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last night something amazing happened to me and a friend of mine, we wanted to do a shared dreaming experiment!.i was just thinking about that movie inception and i was like lets see if we can do that here right from home!..We envisioned a pre selected place and had full details of the sourrounding property and the actual meet up site..i had him listen to a Brain sync Lucid dreaming cd while i just vizualised manually.. during my visualization i saw him standing in front of the store as if…
ContinuePosted on December 31, 2011 at 8:29pm — 14 Comments
First off WBV to all
I'm just gonna dive right into this I was just sitting and having a convo with one of my lil Bros while reading the Post Earlier today that Sevan sent Everyone. When all of a sudden I was just hit with some info straight from the portal itself and what I learned is that WE not only Sevan are Responsible for the Building of and the Gathering of Resources that are required to in fact Build this Bridge that will get us all to the higher state of being we are so…
ContinuePosted on December 10, 2011 at 1:35pm — 5 Comments
What if We started viewing time counter clockwise instead of clockwise..if so could it be possible to travel back in time and undo this whole big heap of a mess we made?, or will going/thinking Counter-Clockwise symbolize the act of you returning back home and back to Wholeness?
Some people might say things like "Dont do that!, it's COUNTER_PRODUCTIVE!"..you see even THEY/YOU/EGO-DUDES/US...WHEW! lol.. want you to Steer away from anything Counter because Counter causes the…
ContinuePosted on October 26, 2011 at 2:05pm — 2 Comments
Posted on October 13, 2011 at 7:58pm — 7 Comments
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well since our last back and forth, i have had remarkable growth, and some amazing dream experiences, thank you for your suggestions. Sorry it took so long to get back in touch with you, get back to you soon Kv_Three_O_Five. wvb Take a look at this awesome painting/artwork, i just found it today when going through some old yes album covers. Not sure who it is by, but thought it was very creative to say the least.
added it to your photos. injoy :)
Going to try the mirror talking tonight and see if we can get liftoff. Wholeness. Thank you for being here.
You motivated me to share my sphere of knowledge with the resistance and its fresh how it gives back when you give in that way. I started to feel motivated to share even tho i haven't exactly mastered what I'm sharing. Its interesting cuz we each come from a different 'angle' when it comes to understanding the 'matrix' and the nature of realities construct, but its that much helpful when we share our insights. I followed your suggestions on reading up on some lucid techniques from various writers and seemed to have found one suited for me particularly. there was some technique you recently shared about looking in the mirror and telling oneself to awaken in the dream state. I'm most definitely getting the hang of remembering the dreams, just got a book to log in my experiences but have been just beneath the point of lucidity so thats my next step to take. thanks again and yea i look forward to more gems to be shared from your journey.
have you continued to blog or write about your experiences? i found your way of expression very fluid and understandable. When time permits, inform me and others that benefit from your stream of wisdom on your travels. 1love bro. be light
hope u still on it homie. dope science applied
Wholeness KV Thank you!
Hey nice to see you. Still cant get over the amazing experience we all had.. By far the greatest. Glad it helped you as well. :)
Mr. KV just wanna drop a quick line and tell you we are here for you brother whatever you need if I can do it I will just get at me, It has been an honor to meet with you and have had such a profound experience along your side I look forward to growing and building with you further YEE!!
Wholeness to you and your fam
Thanks for turning me on to this :)..will ttyl
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