All of my friends have been in my life for a decade give or take a few years.I have one friend who I met 4 years ago. I haven't seen her in 3 and a half. I never felt a strong connection with her; we were friends in weed. mary jane was the main reason we hung out.The more I got to know her the more I had this feeling of foreboding that I ignored for the most part. She seemed to know things about me,personal things that she couldn't have known unless I told her. Shortly after we met I went away. So when we reunited everything seemed fine. I opened up to her to strengthen our friendship but there is still an empty void. She talks about feelings but I've never seen her express any. I"ve had a mutual friend of ours warn me about her being as though he knew her much longer than I did. He said be careful she's a Gemini, they can love you and hate you at the same time. Another warning came from my friend who's known me for much longer..she told me not to trust her. Both warnings were taken with a grain of salt since I trust my own intuition above people. But I keep them in the back of my mind. Nothing has changed between us she's given me no reason to think negativel towar her. I feel nothing at all which is strange to me. I never had a friend that I feel nothing for. No fondness no contempt, nothing.When we talk it's empty conversation even if it's about something important. Her responses seem rehearsed.. always the ideal thing to say.And when she get's frustrated she quickly checks herself and laughs it off.We don't go out unless alcohol is involved. Someone told me to blog about this so I took his advice. He said if you blog they will come. :) not sure who they are but here I am blogging. And ther you have it.

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Comment by abdelaziz on September 5, 2010 at 10:21am
beautiful,so true. In essence after writing that although outwardly my blog appears to focus on my friend I knew that this is really about me. Thanku Soulosophy.
Comment by abdelaziz on September 4, 2010 at 7:26am
thanku Patrick
Comment by patrick cassidy on September 3, 2010 at 3:21pm
the earth is driven by magnetism find something magnetic...

then you will be attracted to it..

your friend will find her way ,but misery loves company...

look on this as the start of your path...what you do is your responsible for your words thoughts & actions...from this day onward.this is a test for you you are the only one who can do this. & you will pass fail according to your own rules....know you are deeply loved by the resistance family we are always here for you ...


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