Currently my form of income comes from selling language software here in Costa Rica. Now that it has become mandatory for people to learn English here in order to get a job many have been left hopeless. In comes The Resistance.

It takes about $200 per week to study at a language school, so I have give those who are not as fortunate (almost everyone) an opportunity to learn perfect English through a software program that I sell for $35. Those who I see need it and don't have the money (mostly everyone) I give the disk for free. So lately I have seen that I've been giving out way more than I'm selling which is great! (Everything is about perspective).

This also allows me to meet many people that are very fortunate as the rift here in the economy is large, there is virtually no middle class. Many of the wealthy who still can't resist a deal call me and we meet. Today I met a man who was very wealthy. I could tell from our previous conversations in regards of were to meet he seemed very troubled. When meeting him I could instantly tell he was carrying a great weight on his shoulders, so he will wait.

His troubles had come from his inability to sell various lands he had pruchased years ago for a "steal". He also complained that the large home he built for himself had power outages that he could not control no matter how much money he put into it, the power company would simply shut off his "power" at least once a day for 2 hours. Because he had a well for all his water this meant also no water because the pump to his well is also electic. He also complained that his yatch, which he purchased to do sport fishing tours, was no longer reaping the profits it once had. So so sad he was. A rich mans troubles is at times greater than the poor mans. You could easily tell that if this guy liquidated everything even at rock bottom prices he would still have millions, still peep his perspective.

After our meeting was finished I was off. I ride a motocycle and I'm usually clad in armor, with crystals underneath :-). When I came around to the area I live I saw a young boy sitting on the curb. I connected to his heart Chakra (only takes an instant) and I could feel life was very heavy for him to, but he was only about 7. I decided it would be a perfect opportunity to donate from the $15 our great friend BamBam donated to the Resistance. I got ready 2000 colones (approximatly $4) and spin the bike around. When I pulled up next to him he was just flipping off the car that passed.

In his mind he was saying (*&^% the world) he sees all these nice cars passing his shack and wonders why life is this way, I wonder to. I gave him the 2000C, he looked at it in disbelief, he even had to open it because it was folded in half to be sure it was what he though it was. Instantly strength came back into his chest, light came into his mind, and a jubilant smile appeared across the face. By that time I had turned the bike around again, gave him the hand signal of perfection, and sped off.

Now to that young child I am the Angel of the day. But of course not by that word :-).

The children need us badly, thier parents are under the Program so they cannot relate to anyone. They are born in an age that is releasing reality to them very fast. At some point if you can give them an old toy, an old computer, give them something to let them know hope is not far away and at any moment they could be surprised with everything they need for the moment. Is this not what We all want? Even though We don't have it yet if We can give it to them We can share for that moment the greatest feeling in the world which is that of true Nobility.

Views: 213


You need to be a member of THE OFFICIAL RESISTANCE to add comments!


Comment by Crystal on February 20, 2012 at 10:09am

What you sevan and the resistance, have been doing in this land of costa riches, has definately assisted our common indigenous family there, where they have can indeed celebrate a victory they acheived on February 2, 2012, Called Birth of a New Earth

Comment by Estelle Lightbourne on July 23, 2011 at 9:25am

Empathy and kindness are rare. I feel you Sevan and have the same question "why life is this way?" An overabundance for some and damn near nothing for others to exist.

Comment by Dylan Sullivan on May 25, 2011 at 11:34pm
cool motorcycle and crystal armor
Comment by Lavi Alano on March 29, 2011 at 5:59pm

I can relate to this...I've done this many of times on my birthday when I would be out and about I usually give more then I received that day

Comment by zia on November 18, 2010 at 3:17pm
teaching indigos and crystals is my life. those who are fortunate enough to be around them will notice a certain template that is dying to activate within them. i receive much more from them that i give.

Comment by abdelaziz on September 18, 2010 at 1:55pm
beautiful story, what is the hand signal of perfection?


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