The truth I see here is like none other i have seen.It has resonated with all of the things thought of and has been behind my actions.I have seen the cliff where the leap of faith must be made, i jumped it a couple times with others.There are more than idealisms here.I see those in my world who would disagree entirly on some body id fear idea,any concept brought here on this SITE .I can't wait for more information to come foreword on activation.I hunger for information and i have just waken from a nap.(pan)japan.I feel progress has been made. Searching through my horizon herbs catalog i found an amazing substance i have yet to try Amalaki i found it interesting i will use this eventually . I found this the other day howto make and alkalizer I promote gotu kola too.I am just now getting into sprouts,if you buy bulk its cheap alfalfa,mung bean sprouts mini vitmin factories. dont be scared of radiation do something about it or your of no use to anyone.The answer is activation support your dna unless your ready to spiral out of the game.Can you get past the gates?I think i might be able to but i might need help ,no i most definitly need help.why else would even merkabas be done in groups.
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