Operation Conflict Negation Round 2- Heavens Getting a Little Bit Closer

Ok first of all Wholeness, Love And Forgiveness to us all Kv LOVES YOU! lol...and Welcome to another episode of "OCN ROUND 2"...Ok now today was rather interesting for Me/Us. Me and my Brothers and one of their friends were listing to the Audio book  "Disapesarance of the Universe by Gary Renard"..When my brother stopped and asked "If Nothing is Real Well How Come My Friend Grandmother just passed away? and we know for a fact that it's real because she isnt There Anymore!" "How Can heaven Be already Here When we Still have things like that Going On" he said...I Paused for A Moment and Then i Instructed Everyone in the House to follow me outside. It was between 1:30pm and 2pm today October 13th 2011 in Homestead fl...So as we walked outside i Told Everyone To Look Around and Tell me What They SEE!..My Mom immediately Pointed out butterflies A friend of ours who was there saw nicely planted full grown palm trees and flowers of all sorts and even a small little  Aloe Plant Growing in the Corner...I saw Green Grass and felt a Sense of real peace and Serenity, and for some reason the Sun was shining with just enough intensity as to not really annoy us with its sometime overpowering heat waves But actually revitalize us as We Walked outside, there was a very nice breeze blowing also and There was'nt a Conflict insight! Even the Birds were flying around singing as if there were simply play and having a good time, it was as if we were Getting a little Tiny Bite sized glympse of what heaven would really be like! And Boy was that a Tasty Bite! No conflict No Deaths No accidents, Just beauty!..I explained to them that this is what Heaven is and this is what Real Reality is.No illusions just life!. I explained to him that when his friend had called with the bad news that his grandma passed i told him that that was an example of The Ego/Conflict Mind Working its Magic on your perception again..We Now Know that is was indeed an illusion and a conflict because we know that god is perfect and eternal and that we as his Children are the same, so How Could it be possible for her To die When We are immortal!"That's A conflict Therefore it wasnt real! but i know its hard to swallow and may seem a bit harsh But the Truth is'nt for the weak Minded or the weak Hearted She's Still Here!, just Not in His Realm of Perception yet or ours for that matter! So to me there's no more Need to Worry..I explained to my brother that it must have been apart of the Illusion because Such things Dont happen or exist in Heaven because heaven is Perfect and Constant" I told them to just look Around! No one is Dead or Dying within your current view of Reality right? You feel good from the sun Rays Right? and that little Smirk you got on your face means that you're about to start Fully Smiling Now Right? lol RIGHT!...ANGLE!....OH I LOVE THIS GAME!...And with that We fully recognized where our true location was at that time and moment... Heaven!.......If you Need the Adio version of the book and the Course in Miracels both the Teachers and Student version Inbox me i have a Drop Box and I can easily Send you the Files!...Have a great One!...Wholeness

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Comment by Kv_Three_O_Five on November 13, 2011 at 2:35pm

@Aurora Thank You and You're Welcome..WBV

Comment by aurora campos on November 13, 2011 at 1:47pm

kv305 i cant begin 2 tell u how on time your comment wz 4 me.  last 2 weeks i been caught up in a srt8 ego based prison of emotional pain and frankly, i thought i wuz way past that. :) i got my feelins hurt old school raw style, and i got completely lost on it; went smashing down back in2 the matrix from the lofty vantage point i had gained, I EVEN ATE SOME SUGAR! LOLOLOL.  but u r right its a lesson, a reminder i have 2 b even MORE diligent in my regimen.  but just your words alone really helped me c it, and once u can c it, u get this sort of instant relief, just like listening to 7.  thank u so much

Comment by Kv_Three_O_Five on November 13, 2011 at 1:02pm

@ Aurora thanks i really do appreciate it and im happy to see that you're recognizing your Ego and still gaining progress even though it can be tough sometimes! trust me i know. but thats why we're here to help each other smooth out those rough edges of Innerstanding and Understanding.

Your ego is your Body so while your in it you cant really fight it because if you do you'll just be running around talking to yourself looking crazy lol and just creating more conflict..you can only recognize that its there and try to figure out all of the many functions that the Body is capable of and also the many functions that it is not capable of. It's just a learning tool That your mind is Navigating Remember you are in the Driver seat So you control what things u latch on too and what things you Swipe Away! Remember all Negativity is, is just the Lesson..you take in the lesson and then Move on and thats Negating...Realizing, Learning From, then Letting Go!  then you'll really start chillen and sittin and vibin back and watching your body do all the Work lol...WBV


Comment by aurora campos on November 5, 2011 at 7:04am
i have 2 remind myself CONSTANTLY its ego, its ego, its eagle its ego.  i hope i reach a point when i dont have 2 remind myself anymore, when i can just lean back in the cut and vibe with what is
Comment by aurora campos on November 5, 2011 at 7:03am
k305 this is so beautiful. i love this game 2
Comment by Kv_Three_O_Five on October 13, 2011 at 8:33pm
Hey Sevan the Essence has been absorbed injested and is now being released to the masses lol ..I found out a while ago you were the guy carrying an earthenware vessel of water and that i had to meet you. "Follow him into the house into which he entersin" ... I just so happen to be one of the people that's there with the BIG GULP 7-eleven Cup! ready to drink lol...and i was just talking to my Bro about Talking to you we Gotta link Up bro! i will be making that call soon....Wholeness And Love to us all
Comment by Sevan Bomar on October 13, 2011 at 8:10pm
Man this is wonderful, so well presented brotha it makes me really smile inside that the essence of what is spoken has been captured. Let me know if you need me, I can answer any question just lay out a list and we can all talk. You know how to reach me on Skype.


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