All Blog Posts (907)

Another piece to the puzzle

That our ancestors were extraterrestrials. More proof that the Reptilians rule over the humans. The above illustration shows a Maya king falling from the Earthly plane to the realm of the Dead ruled by Reptilians.


According to the latest analysis of 'The Event' by Ion, our reptilian masters will declared themselves more human than us. We will be declared…


Added by Daniel T Deely on October 2, 2010 at 12:00pm — 1 Comment

The Moon Madness theory

The moon seems to arouse all images from literature to superstition. Man comes to believe that the moon is associated with fertility, murders and suicides and werewolves. In religions, for some reason Buddhists go to temples to pray on full moon nights while Muslim worship the Moon God.

Some mental patients feel restless on full moon nights. For me, it is a good night sleep. These beliefs about the moon are really no facts at all.

The only true thing about the…

Added by Daniel T Deely on September 30, 2010 at 5:00pm — 1 Comment


This is a must see video to begin to understand what Humanity is up against!! Only through knowing can we ever hope to stop this insidious evil!!

Hear Chris Thomas out and make up your mind from here!

Chris Thomas Velon ET Threat to Humanity Part 1

Chris Thomas Part 2 Ver 002.wmv…


Added by Charles Magus on September 29, 2010 at 1:47pm — No Comments

We are in a world controled of evil and they have a plan to take over this world destroy the United States kill all people opposed of the one world system that is set up For the antichrist( Satan) Pl…

We are in a world controled of evil and they have a plan to take over this world destroy the United States kill all people opposed of the one world system that is set up For the antichrist( Satan) Please stand up for your rights you value. communities local governments we have to start a movement against an which it has started but we need more people. Thank you god loves all. Continue

Added by john david on September 28, 2010 at 8:24pm — No Comments

The illuminati Star (Sold the Chance)

Day One

got in the town without problems, no calls, no connection, subway ride 2 harlem, now they saw me and remembered the

hole, the voice of the speaker cryed, changed the line @ times square,

"the jew is back", no calls yet, we checked in the hostel and left for a

ride, the town was quite, the cars drove so smoovely that they nearly

made no sound, peacefully and harmonic synfony, the jungle colonized and

disciplinized, in the night it started, they… Continue

Added by Amelo Asalim on September 26, 2010 at 9:12am — 2 Comments


As this new awareness increasingly filters into every-day levels of human function, and as more and more individual human cells become aware of what is taking place, the change will accelerate exponentially. Eventually, the psychic pressure exerted by a critical mass of humanity will reach levels that are sufficient to tip the scales. At that moment, the rest of humanity will experience an instantaneous…


Added by klove513 on September 25, 2010 at 3:40pm — No Comments


wholeness 2 all. i have a question about the frequencies. listening 2 the skype discussions after they occurred, live are they benefitial? i found previously when i would listen to the resistance talk radio shows as i fell asleep it helped me go into a deeper, more restful sleep. i hope i am making sense. also i find when i do practice the full stomach breathing i start 2 feel like i am sinking. this then triggers something in me that breaks my focus and concentration. it is like i can only… Continue

Added by Denise La Roche on September 24, 2010 at 5:04pm — No Comments


wholeness 2 all. i have a question about the frequencies. listening 2 the skype discussions after they occurred, live are they benefitial? i found previously when i would listen to the resistance talk radio shows as i fell asleep it helped me go into a deeper, more restful sleep. i hope i am making sense. also i find when i do practice the full stomach breathing i start 2 feel like i am sinking. this then triggers something in me that breaks my focus and concentration. it is like i can only… Continue

Added by Denise La Roche on September 24, 2010 at 5:04pm — No Comments


First i would like 2 greet all of our new members! welcome! i have a question about meditating. i think i may benefit more if i went to a meditation center 2 get myself focused. right now it is very differcult 4 me 2 have the concentration at home. has anyone ever meditated at a center? what r your thoughts? i will finally be getting the mms that i ordered and i will be getting the gotu kola. i have been needing 2 rely on medication 2 help me sleep, and i need 2 work this out so my mind can be… Continue

Added by Denise La Roche on September 23, 2010 at 6:22pm — No Comments

Sacrifice to the Powers that Be

For the most of my experience in the third dimension, I was sleep. Ignorant to what was going on around me and inside me. Slowly I began to awaken. I started seeing things for what they were. I started feeling the vibrations of others and seeing the light that emanated from their being. From that point on I knew that what was going on had nothing to do with the color of my skin. Racism is a war that will never be won; it is an ongoing self sacrifice to…

Added by Nisa on September 23, 2010 at 12:00am — 1 Comment

new member

Hi my name is Hope. I was just recently introduced to this wonderful site. I want to learn and apply this knowledge and experience an awakening in my life. Any suggestions as to where and how to apply these things to my life would be wonderful. Today is the start of my journey. My soul is vibrant and radiating light.

Added by Hope on September 22, 2010 at 6:44am — 3 Comments


I read some where that thought control is the highest form of prayer. It finally registered in my mind what that really means. To get this we have to really innerstand what emotions are. Emotions just seem to be felt responses to some stimuli; something heard, something seen etc. The tricky part is when the emotion is a response to a thought. In the still of the night I noticed the voice of worry permeating through my mind grumbling in my sleep as if to say "HOW COULD YOU BE SNOOZING RIGHT… Continue

Added by abdelaziz on September 21, 2010 at 9:32am — No Comments

The Council on Renewal

Hi everyone,

I'd like to ask you all to watch some videos called Renaissance 2.0 if you have any spare time.

What is this? A lesson in recent economic/financial history from a non-slanted and informed perspective. I hope you aren't dis-interested just because I said 'economy' either. ;p

If you have the time to watch some really informative videos, that's great!

This is relevant to our work at the Resistance because this information pertains to to economic… Continue

Added by Robert Bruce Norton Jr (Saia) on September 18, 2010 at 9:18pm — No Comments


Thank you for the warm welcome, friends! Very excited to be part of this! Have heard of it for months from one of my bestest buddies. Will try to check it often, but am not around computers much.

Added by Joanna Odle on September 18, 2010 at 2:37pm — No Comments

Are you "there" Yet? (original prose)

When you say you are... ready to change...or know...have you prepared...have you asked yourself... do you even know your self?

The answer is... the answer is...

so you say you build as an architect designs from structured mind.

Is it "yours", that mind?

have you checked your "blue" print to find out?

When you hide your purpose behind your purpose...where is your "self"?

The edifice is as false as the being is real.

Are you..going some


And… Continue

Added by Luciel Redrajin on September 17, 2010 at 2:30pm — No Comments

Rather, the group - which calls itself the Collins Elite - concludes that the "aliens" are, in reality, literal demonic entities that are trying to seduce us with a false lure of supposed alien technology, and to - quite literally - steal and farm our souls. The group claim to have discovered evidence that these demonic… Continue

Added by NGONYAMA ZULU on September 16, 2010 at 10:02pm — No Comments

Morning anomaly

Good morning all, I had a wonderful start this morning when I got to see an anomaly in the sky, was quite nice at about 8am looking up to the sky towards the sun and the distance of about as far as my thumb and for finger can reach with my arm out stretched. It looked like another sun maybe a 4th smaller then ours. Chemtrails had filled our skies and for a short 1-2 minutes I got to see a double sun before the chemtrails expanded and covered it up. Thinking what a great day I'm in for I…

Added by nicole stigliano on September 16, 2010 at 10:28am — 1 Comment

I Feel Blocked

Today I feel brave enough to open up about myself with hopes of recieving some constructive feedback. In 2006 a series of tragic events occured back to back. My childhood home caught fire. I was at work when it happened and felt directly responsible for it because my then 6 year old son started the fire by accident. Several days later, as a result of this my Grandmother passed. At 81 her body wasn't strong enough to pull out of the drug induced coma the doctors put her under to treat the smoke… Continue

Added by abdelaziz on September 16, 2010 at 12:04am — 3 Comments

Bright sunlight.

Wholeness 2 all in the resistance. On my way 2 work this morning i was stunned by how the light from the sun was shinning. i have never seen the clarity and brilliance that was shinning today. On the bus i watched the sunlight in the leaves of the trees and how vibrant it looked. Is something going on in the universe or have i just been really not paying attention?! .

Added by Denise La Roche on September 15, 2010 at 5:05pm — 3 Comments

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