

Lucid Dreamers is a group centered around dream interpretation, dream logging, along with techniques and people that will help you maximize your dreamtime experience.

Location: The Astral Plane
Members: 572
Latest Activity: May 15, 2021


Sleep stages are divided into two main categories: non-REM sleep and REM (Rapid Eye Movement) sleep, where dreams typically occur.  Over the course of the night a sleeper will cycle through the five stages of sleep a number of times with the REM stages lasting longer and longer towards morning. 

Here are the top resources for Lucid Dreamers


WNYC's Radiolab - Radiolab recently released a short story about someone using lucid dreaming to overcome a recurring nightmare.  The podcast has a great overview of lucid dreaming and is well produced and entertaining.

LucidDreaming - Reddit's active, knowledgeable, helpful Lucid Dreaming community. 25,000 dreamers strong and growing!

Lucidipedia - A veritable treasure trove of information about the practice of lucid dreaming. Tips, tricks, & techniques.

Exploring the World of Lucid Dreaming by Stephen LaBerge - from the father of all modern advancements in lucid dreaming research, and the creator of several useful lucid techniques, comes this, the Lucid Dreamer's bible. 

Discussion Forum

Entity influence or SP Hallucination? 1 Reply

Hey guys. So I just pulled myself out of the bed after 6 hours of "not sleeping. Why not sleeping. because every-time I would cross over and lose consciousness I would not and retain it in my other body while being pulled up with a feeling of…Continue

Started by Archy Mor. Last reply by Suze Wilderstien Nov 19, 2018.

A Blue Desert Bloom

G'day, EveryOne. I posted in the "Ask" section on about a portion of my dream journey last night, was directed to a fascinating dictionary of symbols, and more strongly, referred here to ask the same. Following this post, should…Continue

Started by Derrick Brent II Jan 12, 2016.

Strange Dreams, Visions, Sleep Paralysis... How to do more than just observe? 16 Replies

Hello everyone, I'd like to start off by saying that this is my first post here and I've made an attempt at trying to answer these questions myself, but I just can't seem to. Most of my "supernatural" experiences have occurred while sleeping or not…Continue

Tags: Dreaming, Lucid, Paralysis, Sleep

Started by Saskia Monteverde. Last reply by Archy Mor Sep 1, 2015.

Theme of Repair 5 Replies

so i have yet to really lucid dream, but the dreams i do have are quite vivid and seem to try to convey certain things through symbolism but i can only recall bit's and pieces. i'd like other points of view to give there input of what they get from…Continue

Started by Lebby Cascovi. Last reply by Lebby Cascovi Mar 10, 2015.

Lucid Dream vs Out of Body Experience 14 Replies

I'm finding that the line can become blurred between a lucid dream and an out of body experience.How can one tell if the experience is just a lucid dream where one doesn't come out the body as opposed to an out of body experience where a person…Continue

Started by Nineteen. Last reply by Megan Feb 23, 2015.

12 Years A Floater 3 Replies

Wholeness All!For the past 12 years, I have been experiencing the same dream. In these dream I began to rapidly float and when this happens my stomach begins to flip. I am beyond scared because I can’t stop myself from floating so I start to grab at…Continue

Started by Lanai Reid. Last reply by Tanycha Jan 27, 2015.

Astral Plane assistance required 3 Replies

I am all that is and everything is a part of myself.I will start by sharing my own experience on both planes phyzical and astral.My feminine phyzical energy (my girlfriend) is being constantly attacked on the phyzical plane,and as new on the astral…Continue

Started by Florin Lionte. Last reply by Ahein Jan 10, 2015.

finding my way 3 Replies

hi I am new here and very excited to be here.I have out of body experience and dream of things, events time and places that eventually occur the thing is I have no control over them.In the dream world how come I can't see a reflection of myself in…Continue

Started by Shannlloyd. Last reply by janet myers Nov 30, 2014.

being in a maze 1 Reply

HiI am often having dream's where there is no way back or out, being trapped.The last one I was a kind of prison camp and I was told that stuck. Sometimes the dream is of an old house that goes on and on or a hospital or school type of building, it…Continue

Started by James Douglas Sutherland. Last reply by janet myers Nov 26, 2014.

A Question 1 Reply

If someone begins a lucid dream and finds their own body sleeping, does it become an out of body experience?Continue

Started by Trancendant. Last reply by Ramob Nov 6, 2014.

Comment Wall


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Comment by Elisha Nunes on December 9, 2013 at 12:11pm

How should I begin?

Comment by Mystic Fire on December 8, 2013 at 6:05pm

Thanks to everyone who recently shared their dreams. Your experiences are interesting to read and consider.

Amsu, I dream of tornadoes and dangerous bodies of water (swimming pools filled with sharks, etc., and lakes dominated by whirlpools), when I am stressed and I feel as if I have very little control over my life. 

Lamont, I do not perceive my reflection within a dream as 'melting,' but I do see my form as being very undefined and misty. Seeing my reflection within a dream informs me I am dreaming, thus I am able to become lucid within the dream.

I find it fascinating that you perceive your dream reflection exactly how you see yourself in waking life. You might want to do some research to determine what it could mean. Please let us know if you discover any answers.

Alexander, as you probably already know, 3 a.m. is surrounded in myth and lore, although I imagine there is a solid scientific explanation why 3 a.m. is of such interest to the masses. 

There was a time when I used to wake up at 3 a.m. every morning, and it would take me hours to fall back to sleep again. It was very annoying!

Anyway, your dream sounded interesting. There seemed to be a number of symbolic messages within it that you could consider to determine the dream's full meaning.

Comment by Alexander Werdmuller von Elgg on December 8, 2013 at 4:01pm

wholeness & balance everyone and thank you for your time.

i entered to sleep at the calm moments of 3 a.m. but remained some what alert as i entered dreaming so i could feel the shift taking place in the way my mind was perceiving thoughts & feelings. i remember dancing on the edge of a concrete pool network as i just got off a bus and asked the driver to help me obtain my belongings (two bags). falling in those pools reminded me i have not danced in a long time and need practice as i may fall.

turing those networks of pools into a room sequence with tall ceilings & flying around, seeing a person above me which incites me to jump & flip. that person above me then giving me a candle to fly with said something like, 'you dont think i would not take care of you, do you?' the message felt mixed as i tried to jump to their level out of a feeling of 'competition' or even curiosity on what is it they are doing up there. interaction with various people included being on a fast bus with bells and feeling like i could feel the music  an individual enjoyed just by being next to them, like i could hear it emanating from them.

i was interacting with people in some open room with big windows receiving focused attention by some, and conversing about a book's title, then being guided up stairs in an outdoor populated building, thinking, 'should i follow this person or do i go on my own?' following this person into another place that showed familiar people sitting around a bench watching me drink coffee, smiling. i remember also explaining to people in the dream, 'this day' is the strangest day of my life because all these strange & magical happenings are occurring in one stream, not fully accepting i could be dreaming. this dream has been the most vivid i am aware of and appreciate any and all comments :)  Again, thank you all for your time and energy! wholeness & balance dreamers!

Comment by LaMont Brown El on November 27, 2013 at 10:33am

Greetings!!  I sort of did this backwards.  I thought I joined this group, but I guess I didn't! LOL  I blogged three of my dreams and was wondering if they would show up here, but sadly no!  Anyway, I've been having multiple dreams and can remember them in great detail!  I know that while in my dream I am dreaming and I just try to pay attention and see what the dream is trying to tell me.  I don't really consider this to be lucid dreaming, but I don't feel any fear, I mainly question where are these people I have never met before coming from?!?  I ask them and they always say, "I can't believe you don't know me!"  And they never ever tell me!!  LOL  Is there some sort of command I can give that makes them tell me anyway?  Just curious.  Oh! And why is it that everytime I look in the mirrors in my dreams I never melt away like people so often talk about?  I mean I look the exact same way I do in 3D!  Even my hands are the same!  Am I that imaginative or is there something I'm doing that is making me retain my body in a realm where a body clearly is not needed?!?  Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated!  WBV Everyone!

Comment by Amsu on November 17, 2013 at 11:59am

I've experienced vivid dreams every night for well over a decade now. Most of my recurring dreams involve tornadoes, large bodies of water, flying, encounters with dogs,  and shapeshifting into a dolphin. I have the greatest control over my dreams when I'm flying or swimming. During flight, I feel a healthy kind of pressure in my head like what I'm beginning to feel as I type about this. Removing malevolent dream experiences is a major goal at this point.

Comment by Nineteen on October 23, 2013 at 12:23pm

I just wanted to say that I really really appreciate what Sevan highlighted regarding the danger removing memories and the NOI merge with COS on the audio plugged above.  I'm thankful that someone else overstands what happened there.

Comment by R-MORE on September 15, 2013 at 7:44am

Jalen, again, language and definition is subject to definition and origin. Many define 'day dreams' into a lucid fantastical hoping, (portraying a sequence of events, either physically or mentally, of a desired experience and outcome). It is my belief that the area of the brain that promotes 'day dreaming' can be used as a practice range for full lucidity during one's physical resting phase. One of my day dreams was the perfect platform for me to use when I enter the astral. It is also a way for creativity to have an outlet and proofing ground. I compose music to express some of my day dreams. I also do some creative writing. Both I enjoy and they seem to help keep my world more harmonious and balanced, which in turn, improves my over all health. I don't know if that makes any sense, but, that is what came to me when I read your post. All I can share is my own experience and how I interpret the experience,and, the actions I choose. I would explore the videos on the main lucid dreamers group page. They are a great source of information. Good Luck! Enjoy seeking and finding!

Comment by Jalen Haywood on September 15, 2013 at 1:24am
im not sure if this was already discussed but is lucid dreaming also in the form of daydreaming? because i am a heavy day dreamer and the visions/dreams i have are so vivid and surreal that i tend to have somewhat of a physical reaction from them.
Comment by Crawl Born on September 11, 2013 at 7:26pm

@dara  I too stopped having nightmares after I started lucid dreaming.

Comment by Dara on September 9, 2013 at 2:09pm

i started having strange dreams some lucid since winter 2010, but at the same time i have stoped having nightmares.. mostly becuase in dreams where they are supposed to be nightmares i turn the tables around, for example in one of my first dreams i was in some old dark mansion with other people i did not know... we are exploring the place and i reach my hand into the darkness and something grabs me and tries to pull me in..right at that moment i pulled it back instead and bit down on the arm, the thing instantly turns into some sort of lizzard in my hand i hold it up and watch it get vaporized by some rays of light

but of all the ones the last one i had a few nights ago intrigue me the most, the profile picture i have is a form i choose for myself and i drew it myself, and as crazy as it sounds i have tried to meditate and come a fraction close to becoming it, but that night i had a dream where i became it , i finally became it, in my dream i was letting out every rage and emotion out channeling it through this new form, i felt myself being incased in the ''armor'' and the flames coming out of my eyes, i was charging at something that i barely remember or it was hard to see. 

the closest thing to a nightmare i have had are dreams of being late for class, which wake me up just in time. i know im not the only one with strange dreams so i take comfort in that. i usually brushem aside. but the last one has had a deep impact , i cannot stop thinking about it. for a brief in that dream, i felt incredible power more than i could imagine



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