All Blog Posts (907)


Last night (Sept.12, 2009) while i was sleeping i had a dream, that i was in a high school hallway with my father and we were about to go to class. while in the hallway i was chatting with some of my friends and i had recently obtained a new tattoo. I don't not recall getting the tattoo but it was there none the less. I was talking with one of my class mates and i told them to look at my new piece. I lifted up my shirt and when i did another one of my peers caught a glimpse of it and called it… Continue

Added by Allijah Kenyatta on September 13, 2009 at 9:10pm — 1 Comment

Children and Superheroes

Currently my form of income comes from selling language software here in Costa Rica. Now that it has become mandatory for people to learn English here in order to get a job many have been left hopeless. In comes The Resistance.

It takes about $200 per week to study at a language school, so I have give those who are not as fortunate (almost everyone) an opportunity to learn perfect English through a software program that I sell for $35. Those who I see need it and don't have the money… Continue

Added by Sevan Bomar on August 22, 2009 at 11:38am — 6 Comments


My subconscious state of mind created a vehicle with 10+ gears. It was faster than anything that i've every heard of or seen... its…


Added by Sesh Nuomni on August 21, 2009 at 6:00am — 4 Comments

Activation but not with Sprint

This morning I went through another series of activations. My body was very sensative to the touch as if all my nerves had been made external. The slightest brush or stroke was one of arousal. Changed sleeping condition was ear plugs and black tshirt wrapped around my eyes. Why, because it is known and I even often even neglect it that complete darkness boosts our hormone levels along with several other fluids. We need these to reach higher energy levels for activation. So when I woke up I knew… Continue

Added by Sevan Bomar on August 20, 2009 at 4:06pm — 4 Comments

Sleeping with Meteors

This morning I woke up from this lucid dream around 2:00 a.m. In the dream I was programming this advanced computer and designing something. There was one more lady there watching. The complexity of the system began to weigh on me and I felt that I was getting tired and maybe need to take a break, I was sleepy inside of sleep. Then I woke up and I was very tired just like in the dream. I'm starting to realize I'm getting almost no sleep. When I close my eyes another fully animated world begins,… Continue

Added by Sevan Bomar on August 12, 2009 at 12:30pm — 1 Comment

The Quartz Crystal

From time to time I will blog the rare occurances in my life because we all I believe have wierd things happening everyday and should thus keep a log of them.

Last night while preparing for sleep I decided to take the large Quartz crystal alone to bed with me. I read a great work on crystals that stated many things of a higher nature can be accomplished by a simple piece of quartz and man was foolish when he did not pass this knowledge to his siblings. This is one of the great… Continue

Added by Sevan Bomar on August 9, 2009 at 11:30am — 7 Comments

Humpti Dumte

Added by Humpti Dumte on August 8, 2009 at 3:41pm — No Comments

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