@Aurora Thank You and You're Welcome..WBV
kv305 i cant begin 2 tell u how on time your comment wz 4 me. last 2 weeks i been caught up in a srt8 ego based prison of emotional pain and frankly, i thought i wuz way past that. :) i got my feelins hurt old school raw style, and i got completely lost on it; went smashing down back in2 the matrix from the lofty vantage point i had gained, I EVEN ATE SOME SUGAR! LOLOLOL. but u r right its a lesson, a reminder i have 2 b even MORE diligent in my regimen. but just your words alone really helped me c it, and once u can c it, u get this sort of instant relief, just like listening to 7. thank u so much
@ Aurora thanks i really do appreciate it and im happy to see that you're recognizing your Ego and still gaining progress even though it can be tough sometimes! trust me i know. but thats why we're here to help each other smooth out those rough edges of Innerstanding and Understanding.
Your ego is your Body so while your in it you cant really fight it because if you do you'll just be running around talking to yourself looking crazy lol and just creating more can only recognize that its there and try to figure out all of the many functions that the Body is capable of and also the many functions that it is not capable of. It's just a learning tool That your mind is Navigating Remember you are in the Driver seat So you control what things u latch on too and what things you Swipe Away! Remember all Negativity is, is just the take in the lesson and then Move on and thats Negating...Realizing, Learning From, then Letting Go! then you'll really start chillen and sittin and vibin back and watching your body do all the Work lol...WBV
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