All Blog Posts (907)

Neutralizing Radiation Waste Using Searl Effect Generators


How the SEG Operates and Eliminates Radioactivity…


Added by johnny kyllah on March 28, 2011 at 10:52am — No Comments

Triade of Resistance - A PSEarth Strategic Game


I want to play like Ego Shooter but no game is giving me the thrills:

Idea: A computer game for the next step in human evolution

( I invite the resistance or everyboy to participate and develop a real game, me personal have no money nor skillz, but be sincere because it is based on a true story, that means if you use an part of this idea and will not ask about it, you'll be followed by just another…


Added by Amelo Asalim on March 28, 2011 at 8:43am — No Comments

over zion

wholeness resistance family. has anyone been having problems accssing over zion? i use it daily 4 my h2o and i have not been able 2 play it 4 2 days! also, anyone in the nyc area can recommend a good brand of gota kola. it is my next purchase on the self enhancement list. thanks, love 2 all!  

Added by Denise La Roche on March 26, 2011 at 6:58pm — No Comments

Nuclear war in Libya!!!!!!!!!


Security Council





Added by moma on March 21, 2011 at 4:50am — 2 Comments

Alkalinity recipies and Amalaki,anything to enhance and stimulate growth kill parisites

The truth I see here is like none other i have seen.It has resonated with all of the things thought of and has been behind my actions.I have seen the cliff where the leap of faith must be made, i jumped it a couple times with others.There are more than idealisms here.I see those in my world who would disagree entirly on some body id fear idea,any concept brought here on this SITE .I can't wait for more information to come foreword on activation.I hunger for information and i have just waken… Continue

Added by Raymond Gene Key on March 20, 2011 at 1:10am — 4 Comments

New age info=random misleading propaganda

Ok resistance I'm back again I had to learn humility before I speak again and start the journey once more again to freedom of my mind completley. On my journey I have read literature until I realized no one can speak truth since its only perception. I think or percieve the new order is being ushered in through clever ways of using the media outlets. We all can agree on that one so far but my problem is that what exactly is closer to the truth.Also how would that person know it wasnt just the…


Added by Kirk Evans on March 19, 2011 at 4:52am — 2 Comments

The Creator Never Had An Beggining Nor End...How Is This Possible???

Been having trouble with this question for a while

Added by Kimberly Soul on March 15, 2011 at 9:39pm — 7 Comments

Radiation,what can you do?

hello everyone it seems that dream and reality are mixing.Things are going very quickly into the chaos that they would like to bring.I dont know if its the planetary spirit that caused all the recent disaster (asteroth?)or HAARP .I have learned about iodine ,it can be really good for you it is the one element that you definitly need for cell reproduction or bad.the kind in salt is bad for youand iodine from japan.I make my iodine from 88mg pattasium iodide food grade and 44mg mixed in a mason… Continue

Added by Raymond Gene Key on March 15, 2011 at 12:27pm — 11 Comments

Pics from 1972 Rothschild Party (the elite were doing it before Gaga)

Before It’s News found an interesting article on a Rothschild Party written by attendee Baron Alexis de Redé. These elite figures truly enjoy walking around with serious faces wearing creepy costumes. You think Gaga is “original”? Nope, she’s making trendy what her masters have been doing for centuries.

“… On…


Added by moma on March 15, 2011 at 8:45am — 4 Comments

Yahweh Ben Yahweh (Supernova)

  I was talking to a friend today who is a Hebrew Israelite.  He said many interesting things, but one thing he said that was an interesting "coincidence" was this. 


  Yahweh Ben Yahweh, translating God Son of God to the best of my current understanding, was the first person to walk this Earth to claim that particular name.  He came to the lost tribes of "the so called black men of America" taken from thier home to a strange land and enslaved and mistreated for 400 years. He…


Added by TOP84 on March 15, 2011 at 1:22am — 1 Comment

March 20th Solstice Meditation

Sixth Step in a Cycle of 12 Globally Synchronized Meditations


You are hereby invited to join in the sixth step in a series of 12 globally synchronized meditations designed to mark the celebrations of the last…


Added by Ajowa Ifateyo on March 14, 2011 at 7:33am — No Comments

For ye are all gods????

can i get my masterminds to come together on this one for me and give me some fact based information because i am getting tired of the christians that i know worshipping. i've been speaking up lately but i really need more information so i can better elaborate on this issue. i am on the fact based movement, and i need scriptures and fact based opinions thanks family. wvb, peace, and lov to u all

Added by I Am Lov bt mom named me Sophia on March 13, 2011 at 2:00pm — 2 Comments

Into the light


Step out of the darkness and into the light is a reverse analogy for example when you look out from a window in your lit up house at night you can not see out, if you stand out side in the dark you can see inside the lit up room. therefore the closer you are to a sun more blinded by light you are. so if you move away from the sun and step out of the light, the light from the milkyway "light" and beyond will be visable instead of the light of the sun being blinding…


Added by James Lyon on March 13, 2011 at 12:04am — 2 Comments


Wholeness 2 all my reistance family. i want 2 put an idea out. i feel very helpless about what has happened in japan. i don't know if it was haarp or nature. i want to see if we can choose a few times a day 2 think about them and sent them good thoughts. i know we are all in different time zones, so if we have a few times we can all participate. we can do it over a span of a few days. maybe on the even hours around the clock. we can stop what we r doing for five minutes and concentrate on our… Continue

Added by Denise La Roche on March 12, 2011 at 10:19am — 3 Comments

Saw a ghost once.

It paralized me.  It was opaque and wouldn't let me move or speak.  I moved out after that.

Added by Jeff M Frost on March 8, 2011 at 9:28am — 1 Comment

Are you a stoner? - Sapphire

I had to make this post on behalf of the crystal kingdom. As the "third leg" to plant and animal kingdom, the timeless values of the crystal realm are truly inspiring.


When one comes across new ideas, or incorporates new states of being, these stages of growth may naturally bring about periods of restlessness, unbalance or even malaise.


When this happens, it is important to acknowledge these feelings as they will come to attention regardless of what other…


Added by Joeronimo on March 7, 2011 at 7:04pm — 8 Comments

Earth Shift Project

For the resistance community, heres a good source for alkaline nutrition. I have stocked up and enjoy the product very much. there are many resources out there for nutrition that i dont know about so if you got any im open to seeing where else i can get some energy foods. we are what we eat so hope you find if anything some good knowledge from here.

check out some videos of dr. Cassar. he explains the best.…


Added by Matthew Rice on March 6, 2011 at 3:11am — No Comments

The History of the Police Officer

Excellent series on occult symbolism and secrets of secrets. Complementary for the other info on this site.

The History of The Police Officer


Added by Leonardo Maldini Leno on March 5, 2011 at 8:02am — No Comments



Hello, Fellow Lightworkers and Warriors,

     Just a quick note to post this, as I just received it:

World Freedom Day:…


Added by TJ on March 4, 2011 at 6:38pm — No Comments

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