Stare into the mind, calculated predetermined interpretations of past reallity

Current state stasis, repetitive languages find you faceless, recreate the original false philosophy

My word of truth thrice gifted, these conditions

Be my witness, this search for truth is unlimited

Falacies, people please

Understand me when I suffer the ignorrant

Make no sense, condense all knowledge, we begin to philosophy conformity

Original thoughts and image, there is no transition

Instantaneous access to these multitudes

My mind correlate shit, and I conspire in use of repetive

Means and conjections, my mind so manipulative

Myself will follow suit

I abolish the thought in it

You might hit it, there's no condition

To chaos spitting, right on top of you

This is sanction motion, grab that motion

Condemn and follow suit,

Lack of reaction , minor faction

Violence so savage, these people will follow suit

My mind is haphazard, lack chance to expose biohazards

Sealed up in a plastic suit

I seek the root, like in beruit

Stinger gun salute,

Like west had fancy missles

I seek to pollute, so resolute

Synthetic Memories locked in A time Capsule,

Communicate, people can't rate

You will not raid

Lawyer not paid

Don't follow suit

Lavish cash transacation

This Alchemy By fraction

Binary subraction

Unified Multitude

Views: 58


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Comment by Mr. Spirit Matter on March 2, 2011 at 8:39am

I used to carry pistols now I carry crystals!

 Nice thanks for sharing brother


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