Ok first of all Wholeness, Love And Forgiveness to us all Kv LOVES YOU! lol...and Welcome to another episode of "OCN ROUND 2"...Ok now today was rather interesting for Me/Us. Me and my Brothers and one of their friends were listing to the Audio book "Disapesarance of the Universe by Gary Renard"..When my brother stopped and asked "If Nothing is Real Well How Come My Friend Grandmother just passed away? and we know for a fact that it's real because she isnt There Anymore!" "How Can heaven Be… Continue
okay i had been recently staying at my Moms house and Today i had noticed that the Kitchen was messy and some of it was actually mine but most of it wasn't now immediately i remembered my mom mentioning to me how good it makes her feel to wake up to her kitchen being clean and how it helps the day start out smooth for her because that'll be one less thing she would have to worry about doing for the early part of her day..Now after Hearing today's Show On… Continue
Wholeness to all of my Resistance Family. I have had an ongoing history in my home with different energies, some negative. I routinely smoke my house with sage, etc. Once in a while i will feel that something is in my room at night, it is more annoying than frightening. However, the other night my daughter's bird was attacked by an energy. it woke her up and the bird was racing back and forth in the cage in fright. she had the cage partially covered, but until she fully covered it he finally… Continue
Added by Denise La Roche on October 7, 2011 at 6:57pm —
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The Universe sometimes tells us the worst possible joke we can imagine. Here is the joke I was told:
Once, in a place where the sun was hot on the ground, people in a place called Mesopotamia (lower tract of Babylon, near where Tigress and Euphretes and the Amazon collide) there was a place where a ray of the sun mercilessly beat the ground and there was much gold there. So the Babylonians figured that it might be fun to try to build a huge clay Bottle with a golden inside,…
WBV to all of my Resistance Family. I always felt and always used to tell people when the topic of religion came up that I believed the Native Americans were very close to how we should look at our world. This clip from the Movie "THE NEW WORLD" is an example. When Pocahontas speaks to Gaia. How beautiful our world is.
Past couple days I was feeling pretty negative (anti-social, angry, lacking creativity, etc) and this was after a couple of months of feeling very balanced. I had been easing into some of the things 7 suggested and also been learning to be more in tune with my astral self and it's abilities.
So, one night while I was in a meditation to cleans and protect my astral body ( I try to do this before I fly, It keeps the danger at bay) I suddenly snapped out of my trance and could not figure…
Have been playing a lot of Esoteric Radio during my sets to get people In the Know, adds a whole other intelligent level to a lot of my music which makes people wonder what is going on and look deeper. Funny I was just wondering what the deal was with Lenon Honor and then I sampled a section of the answer into my own set, nice ~*~
This poem is in honor of all of us who have died and sacrificed ourselves (Not only in a physical sense) for Truth and Resistance. Wholeness my Beloved.. Special thanks goes to those leading the way in this day and age; Thank you Resistance.
i've passed through the gate of ishtar, or something like it. i need to know how to get out. i am not sure how this happened, so if anyone out there has any experience or knowledge of this, i would be grateful to hear about it.
the ordeal started last november when i joined a friend of mine at a full moon ceremony where a guided meditation took place that would connect you with your animal totem for the upcoming year. i had never participated in such a thing before so i…
Ok world WBV to aLL today i'm wanted to share my astral travels with my resistance fam or just for anyone who's looking for more info on the Subject.. i have had quite a few Lucid dreams/OBE's that i've personally recorded i think i could start a mini series or something! lol, because i swear thats what it feels like.. well first of all i would like everyone to check out this WEBSITE because it really helped me in my astral travels…
Any information or personal experience will help. I'm planning to send this video to my congressman and other state and federal representatives. This is yet another example of taxation without just and proper representation. I don't know about you, but I hate being lied to and I'm tired of it. This could be the beginning of the end. If not it is at least an example of a reoccurring event that's taken place all over the world and has been heavily witnessed and documented. I know of at least four… Continue
Two times this year while falling alseep but not asleep. I experienced the sound and feeling of a surge of electrical energy. I close my eyes placing them to the back of my head looking toward my third eye. First flashing images appear of people, things etc. Thenit feels like I'm looking down a tunnel and when I reach the end I see green blue spiraling effect( looks like a moving galaxy or something of that kind). The sound and the feeling of electicity is so radiant. I feels like something is… Continue
Added by Vida on September 12, 2011 at 5:13am —
Xenu's 'famous' number 666 refers to his hiding place in Ring Archives Game's, from which he telepathically broadcasts his 'orders' to his organization
It's Ring 6, CCC 6, game Universe Model 6
By promoting this number and keeping beings from realizing about RAG's, he triggered a basic in their…