This morning I woke up from this lucid dream around 2:00 a.m. In the dream I was programming this advanced computer and designing something. There was one more lady there watching. The complexity of the system began to weigh on me and I felt that I was getting tired and maybe need to take a break, I was sleepy inside of sleep. Then I woke up and I was very tired just like in the dream. I'm starting to realize I'm getting almost no sleep. When I close my eyes another fully animated world begins, its almost like they are waiting for me to fall asleep so I can continue what I didn't do when I woke up before. This morning marks some of the most eventful sleep I've had and trust I have some crazy times in sleep. This morning many different people, scenes, occurances, downloads, took place. When logging on this morning Google's logo was of the Perseid meteor shower, I personally suspect that the arrival of these celestial bodies somehow have something to do with all the different personalities I encountered early this morning. I would like to ask everyone to start broadcasting a mental signal for reinforcements, there is much that needs to be done and little time to work with, We need some type of funding/sponser so We can get the message to the people before 2010, if we all put mental intent into this I know something will happen fast. 7

It is the children who must be warned, think of them.

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Comment by zia on November 18, 2010 at 3:22pm
ironically, this exact same thing occurred last night, for me...except it was the leonid shower. i slept with the window open in the event i could see the predicted heavy shower display, but there was too cloudy a sky and heavy fog this morning, shrouding all events. i wonder if my hyperactive dream (time-travelling) states as of late are connected with the meteor season(?)


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