All Blog Posts (907)

watch, listen and feel this message of universal of love for all

We are all magnificent, powerful and Divine Co-creators of the Great ONE.

Shaman Wisdom Keeper. In a very powerful and moving interview she reveals her opinions and feelings on subjects like 2012, changes on earth, love, oneness, gratitude, indigo and crystal children, nutrition, angels, crystal planting, power places and more...…


Added by RobertODurantE on September 15, 2010 at 4:05am — 2 Comments

Steven Hawkins vs Kepler

My wife call to my attention a show Larry King did with Steven Hawkins the other day and other Religious speakers concerning "the grand design" I had to smile thinking, is this a spinoff of the study Kepler had done.I got mad respect for hawkins and his new book ,but this isnt nothing new .cause if you get into keplers work which he has done. you see a similar copycat of what Steven hawkins is trying to bring .if one research kepler then one would…


Added by ArcofJustice on September 12, 2010 at 8:00am — No Comments

dream 9\6\10

I'm in a room in a circle of women all african american (my race).It's as if I'm interviewing for/ considering a position with this group of women but it doesn't seem like a job more like a social organization. I take a seat with the women we are all well dressed casual with fancy open toed sandals. I brought a small orange cup with me and put it on the floor by the couch I sat on. I have a thick black paperback book with me. The book is my prop something to do while waiting and not to appear… Continue

Added by abdelaziz on September 6, 2010 at 11:13am — 2 Comments

continuing the numbers theme.....

this is an interpertation of all kinds of num sequence's & their meaning's....

Added by patrick cassidy on September 4, 2010 at 10:49am — 4 Comments


All of my friends have been in my life for a decade give or take a few years.I have one friend who I met 4 years ago. I haven't seen her in 3 and a half. I never felt a strong connection with her; we were friends in weed. mary jane was the main reason we hung out.The more I got to know her the more I had this feeling of foreboding that I ignored for the most part. She seemed to know things about me,personal things that she couldn't have known unless I told her. Shortly after we met I went away.… Continue

Added by abdelaziz on September 3, 2010 at 1:59pm — 3 Comments

Hidden Hand - Partial Dialog


So, December 21, 2012 AD, is not the day where all of the sudden the lights go out, and everything will suddenly change,rather, we are NOW in the process of this transition, from one World Age to the next. The…

Added by esdsix on September 1, 2010 at 12:00am — No Comments

Illusion of HORROR and its dear friend "The Illusionist" FEAR

Illusion of HORROR and its dear friend "The Illusionist" FEAR…


Added by Sesh Nuomni on August 29, 2010 at 9:00pm — No Comments

The Shaman Drummer

After all I decided to post this threat of events which had me doubting for years, if my perception may had played tricks on me, or wether i was in danger of completely going insane...


I was at least 4 years old, just a presumeably " normal " little german boy. One

evening, after being…


Added by georg chriske on August 27, 2010 at 5:30pm — 1 Comment

Frequencies touted by media as dangerous drug! - As always the mainstream media is quick to brainwash the people!

Added by Joeronimo on August 27, 2010 at 12:16pm — 1 Comment

How to make money....??

This site has been very informative and it has enlightened me in such ways that it has altered my life.. I have watched not even 1/3 of the videos that are there, I am reading the books and finding that everything thats here is out in mainstream media and in front of nose..

The reason I make this blog is because I have changed my thinking, my understanding and my lifestyle and I feel different, but for some reason, financially, I am still suffering... Im not lazy or waiting…

Added by Adrian on August 25, 2010 at 2:08pm — 2 Comments

How to make orgone - basic recipie

You will need the following items to make a batch of orgone, roughly 24-36+ pieces (this result, of course, depends on the amount of materials you have):

1 painter's stick

Preferably, 2 living bodies

1 or 2 metal coffee can(s), bent at the top to form a spout of sorts.

Old muffin…


Added by Faunus Nyx Cosmos on August 23, 2010 at 2:00pm — 4 Comments

A Dream

I had this dream about 3 months ago i should of shared it then but .... I was underground at this subway in New York and this older dude with a hat on wanted to take me down stairs 1 level so i went with him and when i got there; there was some type of writing on the wall i couldn't see clear enough to read it and i couldn't hear clear enough to understand what he was saying ... once we went down those first flight of stairs it almost looked like we entered a pyramid made of stone ... then he… Continue

Added by Ether-9 on August 19, 2010 at 12:00am — 3 Comments

Dreams of the moon, planets, alignments and discussion toward innerstanding.

Note: After posting this dream of mine (you will read below; for original posting link, see bottom of this blog) on the discussions forum, two other Resistance members commented describing dreams of similar themes they had envisioned. I am posting these now with intentions of finding others who have had similar dreams along these lines, or those with knowledge to sow pertaining in any way to the following descriptions. Please, express freely.…


Added by Faunus Nyx Cosmos on August 18, 2010 at 12:30am — 4 Comments


Wholeness 2 all. I received an e-mail about my mms order stating that there is a recall of the product. Anyone have any insight into this?

Added by Denise La Roche on August 17, 2010 at 7:38pm — 5 Comments

'The Arrivals'


I was curious to know how many have seen The Arrivals videos? I found them to be very interesting.

I plan to see the second edition, and their other videos as well.…


Added by esdsix on August 11, 2010 at 2:00am — 4 Comments

so many questions

i just looked into this site i want to know more of our existance. i have experimented with a couple of substances like: dmt, lsd, 2ce, shrooms and they have opened my third eye to see all these things that are going on around me. like i said i would just like to gain more knowledge of our existance. so for a biggner like me[sort of speak] please fill me in on some of the things that you have came across in your life time, that could help me better understand life.…


Added by david w. read on August 8, 2010 at 11:36pm — 1 Comment


Added by david w. read on August 8, 2010 at 11:30pm — No Comments

Breaking Through

Excellent news people, I am so excited to report that my Grandmother, who is 74 years old and currently on Blood Pressure medication is very interested in taking the MMS product as a cleansing agent and a water purifier. My grandmother is an avid church goer and generally a person that I have never seen to be interested in "Fringe" information. This news is none other than the work… Continue

Added by SLR2 on August 7, 2010 at 3:30pm — 4 Comments


Gurdjieff taught that, since we are all One, what each of us does for ourselves in terms of self-development and awakening, we do for others, because when we withdraw from the "feeding dynamic," we are then able to assist others to withdraw. We are the protectors of our inner life, the essence of the Divine, and as we protect it from the predations of those who would seek to devour it, to use it, to abuse us, we are protecting and…


Added by klove513 on August 5, 2010 at 9:23pm — 2 Comments

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