All Blog Posts (907)

Seraphinite... and contacting extra-dimensional entities?

I've come across seraphinite, and I've come across this:

    " …


Added by Jus10 on March 2, 2011 at 3:03pm — 2 Comments

The Art of Peaceful Resistance

Got a lot to say but for the moment all I can do is share the lump in the throat that I got from watching this with you.

Added by Philo on March 2, 2011 at 1:10pm — 1 Comment

The Strawman illusion... and what it is... and how it affects you.

Some great info from here:


At this location there is an amazing audio lecture talking about the MATRIX 'legal' system...


I've investigated this stuff…


Added by John Shore on February 27, 2011 at 7:27am — 2 Comments

brain maintanence/enhancement

There are many things that can assist us maintain our energy capacity and expand. This is one most recent about beetroot juice and beets,a study .I havnt tried it but in time i may.The best cleanout i have ever taken was the onion and a pealed 2 apples juiced.2 shot classes will make you have a bowel movment.I havnt even tried adding herbs to aid the affect.Also juiced ginger… Continue

Added by Raymond Gene Key on February 25, 2011 at 7:01pm — 1 Comment

3:20 Freestyle

Stare into the mind, calculated predetermined interpretations of past reallity

Current state stasis, repetitive languages find you faceless, recreate the original false philosophy

My word of truth thrice gifted, these conditions

Be my witness, this search for truth is unlimited

Falacies, people please

Understand me when I suffer the ignorrant

Make no sense, condense all knowledge, we begin to philosophy conformity

Original thoughts and image,…


Added by Travis Frazier on February 25, 2011 at 2:22am — 1 Comment

Sideral time... for extra power

My first blog post :)


Sideral time:


and the…


Added by John Shore on February 24, 2011 at 4:55am — No Comments

Chakra vortex kundalini riding

So I made a good old crystal layout on a nice platter I found. Had to put them somewhere to unclutter the computer desk. (More like computer nest.)


When laying beside the crystal layout (resting in bed) .... I started with the heart chakra and alternatively, every other chakra started spinning one by one, each opposite to the other.  (Accordingly, Males heart chakra spins left and females heart chakra spins right, which each chakra above and below spinning in the opposite…


Added by Joeronimo on February 23, 2011 at 5:16pm — 2 Comments

When the invisible world start to take over your life!

There is so much we dont understand of the spiritual vs the physical that sometimes it can make you scratch your head going, “How the HELL did I just do that!”  Even me that has really done some pretty strange stuff, still sometimes do something, totaly unexpected and totally surprize myself.  Not freak out, I dont get freaked out by this stuff anymore. I find it really COOL!


Yes, fine, the Parrot does freak me out, but for a totaly different reason. Stupid bird!  OK fine…


Added by Anush on February 22, 2011 at 1:33pm — No Comments

“Alchemy” of the Soul - Part 1 - Magick and the 15 tests of the soul!

As we get Wicca, Christianity, etc. Magick is a religion in its own right. Most religions ban magick as evil and have severe penalties, either now, in the eternal, or both for practitioners of any form of magick, but to live a magical life, you have to treat it like part of who you are. It is most effective when you truly believe in yourself and what you are doing.

Magick is but a tool; it is not good / positive or evil / negative. All magick are neutral. The nature of the user is… Continue

Added by Anush on February 22, 2011 at 1:26pm — 5 Comments

“Alchemy” of the Soul - Part 2 - Balance Healing

At times in healing we tend to find that a person has a very difficult time in achieving balance and keeping it. Mostly this can be adjusted by the person themselves. There is however times when a soul needs an extra helping hand.

By understanding where the problem is, it can be adjusted, but this type of healing should only be used as a absolute last resort, and by someone that has experience in these matters, and only when all else has failed to restore the balance of that…


Added by Anush on February 22, 2011 at 1:23pm — 4 Comments

Alchemy of the Soul - Part 3 – Light, Dark, Daemon and Dark Ray

This is a difficult subject to touch as it is complicated and a very sensitive issue.  I will try to explain this in a way that I finaly understood it all. Many people talk about dark, daemon and Dark Ray, yet they seem to get them confused.  In this discussion I will try to lift out the differences between all of these elements, to the best of my ability.


To help you understand this aspect, deeper knowledge on the aspects of the soul is needed.  There are many different soul…


Added by Anush on February 22, 2011 at 1:21pm — No Comments

A Marriage Of The Heart

Consider ,ponder ,speculate, paint a beautiful picture in your mind.

Color your world, and make your connections, uncover your stars.

The World is a multiverse of infinite diversity.

Free will and free will again, but do you have all the options?

Death stalks the land, she is a ravenous beast, she protects her young.

Her descendants have forgotten and shamed their mother.

They hate man, man whom she created, for her purpose.

My mother loves…


Added by Travis Frazier on February 22, 2011 at 11:42am — No Comments

The Numbers of Fascism

The numbers to avoid in life are 1,5,8,13,17.


Corporations to avoid:

Microsoft 1

Motorola 1

Apple 5

Verizon 1

Their products:

XP 13

Vista 17

I recommended you use Ubuntu, Mepis, and Elive Zeitgeist.  Otherwise, you are supporting fascism.


Stores to avoid:

Sears 17

Target 8

Wholes Food 5

Wegmans 1


Added by Daniel T Deely on February 21, 2011 at 1:30pm — 2 Comments

Name this Bird?

Last night I decided to sleep with my Tanzanite in my palm. What a good decision. Vividly recalled my dreams and had some great insight.


Anyways I met a "shaman" man full of gems and beads etc. In an old theatre building that seemed mid 1940's ish. There were these huge egyptian looking birds that I happened to find a pretty similar type on google. Is there a name for this bird?

I am going to type out the link.... I wish I could paste links in here!!! (if anyone knows…


Added by Joeronimo on February 21, 2011 at 7:31am — No Comments

When you look into a crystal - It all becomes clear

I have heard a lot about this book, and I have looked for it a long time.  Then at the time I really needed it both books practically fell into my hands.  I am of course talking about The Celestine Prophecy, by James Redfield.  Book one An Adventure is the one I am reading now and the other is An Experiential Guide.


Here is a part that really got to me today, you will see why!


“He nodded towards the other passengers.’ Do you feel as if you have a clearer…


Added by Anush on February 20, 2011 at 7:53am — No Comments

Wierd Medititation Experience

About a week ago i was in a deep meditation state my couch. Before i sit and meditate i do stretches with my eyes closed when im super focused i can see white light streaks where my arms were moving . So this particular day i was seeing lots of lights during the stretching part of my meditation and when i sat down i was very focused.


As i drifted into the void i started feeling a lot of tingling on the top of my head and about 40 minutes in i looked to my right and i seen a…


Added by Liz on February 19, 2011 at 8:08am — 4 Comments

Cosmic Awareness 1979-07a: The Spiritual Snob (Ignoring The Beast With Positive Thinking)


This was such informative information i had to share it with you all. Lov WVB to all.

Added by I Am Lov bt mom named me Sophia on February 16, 2011 at 5:19am — 2 Comments

Secrets of Booz Allen Hamilton

They liked to play the world as their playground without social respect to others.  Their corporate parties are overindulgence in alcohol. They make a good PR firm.  They also like to work with others without their restraints.

They recruited a lot of talent but used them.  Their turnover rate is high because their expression number is 5 which is incompatible with lots of other life numbers.


BOOZ- 22



Added by Daniel T Deely on February 15, 2011 at 4:30pm — 1 Comment

The Day I fell in love with “The Devil”

One day a long time ago, there was….  Isn’t that how all fairy tales and love stories start.  Well I think I will not do that, lets start it like this!


The day was extra hot very early.  It was 7am and already sweat was forming on my brow as I loaded “the Madam”.  The destination… Benoni, and a liaison with a sexy hunk of a stallion.  Let’s just hope “Madam” take a liking to this stallion, as she has rejected 4 others.  I sigh as I close the horsebox.


I have…


Added by Anush on February 15, 2011 at 12:19pm — 2 Comments

Truth about mental disorders

Oppositional disorder reveals the 'leader' personality

Bipolar disorder reveals the 'artist' in you

Personality disorder reveals the 'philosopher'… Continue

Added by Daniel T Deely on February 13, 2011 at 3:12pm — 6 Comments

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