Abdelaziz's Blog (4)


I read some where that thought control is the highest form of prayer. It finally registered in my mind what that really means. To get this we have to really innerstand what emotions are. Emotions just seem to be felt responses to some stimuli; something heard, something seen etc. The tricky part is when the emotion is a response to a thought. In the still of the night I noticed the voice of worry permeating through my mind grumbling in my sleep as if to say "HOW COULD YOU BE SNOOZING RIGHT… Continue

Added by abdelaziz on September 21, 2010 at 9:32am — No Comments

I Feel Blocked

Today I feel brave enough to open up about myself with hopes of recieving some constructive feedback. In 2006 a series of tragic events occured back to back. My childhood home caught fire. I was at work when it happened and felt directly responsible for it because my then 6 year old son started the fire by accident. Several days later, as a result of this my Grandmother passed. At 81 her body wasn't strong enough to pull out of the drug induced coma the doctors put her under to treat the smoke… Continue

Added by abdelaziz on September 16, 2010 at 12:04am — 3 Comments

dream 9\6\10

I'm in a room in a circle of women all african american (my race).It's as if I'm interviewing for/ considering a position with this group of women but it doesn't seem like a job more like a social organization. I take a seat with the women we are all well dressed casual with fancy open toed sandals. I brought a small orange cup with me and put it on the floor by the couch I sat on. I have a thick black paperback book with me. The book is my prop something to do while waiting and not to appear… Continue

Added by abdelaziz on September 6, 2010 at 11:13am — 2 Comments


All of my friends have been in my life for a decade give or take a few years.I have one friend who I met 4 years ago. I haven't seen her in 3 and a half. I never felt a strong connection with her; we were friends in weed. mary jane was the main reason we hung out.The more I got to know her the more I had this feeling of foreboding that I ignored for the most part. She seemed to know things about me,personal things that she couldn't have known unless I told her. Shortly after we met I went away.… Continue

Added by abdelaziz on September 3, 2010 at 1:59pm — 3 Comments


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