G'day, EveryOne. I posted in the "Ask" section on secretenergy.com about a portion of my dream journey last night, was directed to a fascinating dictionary of symbols, and more strongly, referred here to ask the same. Following this post, should anyone need me to make anything clearer from the dream, I'd be more than willing to provide. This feels to be an awesome group, this is my first post, and thank you All in advance:

G’day, All.

Does anyone have any previous clarity on dreams of flowers blooming in the desert?

In the dream, I was with a teacher, he showed me lands others have grown, ended in a desert, distinguished those that could seed fields there, and then, instantly, a glowing blue/turquoise flower with pink leaves bloomed in completion. It was mine. I felt it. He commended, smiled, and I woke here. Thanks for any sharing! Have a great day, EveryOne!


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