When the invisible world start to take over your life!

There is so much we dont understand of the spiritual vs the physical that sometimes it can make you scratch your head going, “How the HELL did I just do that!”  Even me that has really done some pretty strange stuff, still sometimes do something, totaly unexpected and totally surprize myself.  Not freak out, I dont get freaked out by this stuff anymore. I find it really COOL!


Yes, fine, the Parrot does freak me out, but for a totaly different reason. Stupid bird!  OK fine spiders too.  I refuse to be in the same room as a spider, period!  I don’t care that I am bigger than the spider…  Let’s get back to the point.


Now, I have done much in the spiritual, as well in the physical, but NOTHING prepared me for what I did last week.  I still run over this event in my mind removing the memory from my mind and looking at it from all angles.  Something I would not previously have done, as it did not matter, I did something new.  Yet Reiz kept nagging me about how, why.  THINK, don’t just do.  I have always accepted the things I do, without really questioning it, fact is I did something cool.  How I did it, who freaken cares, it felt right, I did it, what more do you need. So now I still feel and do, and then I think and analise. LOL close enough.  I never strategize or plan stuff like this, I just get the inspiration and let it rip.   Repeating that on call, not likely.


So, as I was reading the energy I used and viewing it from all angles, the only conclusion I came UP with is that at the exact right moment I managed to break through the veil at a moment it started to make a random tear.  Maybe, or I influenced the veil strongly enough to make that happen.  I am able to push my spirit body through the veil, but not very far, it could also be that I really did get out for a little time.


We know the veil is thinning, sometimes it get really thin in places, so it could be that at that moment when I was actually trying something else, the veil thinned enough for me to achieve what I did.  Maybe!


OK I will get to the point, let me explain the event:


A friend and I were having a silly conversation about the assasination of cupid!  Hey he had that comming! (Don’t worry Cupid is fine!)


We were laughing and joking about what cupid did to us, just being really silly.  Well, then he said that he rarely have good dreams as things just chase him around and he was rather fed-up with that.


Now I have managed to give people dreams, or visit them in their dreams.  See the blog Being a dream Director.  So that particular morning I had a really quiet time at work and I knew he would be sleeping now as he is in a different time zone.  So in the spur of the moment I decided I will surprise him and pull his spiritual body out and take him on a small adventure.


I have done this before so I did not really worry about it.  Sometimes people co-operate and sometimes they don’t.  This results in the fact, that sometimes you do get them out of their bodies on an adventure, and sometimes not.


Hey I am bored lately, give me a break, I don’t have things to hunt anymore and those left to hunt run screaming by the mere shimmer of energy.  I hate that!  Even Seth-tan is a bore lately.  Flying full speed through the tunnel system to Agartha is also rather boring at this time; I have done it to many times now.  Yet it still makes me laugh when I remember Reiz’s face.  We did nearly take down a friendly spaceship, but hey in Dragon form I have great maneuverability!  Crap did Reiz shout at me that time.  Oh that was good.  Well that is another sorry let’s get back to the point.


So I sat down took the phone of the hook, as I only planned to be away for 15 min at the most.  I stilled my mind and wrapped my aura very close around me, letting my spirit body take over completely.  I felt my energy rise, my skin started tingling with heat and a burning sensation started from my heart chakra, through my chest, over my body and down my arms.  Now I dont mind pain, this was not really painful, just uncomfortable.  Slowly I focused on finding my friends energy, and slipped down into his room.  I stood before his bed, my back to the door.  To my left was a night stand with odss and ends on, one being a cellphone.  To the right was furniture, I did not pay attention to that, I did see a chair and a table and something larger.  There was a window on the other side of the bed, not a very large window.  I did not pay real close attention as I drew my focus back to the bed, where my friend was.  He stirred and turned on his back.  I placed my left hand on his upper arm, the right one that was the closest to me.  Letting my hand merge with his body and I took hold of his spirit body.  Then gently I started pulling at it in a gentle upwards motion.


Now this is where the trouble started.  As I lifted him I felt his body come along, so I placed my right hand on his hip and gently pushed his body down.  But NO, his spirit was not budging.  I thought, WTF, why is his body not releasing.   So I started pulling harder, pulling more energy down to my spirit body, focusing the energy, nothing!  Then I pulled in more, but still nothing.  I realized that he was resisting, so I increased a feeling of love and harmony to let him relax, when he relax I will be able to lift him out.


I was pulling on his arm, at that point his upper body was lifting, and I decided this was not working.  At the same moment he started to wake up and really started fighting me.  Finally he said “Leave me the fuck alone!”


I smiled and let go.  He looked around the room shruged, turned around, getting comfy and drifted of to sleep.


So I left, as I didn’t want to freak him out completely, and made a mental note to try it differently.  Rather wait, for him to be in a dream, and take him from there, so I returned and got back to work.


That evening we had a conversations and I asked him if he had a nice dream.


He answered: “To answer your question, no I did not have a dream that left me all happy.  But during the early morning someone tried to pick me up while I was sleeping.  It pulled hard on my arm to pull me up, and when I opened my eyes I was sitting half way upright on my bed.  Now that is what I call Freaky @#$T! haha.”


I started laughing, Oh HELL, so he remembered that, he were really awake!  Crap.


So I told him that I was trying to take his spirit body with me to give him an adventure, but that it would not budge and when he told me to leave him the fuck alone, I did.


He thought it was really funny and asked that if I want to do that again, he will know it is me, so he will not fight, as he do not trust anyone.


He said “Well you are really strong as I have never fought so hard against anyone in my life, my back is a bit stiff this mornning... Thanx a lot! LOL Well it did freak me out a little, but not a lot”


I laughed: “Well I am really sorry as I never plan these things it just happen.  I wanted to give you a nice dream and ended up giving you a wrestling match.  I am really sorry.  Sheesh, this is something all new.  Ok I will try again, but gentle this time.  I have a small request.  Would you mind explaining exactly what you remembered, saw, felt or experienced in detail?  I need to know what I did different.”


He said : “Well my Dear I'm gonna try to explain this to you as best as I can without sounding too much like an idiot or lunatic......deal?”


“I never saw anything but felt an awesome presence about me, it was all around me, sort of surrounding me on all sides above and below as well. I remember feeling a strong pull on my upper body, especially on my right arm just above the elbow, it was a strong pull because I distinctly recall my physical body being roughly jerked a couple times and I thought I was being possessed cos it was doing things that it's never done before, sort of involuntary levitation if you know what I mean, I was fighting hard to stay in me bed but whatever was pulling on me had me more than half-way upright and all this while I was still either half asleep or half awake. I was like a side-line spectator watching and feeling what's going on with me before my conscious mind kicked in and I dug my heels in so to speak and decided enough is enough and this is when I woke up, only to find myself half way out of the bed and this is when I realised that what was happening wasn't a dream, it was in fact quite real.”


“All I can honestly say is that I have never ever experienced anything quite like it in all my life and the presence that was with me in the room that night was very very strong indeed, although I must admit as well that at no point did I feel threatened or intimidated by it, I just felt an awesome presence of being, it kinda filled the whole room, meaning that if I wanted to move left or right I wouldn't be able to cos the entire room was occupied by this presence, sort of like a huge bubble pushing on you and just getting bigger. I know this probably doesn't make much sense to you but I'm trying to explain it as best I can as this has never happened to me before, not in such a physical manner anyway.  PLease let me know if this has helped you or just plain confused you.”


Well frankly what he explained made perfect sense.   HOLY CRAP!


I was speachless, and excited at the same time!  Finaly I have proof, that I can do it!  Reproduce it maybe not.

I said “You have NO idea how much sense that actually do make. Great scott!  A few people that I know that is sensitive to the Spiritual Realms, told me that if I walk into a room I seem to fill the room.  I never understood quite what they meant.  Now I do.  This is in the Physical. The fact that I was physically lifting you would explain that presence.

I used a lot of energy to pull you spirit body out, and when you fought me and told me to leave you the fuck alone, I realized I woke you up. I need to replay this in my mind and reread the energies and the event to really see what exactly happened. This is COOL!  I wonder if I will be able to do that again.”

“There is nothing I have not seen that will make me freak out. Ok except a spider. The things I have seen and experienced, Nothing you just said is NOT understandable.  You know what, I just thought about you and checked my mail, and there this mail is.  Fact is I have been fighting to bring my power in the spiritual down into my physical body; I might actually have succeeded for that fraction of time. Now I will have to step up training.  At this point I could kiss you! So if I try again fight me again. I wonder if I will be able to recreate this.”

He said “Like I said the presence I felt in the room was awesome, all encompassing, nowhere to move where the presence wouldn't be, it was everywhere but in a non threatening way, like a BIG bubble just getting bigger the whole time. It felt like I was being squeezed from all sides at once, pressure from all around my body and not in a painful way.....difficult to describe it exactly, kinda like being pushed and pulled at the same time, weird I know but as I said, it's like nothing I've ever experienced before.”

I said: “The funny bit was that the more you resisted the more energy I pulled around me to pull you free from your body. The more you would not budge.  I do that, and then I use calming and warm energy non threatening as I know how much it can freak people out.”

He said ‘Let the training commence. I have NO doubt that you'd be well able to recreate this again.  I'm a stubborn Taurus what can I say, resistance comes easy for me, digging my heels in and throwing off the yoke.  I appreciate the invitation to try some things, but to be brutally honest with you, I have NO idea absolutely none on how to even begin doing such things......real pity though as I would love to give it a go.”

Well I am still working on how the HELL I did that.  At this point I have loads of theories and I have tried again, without any success.  I have done the Etheric operation on Reiz two times.  Moved objects with my spiritual body in the physical.  Yet I can’t reproduce it on call.  It happens in a moment.  In that moment the elements come together and strange things happen, but when I focus on it, NOTHING.


When I try to recreate it again, NOTHING happen.  SO IT IS FRUSTRATING at best.


Not you can believe this or not, but I will say this, this is the third person I have shared an experience with.  With Rea, I shared a few dreams.  I have visited others a few times.  With Reiz, I shared a hell of a lot, and with my last friend that I do not know very long this event.  And don’t forget Dracus, which I have shared so much more in the Physical with, but nothing like this.


Now call me crazy, but if that’s not proof enough that the spiritual are actually REAL! Then I don’t know what else, or maybe it is only in my insane mind.


 As you see I did not add my last friends name, as I feel his Identity is his own.  If he want to be known, he will say so himself.

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