This is a difficult subject to touch as it is complicated and a very sensitive issue. I will try to explain this in a way that I finaly understood it all. Many people talk about dark, daemon and Dark Ray, yet they seem to get them confused. In this discussion I will try to lift out the differences between all of these elements, to the best of my ability.
To help you understand this aspect, deeper knowledge on the aspects of the soul is needed. There are many different soul levels, the level of a soul is directly linked to the level of consciousness a soul has achieved during their lifetime. All souls are created to carry light and dark, also known as rays. All souls start out with 4 rays. Light, Dark, Male and Female. This is the basis all souls are created on.
In a young soul’s first incarnation, the soul chooses to focus on two aspects at a time. They choose to be either male or female, and then Light or Dark. Learning balance between the rays is something most souls strive towards. (Actually dark should be called shadow, as it is the negative aspect of light.)
As souls progress through the soul levels, more rays get added to the spectrum and the more difficult it become to achieve and hold the balance projected from the souls.
A soul is capable of projecting eight major rays; this is achieved when the soul achieved Diamond Prismatic level. A soul can go past the Diamond Prismatic Level, by merging the rays, to achieve further clarity. Normally all rays have a barrier between them called the ray membrane and this keeps each ray stable and consistent. When a soul moves past the Diamond Prismatic Level, these membranes dissolve. At this stage the soul has full control over the rays and can blend these rays at will, by doing this a soul can achieve higher levels of power to manipulate its environments and self. This however requires absolute control and self-mastery, to achieve. Absolute balance and harmony needs to be achieved for the soul to hold control of the rays, without the assistance of the membranes.
As I discussed in Alchemy of the soul – Balance Healing, a lock, either permanent or temporary can help achieve this, but it is far more important for the soul to achieve this balance through learning the lessons and dealing with the issues it has to, in order to learn the required balance. Something that came easily is not appreciated as much as something worked on. That is why the 15 test (See Magick realms – Part 1) is incredibly important, they help the soul gain understanding of self, it also assist in the training to maintaining this balance.
As shown in this figure, the soul project the rays like a prism. By adjusting the flow of the rays, the soul masters the ability to change the way the rays are projected. This affect the powers a soul use, magick, the way the soul act, as well as how fast or slow the soul grow, by learning the lessons needed.
The major rays are:
A – Light
B – Destruction
C – Love
D – Female
E – Male
F – Creation
G – Chaos
H – Dark
Notice the straight line at the end of the rays, it shows a Diamond Prismatic Soul in perfect balance and harmony. All the rays are equal and at equal strength, stable and in harmony. This is the ideal that needs to be achieved by all souls, and if you think that is easy, you are very wrong. To achieve this balance you need to work through all past life issues, change the way you think, see, feel and experience everything. It also requires daily maintenance.
If you have achieved this balance, sitting back is not an option. It needs to be maintained and to work at it every minute of every day. It is a subconscious change in the way the Physical, Spiritual and soul work in a perfect triangle. The spiral inside this triangle need to be constant and stable, if an imbalance occur, it must be adjusted immediately. When it is not adjusted and left it becomes unstable, this is when the imbalance can cause severe instability, and it can then only be rectified by using the temporary lock on the soul to help stabilize it. This is why maintaining the balance of a soul is so important, as getting someone to do this healing, is asking a lot. The consequences of asking for this type of healing are great, as I explained in Alchemy of the soul – Balance Healing.
A soul in balance, is never affected badly by either light or dark. It stays in balance with small fluctuations. If you take the Yin Yan symbol and spin it, you will see what I mean. Just cut one out and make it spin. It gives you a completely diffrent perspective.
If you separate it into half you will see that the top half have dark larger than light and the botom half light larger than dark. They look out of balance but in reality they are in complete balance. In this way when you use more dark or shadow like in battle, you are not out of balance you are in balance. Then when you show love and light to someone, you increase the light side and the dark decrease, etc. So in the end you stay in balance.
This next figure show spikes, these spikes are rays that are stronger than the others upsetting the balance of the soul. This shows a soul that appears dark, as it would focus on using the rays B, G, H and either D or E (This depends on the gender the soul chose in a specific incarnation). In this way the soul appear dark, yet it really is not dark, it is only focusing on the darker / shadow aspects inside the soul and projecting these stronger than the others.
This figure show the spikes again, but notice that the spikes are stronger on the rays A, C and F and either D or E. In this way this soul appears light as it is focusing more on these rays.
Dark Souls vs Daemons
In rare cases a soul can be created primarily dark, but it is not normal. This is what is called a daemon. They can’t stand the touch of light or love, and will die when exposed to it. However, it is possible to heal these souls, but there is only one way it can be done. Through recycling them back to the Soul Grid, there they are healed and then reborn, as a normal soul.
As it is possible to lock a soul in balance it is also possible to lock them in either light or dark. This is unhealthy and not something that should ever be done. It causes great distress to the soul and in the end the soul will revolt causing great upset, or it will destroy itself.
Souls that focus on the Dark / negative rays, appear dark. They are aggressive and display a lot of negative ego qualities. They also have positive qualities, like love and light. They choose to focus on the Dark (meaning negative) side and are then called Dark Souls.
To be called a daemon, your soul would have to be created with only two rays, Dark, and either male or female. That soul is then permanently locked in this way. It can’t tolerate light or love and is very sensitive to it. When confronted
with pure light, it dies. Pure daemons can not survive in this dimension for very long on their own, the light start
to affect them, and they have to leave. They can however stay, by attaching themselves to a soul here and feed of the negative aspects of that soul, to be able to stay here. It affects the soul they feed of by turning that soul Dark. Daemon’s are parasites, of pure darkness. The vampires of stories!
In this manner those that call themselves Satanists are not daemons, they are called Dark souls, as they are light, that prefer to use only dark. Darkness is like an addiction. Some souls can withstand the temptation, others not. Most of the time souls that turn to the dark side are affected by a daemon parasite. They can change back towards balance if they so choose to. In some cases they refuse to return, then they can be helped to adjust back to balance, by separating them from the parasite and if that does not work, they are recycled, to heal and rebalanced themselves. The down side is that those souls that can’t withstand the pull from the dark; will always return back to dark, unless they make that conscious decision, not to return, they can be recycled only to be tempted again. Some times they have to be recycled 4 times to break them of that addiction.
In very rare cases, the set pattern is so strongly locked in that not even the recycling can rectify the imbalance, it is then that such souls are destroyed; no amount of recycling will adjust those souls back to harmony. They are returned back to energy or the global consciousness to learn further, until such time as they are able to be reborn again.
As with dark, so is light. Most understand the concept of light. The problem with pure light is that they can’t tolerate any darkness. (with this I mean someone that only have light and suppresses all dark) It affects them badly. To be called pure light, you have to be in balance, pure balance. All rays, as well as the mixing of all the rays have to be stable, equal, in balance and harmony.
There are no shortcuts for this, master the 15 tests, on a daily basis, learn and deal with all your past issues and lessons, and you can achieve pure light. Even pure light is light and dark, equally balanced like the Yin-Yang symbol.
Dark Ray
This is something very hard to master. Those that carry the Dark Ray, are rare, as this ray are hard to live with and incredibly strong. When you look at the Yin-Yang sign, notice the dots in each side, white on black, black on white. This represents the dark and light ray. It is a part of a soul as a whole, but it is separate from the soul, yet work in harmony with the soul. Confusing isn’t it?
The white dot represents the Light Ray, this is also known as the Christ or God consciousness, most of us know all about this. It is also mentioned in the blog Magical Realms – Part 1.
The Dark Ray (or shadow) is the exact opposite to the white ray, yet it is not daemon and it can tolerate light and love. It does not feed off the negative aspects in the soul; it controls them, keeping them in balance and harmony. This ray is incredibly strong, and when mastered and used correctly the soul can appear light or dark at any given
time. By increasing the dark elements inside the soul, the soul can increase the amount of power it has and use.
This part is useful in battle or in circumstances where the soul needs to be more assertive to gain the upper hand in a situation, or are under threat. They can go from anger, to love in the blink of an eye. It leaves no festering feelings, or emotions behind.
The Dark Ray, is not a easy part to live with, and souls that has learned to master that part of themselves, are so much stronger, and stable.
When souls that carry this ray, get into confrontations; the ray increase the Destruction and Chaos rays to increase power. This soul will then appear to be out of balance and “coming from Ego”, yet it is not the case. For the ray to be in balance all the rays (A to H) must be in balance to be able to master and use the Dark Ray. The rays will appear stronger, more prominent, but it does not spike, it stays inside the balance line.
One other aspect of the Dark Ray, is that it will always have the opposite gender than the Soul. If the Soul is female, the Dark ray will be male and carry male DNA, and the Light Ray will be female and carry female DNA, or the other way around.
When a soul grows past the Diamond Prismatic Soul level, the ray membrane would no longer be there to separate the male and female sides. The male and female ray would merge, and their DNA would also merge. In this way the Dark Ray would be different as well. The Dark ray would then have male and female rays as well as DNA. The white ray will also be like that. In this way the soul, has no barriers and the rays it project look more like a rainbow. The rays touch each other and this creates new rays that increase the conscious level of the soul even further. To achieve this level of soul growth means the soul has mastered the use of energy.
At this soul level, the soul is in contact with all energy, nothing ever created or still to be created can exist without this soul knowing about it. It would be in complete contact with all life, in balance and in harmony with all there is.
To achieve this level of soul growth and consciousness, you have achieved the status of The Almighty! Not many souls have ever reached this levels, as it takes dedication, suffering and absolute will.
I hope this explain the difference between the term Dark, Daemon and Dark Ray, more clearly.
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