Ok, so I'm willing to bet almost all of us have heard this John Lennon/ Beatles song, "I am the Walrus". The lyrics to his songs and the man himself continue to fascinate me. Especially now that…Continue
Change is here in my world but I am maintaining balance for the most part. I innerstand the frustration in looking around the external and observing what appears a decayal of certain humans and related destruction. Different vibrations exist for one to tap into yet the lower vibes remain visible and often felt for now. I sensed your frustration at that but am glad you yourself are well.
I was wondering if you have any information on the mer ka ba meditation, not the one in
Drunvalo Melchizedeks books, "The Ancient Secret of The Flower OF Life" but the secret meditation which few people have, it can be used for manifestation. I am also looking for any manifestation techniques that you might have, preferably those not requiring specific times and dates, as in the wiccan tradition.
Please frriend me on this site and send me any information you may have, thank you,
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Change is here in my world but I am maintaining balance for the most part. I innerstand the frustration in looking around the external and observing what appears a decayal of certain humans and related destruction. Different vibrations exist for one to tap into yet the lower vibes remain visible and often felt for now. I sensed your frustration at that but am glad you yourself are well.
How are things in your world?
Thanks Allen!!
"Welcome! Many Blessings sent to you!"
I was wondering if you have any information on the mer ka ba meditation, not the one in
Drunvalo Melchizedeks books, "The Ancient Secret of The Flower OF Life" but the secret meditation which few people have, it can be used for manifestation. I am also looking for any manifestation techniques that you might have, preferably those not requiring specific times and dates, as in the wiccan tradition.
Please frriend me on this site and send me any information you may have, thank you,
Chris Jacobs
Welcome; Wholeness.. Keep your Eyes open and your Soul pure :-)