before finally settling in Sudan. General Omar Hassan al-Bashir had taken power in a military coup in 1989. Just a few months later, at a Muslim Brotherhood meeting in London, it was decided that Sudan would be a new base for the Islamist movement, and a Muslim Brotherhood leadership council of nineteen members was subsequently established in Khartoum under Turabi, who would emerge as the real power in the Sudanese regime.[45] According to bin Laden biographer Roland Jacquard, Turabi visited London in 1992 and was a guest at the Round Table’s Royal Institute of International Affairs (RIIA).[46] In addition, Turabi seems to have Masonic connections. When their relationship had broken down, and after Turabi had foiled an attempted coup by him and his party, Bashir denounced Turabi as being sponsored by “Zionists and freemasons.”[47]

Jamal’s PIR was replaced by the Islamic Committee of Russia (ICR), which became part of a network of radical Islamic movements under Turabi’s leadership, which included Hamas in Palestine and Hezbollah in Lebanon.[48] According to Jamal’s own admission, in 1999 the ICR formed a united front with the Movement in Support of the Army, Defence Industry and Military Science, an independent opposition group aligned with the CPRF and run by the chairman of the Duma State Security Committee.

Claudio Mutti

Another example of the meeting of Traditionalism and radical Islam is Claudio Mutti, whose works have been promoted by Dugin. Mutti was also apparently a friend of Luc Jouret, the founder of the notorious Solar Temple mass suicide cult with links to Gladio.[49] Mutti, a one-time follower of Franco Freda, converted to Islam through the influence of Guénon, which he discovered through his study of Evola. From 1971 onwards, Freda had been put on trial several times, notably for involvement in the Strategy of Tension. Although eventually acquitted he spent several years in jail for the crime of “subversive association.”

Mutti had taught Romanian and Hungarian at the University of Bologna, before losing that job when he also had to serve a prison term for his terrorist activities. Mutti founded the publishing house Edizioni all’Insegna del Veltro, which published the works of Evola, Nazi ideologue Johann von Leers, Nazi occultist Savitri Devi and Holocaust denier Robert Faurisson. When he converted to Islam, Mutti took the name of Omar Amin, in honor of Johann von Leers, Goebbels’s former anti-Semitic propaganda expert, who had taken the same name before him on his own conversion, when heading Gamal Nasser’s anti-Jewish broadcasting service in Egypt.[50]

Ian Dallas, a.k.a. Abdalqadir al-Murabit

Mutti was also appointed Emir in the notorious Murabitun Movement, founded by a Scottish convert to Islam named Ian Dallas, a.k.a. Sheikh Abdalqadir al-Murabit. Dallas is also a member of a branch of the Shadhili Sufi order, also descended from Ahmad Al-Alawi, Guénon’s friend who initiated Schuon into the order. Dallas celebrates Hitler as a “great genius and great vision,” praises Wagner as the “most spiritual of men among men in a age of darkness,” and regards the black stone of the Kabbah in Mecca as the Holy Grail. In 1990, he held a symposium in honor of the occultist Ernst Junger, one of the fathers of Nazi ideology, and which ended with a Masonic ceremonial. Also in attendance was Albert Hofmann, the scientist who discovered LSD, associated with the CIA’s MK-Ultra program.[51]

Dugin’s ideas, particularly those on “a Turkic-Slavic alliance in the Eurasian sphere” have recently become popular among certain nationalistic circles in Turkey, most notably among alleged members of Ergenekon. The most prominent figure is Dogu Perinçek, the leader of the Workers Party, and an associate of Dugin, who in 2008 was arrested on suspicion of being a member of Ergenekon. Perinçek combines Kemalism with Marxism but is also a neo-Eurasianist, meaning that he strives towards an alliance between Turkey, Russia, Iran and the Central Asian republics against the Western hemisphere.[52]

Fethullah Gülen

Despite its claims of presenting an obstacle to American imperialism, Neo-Eurasianism is aligned with recent American designs in Central Asia, through the assistance of the network of Fethullah Gülen and his links to Counter-Guerrilla, who have been fronting for the CIA in the radicalization of Central Asia, involving drug trafficking, money laundering, the nuclear black market, and false-flag terrorism. The Pan-Turkism ideals espoused by Gülen, as an ostensible project of creating a pan-Islamic Caliphate to be ruled from Turkey, is merely part of America’s post Cold War strategy to control Central Asia with the aim of containing Russia and China.

Coordination with the Gülen movement is tied to recent plans to confront China through the support of an independence movement of the Uighurs, a Turkic and predominantly Muslim minority of Xinjiang, in northwestern China. In other words, the supposed location of Agartha. The CIA plotting came to a head in July 2009, with a series of violent clashes that erupted between Uighurs and the Chinese state police and Han Chinese residents in Xinjiang. As was also stated in 2004, with regards to the separatist moves over Xinjiang, according to TurkPulse: “One of the main tools Washington is using in this affair in order to get Turkey involved in the Xinjiang affair is some Turkish Americans, primarily the Fetullah Gülen.”[53]

The majority of the information pertaining to these covert activities has been revealed by FBI translator Sibel Edmonds has claimed, on Iranian state-owned Press TV, that the US was on intimate terms with the Taliban and Al-Qaeda, using them to further certain goals in Central Asia, right up until 9/11.[54] Her highly astute observation is as follows, in full:

    You’ve got to look at the big picture. After the fall of the Soviet Union, the super powers began to fight over control of Central Asia, particularly the oil and gas wealth, as well as the strategic value of the region.

    Given the history, and the distrust of the West, the US realized that it couldn’t get direct control, and therefore would need to use a proxy to gain control quickly and effectively. Turkey was the perfect proxy; a NATO ally and a puppet regime. Turkey shares the same heritage/race as the entire population of Central Asia, the same language (Turkic), the same religion (Sunni Islam), and of course, the strategic location and proximity.

    This started more than a decade-long illegal, covert operation in Central Asia by a small group in the US intent on furthering the oil industry and the Military Industrial Complex, using Turkish operatives, Saudi partners and Pakistani allies, furthering this objective in the name of Islam.

    This is why I have been saying repeatedly that these illegal covert operations by the Turks and certain US persons dates back to 1996, and involves terrorist activities, narcotics, weapons smuggling and money laundering, converging around the same operations and involving the same actors.

    And I want to emphasize that this is “illegal” because most, if not all, of the funding for these operations is not congressionally approved funding, but it comes from illegal activities.

    And one last thing, take a look at the people in the State Secrets Privilege Gallery on my website and you will see how these individuals can be traced to the following; Turkey, Central Asia, Pakistan and Saudi Arabia—and the activities involving these countries.

Views: 14091


You need to be a member of THE OFFICIAL RESISTANCE to add comments!


Comment by FaunusFirefly on January 26, 2014 at 8:12am
You had me at Jewish Marxists. That was most definitely quite perplexing given the time period and how anything remotely resembling a dictatorship had worked out for them in the past.
Comment by Myna on January 11, 2014 at 1:47pm

Wow! What an Intriguing reading.... Thank you, for you work and time.... much appreciated...


Comment by Russell Lukenbill on January 7, 2014 at 5:12pm

I take it back, i would delete my comment but not sure how.  lots of good information, just try and make it through, closer to being activated than I "thought".  Thanks guys, great information.

Comment by Allen on December 11, 2013 at 10:12pm

this is a good post.  check out gnosticmedia.com for other insights into the extent of social engineering.

Comment by Kris Khahyra on November 30, 2013 at 6:29pm

I came across this website and signed up as a member back in July or August, and read Sevan's THE CODE TO THE MATRIX, a very interesting and informative read. I have been researching the occult and History amongst other subjects intensely since 2007, which started due to me writing a feature length film script. Therefore, I was already familiar with a great deal of the information found within, however, Sevan's knowledge and experience gave me further insights into gaps I had not perceived or understood before, expanding my consciousnesses further. The code in itself was a perception altering experience and still need to investigate further in studying it. I have been working on a very important project of mine, and suffice to say, I got distracted in earthly work and somewhat lost awareness of The Resistance website. I came across David Livingstone's website 3-4 weeks ago and spend time researching his work as it is directly related to the project I have been working on.

Well, I woke up this morning with thoughts I needed to put on paper urgently, less I forget them. My writing led me to check my email which I have not checked in a while, as I have many different emails for various reasons. And who's email, and article do I find in my mail box? You guessed right, David's article sent to me by Sevan. I just love it when I experience such synchronicities, I am still left reeling in awe at these phenomenal occurrences even though it's been many years now and should be used to it. Just thought I should share, and it's good to be back, and I intend to stay in touch more often than not. Wholeness to you Sevan and the resistance family.

Comment by Russell Lukenbill on November 30, 2013 at 2:28am

So. After reading a small portion of the material above, I found myself wondering, if I continue to read this, will I be more involved in the game than I want to be? Will I gain new insight as to what and who my controller is? And would it do me any good to know? Considering the level of control, would it take me longer to effect this course of events as it is playing out in real time using my current skill set and position in society, or would it be quicker to learn how to be everything as this website and seven try to relay and teach us. And then why would we even read about them in the first place if we would already know everything and how to stop them or even not stop them if we didn't need to?


Not even close to being activated

Russell lukenbill

Comment by Maria Martin on November 29, 2013 at 11:50am

Wholeness Sucram!

Indeed there is a dark spider net. Knowing / becoming aware that there is one in my opinion can only work in the seeker's best interest. Information or dis-information is still food for thought - we still have the choice as to how much we consume, if any; and more importantly, what holds dominance / widespread influence over our conclusions? Is it our minds; our souls; feelings....  From the onset of our first breath,we hypnotically follow suit to "do as we do" - accepted 'things' as they appeared - the leaders have got 'everything' all under control (no need to worry); when in actual fact, they had 'everyone' all under control.

What one does with information / disinformation is still their choice - but 'knowing' is still better than not knowing!

Just thinking out loud! My aim is continuously strike a cord of balance within myself - can't leave it all up to the 'left' right! lol

Sucram,  you have provided me with much food for thought in YOUR summary of the above! Much appreciation!


Comment by Maria Martin on November 29, 2013 at 10:27am

After reading and listening to the above yesterday, I was prompted to re-read 'The Code To the Matrix' - actually, the first time was through the use of the video files on you-tube; but this time around, from the link provided on the homepage. This was quite an interesting experience, as I spent the entire night, plus early morning (approx 12 hrs); fully engrossed in the information, as I scrolled down each page; from beginning to end.

I think what contributed to my sudden overall tenacity in finding some resolve, was that sick feeling that surfaced after reading the above book excerpt - I saw myself or the role most of us play in the grand 'scheme' of it all - they're the leading characters, while most of us are just 'extras' who are used to created the desired illusion. Those who are not so 'lucky' to get a role as an 'extra' become the cheering audience who sit back and take in the show (the fans).

Anyone has any  thoughts / viewpoints  on the above excerpt.

I've often use the word / term ; (brainwashed or programmed) in reference to the state that many are under, and it never occurred to me that the word / term "hypnotized' is just as relevant or even more so, in describing the state that was imposed on us.

If you take the description of 'hypnosis':

An artificially induced altered state of consciousness, characterized by heightened suggestibility and receptivity to direction. 

"hypnotic"Inducing or tending to induce sleep.

....... It's time to wake up!............

Comment by Sucram on November 29, 2013 at 10:09am
This is a great summary of the various occult and philosophical backgrounds that shaped today’s status quo, but Is it really beneficial for myself to lift the curtain and disclose all the connections and secrets? What is my gain out of this investigation? The overall picture is likely to remain unclear and vague even after deep-digging except for one key fact: there is a dark spider net. But do the details really matter? More important seems the question why we want to know these secrets. In a positive sense we obviously want to expand and move forward and we want to make sure not become trapped. The lucky one, who is able to look at the this huge map from somewhat of an eagle perspective, will quickly figure out that with religion as one pole, Science/Darwinism as the anti-pole and the occult, the spiritual, the secret societies, capitalism, socialism and all the other “isms” in the middle, this map is actually the most confusing interlocked mess he has ever come across. Facing such complexity facts and logic are not likely to move us foreward, they are helpfull tools but still no key. It is a very difficult thing to judge on which side someone is, or to which side someone’s teaching or energy belongs. Is he on the good side? Is this the truth or is it desinformation? Is it a trap or will it enable me to move forward? Obviously, the mind can not be switched off, and these questions are present on any new piece of information that we encounter, but instead of letting the mind control us making us jump into these holes, we can control the mind and simply let go if it can not help and provide a definite answer, leaving the judgment and possible decision for our “feelings”. At first this can be as messy as depending on the mind alone: If you no longer only depend on facts for your rational mind to make logic decisions, it obviously becomes even more important to become precise and accurate on these internal “feelings”. This is obviously easier said then done. We experiences life through division and conflict, through relationship with others, and a divided view of spirit and life. Is this the voice Self, Soul, etc. or my subconscious vital ego voice energised by some kind of archetype or Oedipus complex? We are not used to the rather subtle silent voice within. In our loud western culture everything laid out is to attract and stimulate the rational or vital energies, that in many cases rule the house…. I go very much dacore with McKenna saying: “Culture is NOT your friend”. So, to overcome these limitations, we must embark on a process of self-discovery and a self transformation. To me, the real secrets that need to be revealed (and they are currently being disclosed) is the practical knowledge of what is enabling us and how; not the profound complex of spells that are set by whomever to disable us.
Comment by Maria Martin on November 28, 2013 at 8:34pm


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