The Diflexion Crystal Mystery 
Around 1927 in Poland, they found that if you took natural piezoelectric 
quartz crystal  and  applied  certain  radio frequencies along  the C-axis  of the 
crystal,  it  began  to rotate  the structure  of the  crystal  lattice.  When  the 
rotation  reached  a  specific angle,  the crystal  simply  disappeared.  What  was 
happening is the ions in the crystal began to  migrate along very specific lines 
through  space  and  reform  the  lattice  structure at  greater  distances - this 
resulted in the crystal growing in size, sometimes as  much as 2000%.  When a 
diflexion crystal was in that expanded state, it would absorb 100%  of the  energy 
that passed through it - everything - even the  explosion from a nuclear  device. 
The energy could also be removed slowly through different methods.  Another 
aspect  of  the  expanded  diflexion  crystal  is  that  it  levitated  while  in  its 
expanded state, and it would move with tremendous  force in the direction of the 
C-axis.  So,  you have  the possibility of  building a vehicle that cwld fly on 
nothing but starlight. With seven superconducting diflexion crystals and six 
regular crystal plates as insulators, you could build such a craft. The design 
would  involve setting all the crystals  with their C-axes facing outward and a 
radio source in the middle. The problem arises  when you try to  cut a  diflexion 
crystal  after  it  has  absorbed  energy.  It would  collapse  and  release all  the 
energy and explode. They  have been trying to solve this problem for sane years, 
and that  is what  the crystal  technology labs  in  New  Mexico have  as their top

priority.  Lately,  it would  appear  that  the  Japanese  might  have  solved  the 
problem,  because  for  the  last  three  years,  the  Japanese  have  been  going around 
buying  up  all  the  natural  piezoelectric  crystal  on  the  planet  that  they  can 
find.  They  know  that  someday  it will  be  priceless,  but  pretty soon  all of  this 
will be  utterly meaningless.

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