Raymond Gene Key's Blog (17)

breaking down religion again?

This guy on the video in the link has some very interesting information that i thought made some sense of different things sevan has said in his show.The information syncs up nicely .I hope you will check it out i would like to see what those here at the resistance would add or disagree with.     http://www.rumormillnews.com/cgi-bin/forum.cgi?read=218894     By the way the resent shows have really been puting things… Continue

Added by Raymond Gene Key on October 21, 2011 at 12:29am — No Comments

more information on cymatics

       This article talks about this square nebula they have found that has much perfection(crystal city fraud?)then goes into cymatics. It is from the david wilcocks movement as i call it(alien lovers)That little cayce clone, gotta love the programs.Hope to hear what you think.wholeness to you all. Im glade for what is happening here with the resistance. …


Added by Raymond Gene Key on July 12, 2011 at 11:30am — 1 Comment

mass gathering of conciousness a bad thing(david icke new jesus)

this guy in the article makes some interesting points but i dont trust em.It is interesting enough i hope to get some real break down because there is some higher information here but i seem to be having conflict with pieces ..



Added by Raymond Gene Key on July 9, 2011 at 12:00pm — 1 Comment

draco madical devices


   A strange new pain relief device developed by our good friends at nasa,some very alien technology .i am sure it works and it is the same stuff they use to cause pain and a variety of other things as well.Here is what they art showing us,getting us ready and making a quick buck off the pain they bring on.

Added by Raymond Gene Key on June 27, 2011 at 4:34pm — 2 Comments

the false resistance is growing

icke watch


 and david telling you why YOU ARE HERE,take with a grain of salt and dont forget to activate your mms



Added by Raymond Gene Key on June 27, 2011 at 1:33pm — No Comments

the Saturn family from thunderbolts.info



 Another in your face thing from an alternative scientific source.What do ya make of this??








Added by Raymond Gene Key on June 16, 2011 at 7:30pm — 1 Comment

The Diflexion Crystal Mystery

The Diflexion Crystal Mystery 

Around 1927 in Poland, they found that if you took natural piezoelectric 

quartz crystal  and  applied  certain  radio frequencies along  the C-axis  of the 

crystal,  it  began  to rotate  the structure  of the  crystal  lattice.  When  the 

rotation  reached  a  specific angle,  the crystal  simply  disappeared.  What  was 

happening is the ions in the crystal began to  migrate along very specific lines 

through  space  and …


Added by Raymond Gene Key on June 16, 2011 at 5:00pm — No Comments

introduction to magnum organum

          Behold the Magickal Midway, with ALL its charming sideshows. Herein at last is the Magnum Organum-not the ancient instrument of Perception or the modern organ of Knowledge, but the Perennial Wisdom newly Minted and Dispensed.

What's "new" about the Gnosis, MT? we hear some sigh already. We've had centuries

before you showed to be swarmed with tracts and treatises professing to state secrets and reveal the

coded seals of ourselves some of which seemed reasonable or…


Added by Raymond Gene Key on June 10, 2011 at 1:23am — 1 Comment

power breathing lessons

This is probably the best thing or breathing around in my opinion,I kinda mix this with the whole body breathing video sevan did a long time ago.I have been waiting a long time for the ability to post this,I hope you enjoy resistance





by Morra Talion

Lesson One: The Charger Breath

Here are your first instructions, your key Lesson in the Power Breathing technique. This

first exercise is called the Charger Breath. Become very familiar…


Added by Raymond Gene Key on June 8, 2011 at 12:30pm — No Comments

Why You Needn't Buy The Father's Line

Something to reflect on,This is one of the best break downs i have ever heard.I hope it sturs the pot a little and i also hope you get something out of it.Wholeness brothers and sisters anywhere










Why You Needn't Buy The Father's Line 

What then is the Teaching? what then has been brought to bear, in the upshot, for the 

benefit of All? Is the Mother-current the same as the "Sakti",  another way…


Added by Raymond Gene Key on June 1, 2011 at 1:55am — 1 Comment

cell salts

I just got my salt package today thank you sevan.I took the magnesium sulfate and held it in between my gums and cheek on the right side cause i heard a time ago that it was better than under the tung for going into your system.Just in this time I feel really good,i think this is pretty great and i would recommend it to anyone who wants to be unblocked.I am sure with the cycles It will help to balance me.I have here maca in a glass of water and another with gotu kola with ashwagandha added and… Continue

Added by Raymond Gene Key on May 24, 2011 at 1:30am — 1 Comment

what the reptiles are up too?and something to offer not much





no fear if anything does happen i live south of deming nm the new coast line supposidly .honestly we should be banding…


Added by Raymond Gene Key on May 6, 2011 at 12:00pm — 3 Comments

Ribo Rash

 With all of the talk about skin problems i thought i would post this

http://augmentinforce.50webs.com/RIBO RASH.htm#Ribo Rash

Its a pretty good beak down of whats breaking us down.Any thoughts additions?

Added by Raymond Gene Key on May 4, 2011 at 1:03am — No Comments


I found an extract in my cabnit and looked it up on the machine this is what i found

Myrrh extract comes from the dried oleo gum resin of the Commiphora tree. The use of Myrrh extract dated back during the ancient times when it is being valued for its aromatic fragrance and health benefits as a wound dressing. Furthermore, the Egyptians had used myrrh as a principal ingredient in embalming mummies. Due to the latter fact, myrrh is being highly valued with similar weight with gold.…


Added by Raymond Gene Key on April 19, 2011 at 1:08pm — 1 Comment

Alkalinity recipies and Amalaki,anything to enhance and stimulate growth kill parisites

The truth I see here is like none other i have seen.It has resonated with all of the things thought of and has been behind my actions.I have seen the cliff where the leap of faith must be made, i jumped it a couple times with others.There are more than idealisms here.I see those in my world who would disagree entirly on some body id fear idea,any concept brought here on this SITE .I can't wait for more information to come foreword on activation.I hunger for information and i have just waken… Continue

Added by Raymond Gene Key on March 20, 2011 at 1:10am — 4 Comments

Radiation,what can you do?

hello everyone it seems that dream and reality are mixing.Things are going very quickly into the chaos that they would like to bring.I dont know if its the planetary spirit that caused all the recent disaster (asteroth?)or HAARP .I have learned about iodine ,it can be really good for you it is the one element that you definitly need for cell reproduction or bad.the kind in salt is bad for youand iodine from japan.I make my iodine from 88mg pattasium iodide food grade and 44mg mixed in a mason… Continue

Added by Raymond Gene Key on March 15, 2011 at 12:27pm — 11 Comments

brain maintanence/enhancement

There are many things that can assist us maintain our energy capacity and expand. This is one most recent about beetroot juice and beets,a study http://www.tbyil.com/Beetroot_Juice_Brain_Health.htm .I havnt tried it but in time i may.The best cleanout i have ever taken was the onion and a pealed 2 apples juiced.2 shot classes will make you have a bowel movment.I havnt even tried adding herbs to aid the affect.Also juiced ginger… Continue

Added by Raymond Gene Key on February 25, 2011 at 7:01pm — 1 Comment


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