The following was posted to the (Zula Shaman) Credo Mutwa's listserv by Warrior Olatunde ( I'm not sure what to make of it, but it IS intriguing. Any thoughts? Carlos…Continue
Tags: Matus, reptilian, hologram, Juan, Don
Started this discussion. Last reply by Ajowa Ifateyo Feb 3, 2011.
Sixth Step in a Cycle of 12 Globally Synchronized Meditations
You are hereby invited to join in the sixth step in a series of 12 globally synchronized meditations designed to mark the celebrations of the last…
Posted on March 14, 2011 at 7:33am
Lightworker, have you forgotten your mission?
Check out the Nugent's video below, Lightworker!
Posted on February 1, 2011 at 9:44pm — 2 Comments
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Peace and love and Happy Year of the Dragon, I went to Blogtalk at noon but didn't see a new post, I caught a show a couple of weeks ago and now i'm "hooked on knowledge", thanks for making me feel welcomed!
Hello to my friend "up north" as my mother says.
I have been a little busy this month and didnt take time to wish my Resistance friends a Happy New Year so here is a very belated almost February greetings. It's going to be exciting !
Hold on to your hat and keep on your boots.
Much love.
Greeting resistance members,
I am glad that you have decided to be apart of this magnificent, network of human improvement, going beyond the threshold. To get us back to wholeness. This message is to inform you, that the resistance is a living and breathing platform that needs pure substance to continue on its course toward improving the human condition to wholeness once again. As it was done ages ago. Please donate now, as don't require membership fees, nor would we like to. But the information is valued beyond words. If you can
donate $2,5,10,20 or whatever your heart desire.
If you have a paypal account send donation to: The Resistance(
Wholeness & Balance and a warm welcome new friend.
To be honest, i'm not sure, i think this site uploaded that picture, because from i can remember i haven't uploaded one....But i will.
Love & Light