The Creator Never Had An Beggining Nor End...How Is This Possible???

Been having trouble with this question for a while

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Comment by Elijah's Daughter on April 3, 2011 at 9:35pm

This question got me put out of Sunday School as a child and then began my journey for answers to what we thought were the unknowable things of God and what a wonderful exciting journey its been.

Wholeness & positive vibrations to all.

Comment by Allah U Science on March 24, 2011 at 8:32pm

There's a lot of videos on youtube talking about "Dark Energy" but it's basically energy. They also say that dark energy is mysterious, but they are just missing a simple principle. The negative (charge) is attracted to positive (charge) and because of this we get the motion of the Universe which is everything. Everything and everyone is rotating and revolving. That the basis of frequency. (ex. a sine wave) People depending on their attitude raise or lower their frequency as well. Perhaps this helps. Peace.

Comment by Allah U Science on March 24, 2011 at 8:17pm
Razure The way energy works is that the negative is attracted to the positive. This is also how electricity flows. Actually that's how ANY void is filled across the board including on a personal level. We turn our negatives into positives to improve and further our lives. :) I'd check some youtube videos on how energy produces matter and probably look at some videos about how electricity works and so on.
Comment by Kimberly Soul on March 24, 2011 at 4:02pm
Preciate the comments Brothers,What confuses me most is even if energy is all that is. How was it able to just manifest?And with that if it just manifest. It needs a place to manifest meaning a place was all ready there before the initial manifestation.
Comment by Allah U Science on March 23, 2011 at 2:35pm

Peace W/all41Luv

By manifestation I mean actual form and shown plainly which means something actually detectable and measurable internally as well as externally. This is the property of anything that is real. The means by which things are made manifest out of energy(also real) is electromagnetism and gravity(also real). In order for this movement to take place there is polarity from negative to positive. Without getting in a lengthy talk about physics, I'll just say this is how everything we see in the Universe is here.

Comment by Allah U Science on March 21, 2011 at 3:51pm
Well there is no Mystery 'creator'. Space is infinite and in space there is nothing but energy. The Universe we see are nothing but manifestations of the same energy congealed by gravity. There is intelligence in everything as intelligence is essentially the ability to transfer. What was energy does it transfers from state to state. Those states are solids, liquids, and gasses. The process of energy turning to matter just repeats or cycles itself into infinity. Among all this intelligence is the Original Man, who is the Supreme Manifestation of all that is in the Universe.
Comment by Kimberly Soul on March 16, 2011 at 1:39pm
Preciate the wisdom Brothers...The mystery has become a little clearer


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