Something to reflect on,This is one of the best break downs i have ever heard.I hope it sturs the pot a little and i also hope you get something out of it.Wholeness brothers and sisters anywhere
Why You Needn't Buy The Father's Line
What then is the Teaching? what then has been brought to bear, in the upshot, for the
benefit of All? Is the Mother-current the same as the "Sakti", another way of characterizing or
causing to rouse the nether-fires of the kundalini? Is it Tummo, Tao or Teh, the spirit-flicker of the
The Mother-current is not the same as or equivalent to the Sakti. The Mother-current
involves the same elements known under the categorical specialties as kundalini, sakti, dakini-spirit,
etc.-for all those terms refer to a basic nature-current patterning processes of the mindhody being
(which is, necessarily, figured into any work of transformation, repolarization, awakening, spiritual
renewal or regeneration etc.). Yet the Mother-current involves a totally dzyerent relation to those
elements and those processes than is formulated in doctrine of the perennial practices accepting
such systems as Keys of a particular type.
To the age-old descriptions accepted uncritically by modem heirs, the awakening of
"kundalini" and its reverse unfolding through the progressively-ampliLEed network of chakras and
ganglia along the spinal axis is equal to consciousness, the direct realization of Spirit--the aim and
final object of all sacred aspiration. The "Mother" then is understood as a custodian principle of
that Spirit, the special force apprehended in the compound form of consciousness-energy.
But the kundalini is a mtzu-e-current. It is not strictly the encoiled value of consciousness
itself. We may understand this point if we consult the description given at the beginning of this
essay; the recitation of the perennial patriarchal version of the "feminine" and its significance to
the pattemsf-being was-as noted--rendered with special attention to terms so as to do adequate
justice to the collective vision of the Patriarchate while circumventing the snares and general
symbolic quicksand necessarily involved in any orthodox exposition (taking all key premises
uncritically as holy writ).
Noting our original delineation we see that the collective, traditional description infers
the involvement of absolute Spirit-consciousness in the patterning processes of creative impulse-
but it doesn't demand assumption of a one-to-one equation, fiom the outset. Indeed the traditions
are fastidious in rendering their primary, cosmogonic or world-creating descriptions in distinct
terms, clearly distinguishing the Whole-value of Absolute Spirit-being-assigned the "masculine"
gender-fiom Its power or Sakti, the "feminine" creative impulse of limitation, conditional
existence and perspectival focus (borrowing against that unitive Whole-value thus drawing It by
artifice into provisional-4.e. "as if '--one-to-one equations of identity).
The creative power slyly "mixes in" that Whole-value as it churns the milk of manifes-
tation, giving provisional life to its fonns through subliminal investment of the Self-same Spirit of
Absolute Identity in mutually-dependent, compound integrities fixed through delimiting perspec-
There is then, if anything, an initial confusion of identities rather than defining dicta of
"one-to-one equivalency" between Absolute-value, the basis and goal of the spiritual traditions,
and the creative Maze of Manifestation through which that value is effectively sought.
When, however, we flip over to the other side of the process in order to see what the
traditions have to say regarding the recovery of that basic Spirit-identity, it becomes apparent they
have along the way bought into that very confusion of identities (which othemise seems only to be
characterized, not deified, in the cosmogonic descriptions themselves); for, when we ask after an
adequate image of the liberative "reversal" of that Spirit-capturing process, we're told a return of
the creative-current upward along the Path of its original descent is equivalent to the recovery of
Consciousness! as if by following the kundalini-sakti along its daedalian reversion we'll simply
merge in unbroken transition right back into Spirit the way Bundy turns into Centinela. There's
suddenly no concession to the obvious fact that a confusion of values, not a linear interchange of
values, accounted for the initial "fall" into the anfractuous Map of Manifestation to begin with.
A contributing factor in this confusion of parallel magnitudes (Consciousness and the
creative-vitality of Nature energy) with sequent magnitudes, may be found in the linear typology
of the Patriarchate.
The Line Forms On The Left
Understanding something of how that typology initially comes about can serve to clarify
much in the way of contemporary psychological orientation, the character of our influential symbols
as well as the motivating key behind the collective religious and coupled esoteric practices of the
world. We may observe the relevant Moment when Line emerges fiom the background and is raised
to singular status, in conjunction with a decisive shift to "left-brain" emphasis and its verbal-linear,
abstractlanalytic functions typifying the patriarchal order.
In casting back to the critical juncture where the "line forms to the left", we see the
curvilinear graph of agrarian cycles and soft, seasonal fluxes (calendrically mapping the matriarchal
psyche) straighten out in the intercourse between Eras to the rectilinear boundary of demarcation
distinguishing the centralist reference of the city-state, enclosing the symbolic kingship at its
radially-convergent axis. This apotheosis of the line as a distinct separation-boundary between
inward and outward, above and below, axial order and exterior chaos converts the natural system
of coinhering complementaries to the artificial rigidity of polar dichotomization.
What's virtually unknown to the historiographer tracing the changes of surface appear-
ance, is that shifts in the structure of culture enact psychic interpretations of the total meaning,
purpose, character and intent of Being, the spiritual basis for existence.
This spiritual basis of every order no matter how apparently "~ecular'~ (by modem
standards of strict separation) is the distilled Idea presiding over its pattem, from which all ancillary
and interrelated concepts depend. This fact should become only more apparent when we look back
at the early eras, especially those making the transition from matriarchal prehistory to the "histo-
ricity" of the patriarchate; for at this stage there is no presumed separation between sacred and
mundane culture. An economic fact is here still a spiritual fact, a means of expressing the exchanges
and equivalencies of basic value reflecting the very numen of sun and moon, stars and sky. Here it
should be eminently apparent that cultural developments are stimulated by changes in the sacred
(ideofonn) fi-ame of reference. The central role of priest, shaman, pythoness or psychopomp as
Giver and Keeper of the forms of order in such traditional or tribal frameworks, ought to be
powerfully suggestive even if we can't make immediate analogy with the more "murky" or masked
origins of social numen in our secularized hework of fluid capital and abstract wealth etc.
Fixing on this flow of Influence, however, we can understand the shift from the Circle
of the matriarchate to the Line of the patriarchate with across-the-board economy of interpretation.
We can clearly see that the operative typology of Line as a noetic principle, a symbolic standard
and psychic integrator emerges in accompaniment of "sacred" practices involving axiaYone-
pointed focus on the "inward" side of the mindlbody form (as exteriorly expressed through
biorhythmic nature-patterns) and in the skyward direction of the cortical "heaven-father".
Eye Of The High God
This system in the sacred order of the faculties effectually displaces the locus of cultural
and psychic "gravitation" from the navel of the earth-womb, the chthonic vital-Mother. Such
shamanic or late-aboriginal practices serve as specific spiritual technology to disclose (for the Sacred
or "secret", Unitive Eye) the subtending Geometries and ontological coordinates through which
the very, defining tensions of nature's polyfom patterns are aligned.
Indeed a formal truth of the organizational currents is disclosed, in the implemental shift
to such sacred arrangement of the faculties and sense-functions. Emergent knowledge of the noetic
key to nature's capricious profusion (in the form of richly detailed yet symmetrically abstract,
kaleidoscopic patterns producing the ratios and integral equations of ordered variability in the
processes of change) imparts the power of a numbermagic enlisting subtle rhythms of the
elements--an ensorcelling geometry, whereby to draw the potential chaos of nature's creative
uprush to a regularity of abstract resolution.
When applied as an interior standard (its original, Sacred form) defining the psychic
continuity of nature's mosaic profhion, such Geometrizing comprises an appropriate science of
magical types potent to work with the essential grain of nature's flow; when applied as an exterior
standard of measurement the critique of Euclidean "abstraction" is ultimately justified in that it
serves as Procrustean means of slicing nature's lovely, irregular curvature through the plane of a
rectilinear enforcement as we find in the case of modem-day science and technology.
Thus these emergent, "skyward" forms of Spirit-vision became sanctified as cultural
Seed in yogas at the dawn of Hinduism, the middle Egyptian dynasties, the schools of pre-Shang
China and the later mysteries of Pythagorean science, the Platonic academies etc. What may be
distilled fiom this general ascension of the Sacred-lineaform-geornetries (with their initiatory
yantras or cosmic Paths, their dense-packed symmetries of mandalic idealism) is the resolution of
nature's manifest overflow or expressive diversification in the employment of basic, abstract
The bejewelled coherence of nature's profusion is not then originally understood on the
basis of an exterior, proximal model to which no factual turbulence of the elements conforms; it is
founded on a special configuration of the faculties and sense coordinates, the sacred or shamanic
Spirit-vision through the "shew-stone" of which the psychic unity of the manifest patterns is
Geometry Of Light
Line is first intuited in its abstract Place as reflex of the Intelligent Self-luminance of
Being upon the burgeoning field of its own, . .
creatively delimiting potential. It echoes
. . - : :...'* :;. ;- .
:.-::.:::.:: . .-. .-.
off the unextended Point-value which, in
*.:;::*:; ::.:Y:;b2.2a.::: ; -
. ..:; :5:::... .*,-..--. '.. , .-X.;-{ > ;*.. . t\-.--
its prolific self-multiplication as a hvn. .- :;; :-...- : ..:-.-:.:.*-*~-:~.~:>.~f~~~~.-.
.-a .:..:::::>*;::*+;5:: .-*..:-.
sal theme of centrist models the ~~>~;;-Y:~~@~~$~ .. t. .-G... . . . ::::'-.. -.-: . :. , : . - :.' ' :
.:.: - -.;::. ... .:t,-=*=. . -- extended Light of Intelligence in the con- ~~-$;:~=;~;f~$~~$~~.:~!{- .. _...
- - . . ..y.*L*.. - ..s:.- - . :--< ...
formal gesture of Line. . ...- .=..-. ...Ts - 4.:Ly-: ...,.,.. 2-.. .- . :.a:
a:'. ..'::-.:zc .,..*.:.--. .. Line serves thereafter--re- -.. .-. :: : : :..;;+,+ t - --
,- -.. . ;. Z-,-.-Y.::*
.:... "
- . ' :-. flected fiom the mutually mirroring limits .. .; ... .. .-.. .- .- . .
of the "point-spreadm--as connective
beam in the variably-adjustive architecture of orienting alignment, through the resultant coordinate-
The "fallout" of geometric potentials fiom that Process polarizes ideoform wholes as
overlapping fields, modeled in various "lights" by the unifjling noesis of Line; it sifts an overall
order (in progressive, filtrate resolution of compound focal planes) as a kind of crystalline Net
composed of phasic mirrors through which the familiarly-baroque landscapes of physical nature are
Hook, Line And ... Sinker
This new sacredness of Line takes on the implicit reference of the cerebrospinal or
conscious channel, i.e. the axial Stalk or Sward Lodgepole about which all the elements and
nature-patterns weave the skins of form.
The apotheosis of Line as an organizational typology in itself; abstracts it fiom its Psychic
or sacred context as unifying disclosure of Spirit-vision; it condenses it in exaggerated relief fiom
its defining Matrix (the Mother) and grows it to the disproportion of effectual autonomy or
"independent" life, so that consciousness and the Intelligence-of-Infinite informing the cerebrospi-
nal axis come to be equated with the reductive and specialized aspect of rationality, i.e. predictive
rectilinear order, abstract verbal hegemony (substituting "concept" for the ideofoxm surplus of
immediate Being), control-sequence and analytic subdivision4.e. the Whole of the conscious Axis
becomes reductively replaced by a marked ratio-oflemphasis on the left brain hemisphere.
Through The Time-Tunnel
Emphasis on the "exclusive" faculty of left-brain organization, induces an exclusive
emphasis. The effect is that of modeling a Psychic order placing an exaggerated division-bomaby
between the nuclear ego-being and the field of patterning processes through which it arises, and of
which it's expression. This is accomplished altogether through the left-brain value of negation,
uniformly underlying its conceptual and analytic architecture; with the general use of the Negating
principle, it becomes possible to interpolate the sense of an apparent "distancing" or self-cancelling
removal. This, in turn, has the effect of subdividing the sensible continuum of the gestalt (right-
brain) present, polarizing it in extremis through the inexistent tenses of "past" and "future" and so
distributing the integral immediacy of the whole being across a Temporal Zone fitted with
directional arrows of strictly lineafom value, overseeing a one-way flow toward the (perpetually
postponed) resolution of the future's dim horizon-line.
The general structure of this Psychic "formula", assumes the distinctly phallic orienta-
tion of a linear extension toward ultimate "climax" or denouement; it becomes translated into every
form of expression, assembling the general psychology of "vanishing-point perspective", blindered
fiontal fixation along a narrowly-focused hework of effective L'tunnel vision", strict goal
orientation, surplus-savings and linear accumulation (postponement of present-orgastic gratifica-
tion) etc.; it dominates the spiritual interpretation of life in the form of temporalized covenants,
arcing-rainbow promises of Messianic returns at Time's ultimate Terminus or W, worlds-end
deliverance fiom the suffering of sequent "recursion".
And it takes the foxm of the linear unfolding, the sequential uprush of the Sakti along
the rigid-inflexible structure of a fixed, "phallic" axis, to ultimate orgasmic discharge or defitive
denouement in return to Spiritual Source, the Upper-ceiling Eminence of Awakened Godhead.
The Kundalini Is A Nature-Current
The problem with this logically imposed analogue, is that the kundalini-saki is a nature
current. All the multidiiensional potential of its interlocking codes defines the axial "bodies" and
variable fhmeworks through which the value of the conscious axis may align in modeling its
provisional terms of Identity. The Sakti as nature-current furnishes a potential "space", a veritable
hypothesis of coordinate orientation any given arrangement of which provides the whole-value of
consciousness a more-or-less great opportunity to mask or to disclose to itself the real magnitude
of Being.
No such "environment" provided by the variable, coordinate grid-network of the nature
current may be considered a one-to-one equivalent of Consciousness in itself, i.e. the Whole Value
of Absolute Spirit-Being. On the contrary, any such potential framework (i-e. as our present
perceptual grid-pattern of the "physical" Mework of focus) defines the field of identification
through its particular, polar extremes, in which the Whole-value of Conscious Identity may be
provisionally invested. According to the specific ingenuity of its grid-aligned Artifice it may cham
the Spirit of Whole-conscious value to full, experimental Identiq-investment for a season; or it may
disabuse Consciousness through that self-same spell, persuading it finally to forsake such identity
equations as congenitally deficient and painzy restrictive with respect to its incommensurable
Whole-value in Itself. But in any case there is no certified linear progress, no sequential rnarchj-om
the restrictive and befooling plane of perceptual "masks" or displacing anisomerisms (halving
identity through mirroring interferences) to the Hall of inescapable Self-revelation.
The model of kundalini yoga has, through its conditioning of the operative pattem of
the nature-current, standardized a picture of spiritual liberation in which the coiled nucleus of
kundalini at the spinal base is "triggered" to unfold and flow upward, in sequent restoration of the
energies and facultative forms it had subtracted fiom the centers or dimensional planes of its
downward, focal lockin.
Thus the kundalini-nucleus, in the form of liberated Sakti-energy with its corresponding
"chakra" codes, is said to uncoil like a snake and progressively extend up the spinal axis, "lighting
the wicks" so to speak of the hierarchic centers in turn with its kindled flame or flowering
"serpent-fire". Each center, so ignited by the "restored" energy-value, returns its quality to the axis
of Consciousness and so becomes a mode of illumined awareness. According to the patriarchal map
of kunddini yoga (referred to in its broadest sense so as to include parallel theories of Sufism and
Qabalism etc.), there's a necessary sequence in the unfolding of knowledge or direct perception
with respect to the various centers.
First the field of perception must be flooded with praetematural light of the subtldetheric
energies composing the kundalini coil or autonomic nature-current in itself; then this physical
focal-framework must naturally yield to the psychic or symbolically surcharged energy patterns of
the Astral field to which attention is delivered as through an enabling portal by hydraulic pressure
of the etheric-current, on the crest of which awareness rides (the etheric current of kundalini actually
constituting, in its rotational webworks and moue patterns through the chakra sites, the threshold
"mainframes" of those extradimensional Doorways). Eventually the etheric-ingress to the cosmic
field of Mind or the creative patterns of Heaven Worlds is said to "open" in correlation with the
value of the Third Eye center according to the sequential yogic doctrine; and finally, awareness is
borne upon the Self-illumining Cloud of the Conscious Heaven of Heavens, fieed through final Exit
of the Sahasrar. Some such pattem or linear variation is characteristic of the inherited traditions of
the patriarchate.
The tete of teite Of Identity And The Teh
What we find, first of all (through contrastive Illumination of the standard furnished by
the Awakened Mother-current) is that excited perceptions and superadded energies released
according to the convention of lineadsequential unfolding are expressions of the heretofore invisible
patterning of the vitalfield. Adding these perceptions to the axis of awareness may seem to obey
the "necessary" progression of a logical evolution; but the compressed evolutionary potential of
the kundalini-coil with its chakra-values of extranormal faculties, psychic functions and fields is
not equatable in strict linear fashion, or through any "table of correspondences", with degrees of
The nature-energy of kundalini, left to uncoil "sequentially", is not obedient to any
standard of consciousness but only to an automatic-prerecorded energy code or timed sequence of
nature processes. Rather than progressively conform to the standard of Consciousness (or Whole-
being value) in its linear unfolding, it obeys the logic of interwoven energy-vehicles in their
respective, contributing "layers" of psychic value; it leads the habituated focus of (physically-ori-
ented) consciousness up through atmospheres of energy process, where that focus may be exposed
to grades of organizational phase-space coding variobs-psychic-values imparted from Its own
axis. Yet since Consciousness corresponds to a value of Identity through that central axis effectively
invested in various habituated patterns of the nature-current, its commitment is to the prevailing or
operative code of that identity. It bears no one-to-one equivalence of identity with the nature-current
simply "unlocked" and obeying the internally-patterned logic of its own, evolutionary program.
The kundalini is released and wanders one way, carrying the effective focal-coordinate
network of awareness with it; but the allegiance of consciousness to its fixated identity-patterns is
such that it is not obligated (by the sudden departure of kundalini hm its fixed fkme of reference)
to find itself "in spirit" exactly equal to or even with that energy's "next move". On the contrary,
kundalini is the essentially responsive force, patterning the codes of intent or conscious will and
magnifying their ideoform implications through all fields of its prolific self-multiplying nature
Consciousness, in its form as the sliding be of focal reference associated with the
moving sakti-cmt, may then "ghde into place" through a network of energy coordinates aligned
with a variantly-polarized experiential field, charged with new visions, values, typologies and
guidelines of workable orientation. But consciousness isn't obliged by the innate logic of such a
field in itself. Consciousness is still equated with its identity-investments. Consciousness has been
"led along" by automatic unfolding of the sequent ''evolutionary" code of the nature-energy, but
only in the form of the Horse that can be led to water yet never forced to drink.
Indeed, being a responsive energy deductively obedient to the code of conscious intenf
the Saki will ultimately shape the given field in conformance to the habituated identity-investments
of the ordinary ego consciousness. Ultimately, it will "follow the lead" of limited ideas fiom the
standard fkme of reference, the regular pattern of identity-investment; it will arnplifL and magically
magnrfi the very terms of ordinary ego-expectation in the intensified milieu of the "advanced"
psychic environment, so that consciousness will seem to be all-the-more powerfully and undissuad-
ably confirmed in its ordinary, imbalanced systems of beliefs and delimited knowledge.
Sakti Follows The Lead Of A Consciousness
Entranced By Her Form
In this lineaform model of spiritual evolution (standardized in programmed energy-cur-
rents hm the viewpoint of "patriarchal wisdom"), the kundalini-saki automatically unfolds itself,
sequentially extended according to the internal logic of its nested faculties and filtrate, perceptual
patterns. It unfolds without reference to Whole-Conscious value; in this model, the Awakened
magnitude of Whole-Conscious-value doesn 't guide and inform it like a vine trained unerringly to
grow toward the Sun along a straight-and-narrow trellis.
Nonetheless, being a responsive nature-energy formulating its processes through unitive
typologies of psychic intent or will, the sakti necessarily has to conform whatever fields with which
it's presently aligned into obedient reflection of the given-functional-+tatus characterizing
conscious identity patterns. Sakti configures even the higher fields with which its "evolutionary"
processes are aligned, in conformance with the prevailing level of conscious identity; so that
presently, the patterns of the nature-current pull "off track" of its evolutionary program, and end
in some cul-de-sac or quicksand swamp driven there by the internal logic of the operative ideas in
the upper limit of identity-investment.
This accounts for the phenomenon, experienced with familiar frequency by practitioners
of the traditional model (kundalini-yoga etc.) of the apparently "ascending" force becoming
mysteriously diverted, either falling like mercury in a thermometer to normal level after being
promisingly heated, or flying off at a horizontal tangent, deserting the "vertical" trajectory and
simply fashioning its magnetic lines of action according to the low-level plane of intent across which
it's deflected, merely imparting uncommon effectiveness to conventional drives and desires--in-
deed dezfying them through the stronger available atmospheres of spiritual potential with which it's
directly aligned.
Why Psi? She Sighed
It becomes evident after a while (an historical "while", anyway) that the addition or
restoration of supernormal "faculties" in a strict evolutionary line is neither the means of or
equivalent to, the achievement of the life's purpose in the form of Awakened Whole-being. Those
faculties and fields were originally coded, if we remember our downflowing description of the
world-generating process, as variegated expression of Whole-Conscious-value, aligned and organ-
ized with reference to the standard of Spirit.
What is the real significance of such "psi" faculties or "extraordinary" ki-powers in
themselves? They're obviously only "extraordinary" as modes of connection and direct integration
demonstrating "above" the stylized limit of the deeply reductive focus ofphysical manifestation.
As modes offunctioning they obviously only have meaning in the first place with reference to those
extreme, masking limits. (What does it mean to be able to fly in an instant between one mountain-top
and another, except with reference to the most restrictive limitations of a "bio-mechanical" being
confined to the results of muscle-exertion and the "sweat of one's brow"!).
They do not conduce to Conscious Whole-value; they merely expand the manifestable
potential of Being permitted through the Infinite Void-term of Conscious Whole-value.
None of these potentials is, in itself--and no matter at what "evolutionary" level it's
bctioning-indispensable to the Awakening of Conscious Whole-value. It is only true there's a
minimum, configurational alignment and stably balanced integration of current-patterns through
the extent of the multidimensional axis that's necessary as permissive ground for the awakened
continuity of Awareness, or Conscious Whole-value; yet the perennial misperception of the
character and non-linearproperty of those current patterns even through "Line" of the Conscious
Axis, has prevented the relieving recognition that such processes may integrate according to a
variable ratio of alignment amongst the centers and energy-currents.
Realigning The Line
The centers and currents don 't really operate as a linear scale of potencies aroused "in
turn", giving a recitation of facultative credentials at each respective level before proceeding a notch
. .
--upward". Rather, the autonomic energy currents (which normally keep the Conscious axis
deflected "offside" through the vital-web of their processes, patterning a compound focal lockin
of fixed perceptual distortion in imbalanced ratios of alignment through both "horizontal" and
"vertical" axes) may undergo repolarization and
functional realignment with respect to the integra-
tive Common Denominator of the cerebrospinal
channel. Such a realignment, distributing the mul-
tidimensional ratios of current-interaction accord-
ing to a threshold harmony of integral adjustment,
achieves a permissive self-congruence of the Con-
scious Axis so that* effectdts Whole-value
Internal External becomes available as the overt organizational
Balancing Balancing Term of all possible planes or variable states of
There is no special significance that adheres to one possible plane or level of perception;
there is no "indispensable" field of focus in the compound triangulations of the processing
nature-currents. Even the physical field of focus, the plane of ordinary perceptions, becomes
theoretically fit to serve as the sufficient occasion or incidental "place" in the Self-knowing of
Consciousness, the iiberative Awareness of Spirit-Being!
The "secret" is simply this: the requisite, threshold "symmetries" or balanced organi-
zations ofthe energy-currents through the vertical distribution of centers, may be achieved according
to systems of external alignment amongst the centers, or internal alignment within each center!
The rotation of energy-tumblers through patterned "locks" of the centers is less
frequently associated with the internal readjustment of any given center. Such readjustment
establishes a variant alignment of the current-potentials characteristic of the given center, so for
example a latent or recessed power of that center is drawn forward and made to "flower". Iffor
instance the particular, adjustive practice was to realign internal patterns of a lower or "vital" center
(sequentz.aIly one of the first unfolded by the upflowing sakti), some "supemormal" power
associated with that center would be potentiated, and available to "demonstration". Such are the ki
powers sometimes demonstrated in the martial arts, resulting fiom characteristic concentration in
the tan-tien or vital-abdominal powex center.
These internal alignments and potentiating, rotational symmetries are less fkquent
because the various powers they release would, on a collective scale, serve to reorganize the whole
potential of thephysicalfield; heretofore this was spiritually verboten since the physical plane had
to be kept in a state of 3rddensity "masking" as a stably reliable School of a certain type. While
such restriction is somewhat lessened in this time of millennial transit to 4th density, it must still be
generally adhered to, as the "lessons" of this focal plane still largely involve the coded restrictions
we know as the "way things are".
It is, then, the external alignment and symmetric adjustment between and amongst the
centers that comprises the minimum and acceptable circumstance of Conscious Self-congruence.
It does not require or involve any "sequential unfolding" of purely evolutionary stages. It requires
the harmonious alignment of vital, psychic, mental and spiritual centers with the Axis of conscious-
ness. In this way the vital-psychic dimensions of energy and subtle force may still be functionally
recessed, locked within the holding-pattern of their particular center; and yet the "ordinary", fixed
Mework of physical focus may sene as sufficient basis for the direct realization of Whole-Con-
scious value.
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