Lucid Dreamers is a group centered around dream interpretation, dream logging, along with techniques and people that will help you maximize your dreamtime experience.
Location: The Astral Plane
Members: 572
Latest Activity: May 15, 2021
Sleep stages are divided into two main categories: non-REM sleep and REM (Rapid Eye Movement) sleep, where dreams typically occur. Over the course of the night a sleeper will cycle through the five stages of sleep a number of times with the REM stages lasting longer and longer towards morning.
Here are the top resources for Lucid Dreamers
WNYC's Radiolab - Radiolab recently released a short story about someone using lucid dreaming to overcome a recurring nightmare. The podcast has a great overview of lucid dreaming and is well produced and entertaining.
LucidDreaming - Reddit's active, knowledgeable, helpful Lucid Dreaming community. 25,000 dreamers strong and growing!
Lucidipedia - A veritable treasure trove of information about the practice of lucid dreaming. Tips, tricks, & techniques.
Exploring the World of Lucid Dreaming by Stephen LaBerge - from the father of all modern advancements in lucid dreaming research, and the creator of several useful lucid techniques, comes this, the Lucid Dreamer's bible.
Hey guys. So I just pulled myself out of the bed after 6 hours of "not sleeping. Why not sleeping. because every-time I would cross over and lose consciousness I would not and retain it in my other body while being pulled up with a feeling of…Continue
Started by Archy Mor. Last reply by Suze Wilderstien Nov 19, 2018.
G'day, EveryOne. I posted in the "Ask" section on about a portion of my dream journey last night, was directed to a fascinating dictionary of symbols, and more strongly, referred here to ask the same. Following this post, should…Continue
Started by Derrick Brent II Jan 12, 2016.
Hello everyone, I'd like to start off by saying that this is my first post here and I've made an attempt at trying to answer these questions myself, but I just can't seem to. Most of my "supernatural" experiences have occurred while sleeping or not…Continue
Tags: Dreaming, Lucid, Paralysis, Sleep
Started by Saskia Monteverde. Last reply by Archy Mor Sep 1, 2015.
so i have yet to really lucid dream, but the dreams i do have are quite vivid and seem to try to convey certain things through symbolism but i can only recall bit's and pieces. i'd like other points of view to give there input of what they get from…Continue
Started by Lebby Cascovi. Last reply by Lebby Cascovi Mar 10, 2015.
I'm finding that the line can become blurred between a lucid dream and an out of body experience.How can one tell if the experience is just a lucid dream where one doesn't come out the body as opposed to an out of body experience where a person…Continue
Started by Nineteen. Last reply by Megan Feb 23, 2015.
Wholeness All!For the past 12 years, I have been experiencing the same dream. In these dream I began to rapidly float and when this happens my stomach begins to flip. I am beyond scared because I can’t stop myself from floating so I start to grab at…Continue
Started by Lanai Reid. Last reply by Tanycha Jan 27, 2015.
I am all that is and everything is a part of myself.I will start by sharing my own experience on both planes phyzical and astral.My feminine phyzical energy (my girlfriend) is being constantly attacked on the phyzical plane,and as new on the astral…Continue
Started by Florin Lionte. Last reply by Ahein Jan 10, 2015.
hi I am new here and very excited to be here.I have out of body experience and dream of things, events time and places that eventually occur the thing is I have no control over them.In the dream world how come I can't see a reflection of myself in…Continue
Started by Shannlloyd. Last reply by janet myers Nov 30, 2014.
HiI am often having dream's where there is no way back or out, being trapped.The last one I was a kind of prison camp and I was told that stuck. Sometimes the dream is of an old house that goes on and on or a hospital or school type of building, it…Continue
Started by James Douglas Sutherland. Last reply by janet myers Nov 26, 2014.
If someone begins a lucid dream and finds their own body sleeping, does it become an out of body experience?Continue
Started by Trancendant. Last reply by Ramob Nov 6, 2014.
Indrek Vaaks,
Your mention of a tree with a creature on it reminded me of a dream I had in 2005. Below is a small diary mention of part of the dream. I can send the entire dream if you wish, although it doesn't seem to follow the remaining theme of your own dream.
Great Mother
Approximately July 12, 2005
In the dream, I, along with a number of other people (I didn't see them as much as knew they were there somewhere below me) were clinging to the trunk of a huge tree. We were hanging on to the tree much like a bat attaches to bark with the claws of its feet. The tree had a head of sorts.
I knew this tree to be the 'Great Mother' and Creator of All.
Sorry I meant deck of cards in my hand not head
Wholeness everyone! For those of you who have some experience interpreting dreams. How do you go about interpreting your own? Do you just follow your feelings? How do you interpret the symbolism?
I just had one of the worst dreams I've had in a very long time. I did buy some crystals and stones and have them in my room so maybe that is affecting me.
But long story short I experience sleep paralysis somewhat regularly (you can read a little about some other experiences I've had here:
and just this morning I had a dream where I thought I was awake in my bed and started to feel that heavy feeling I get into when my body is paralyzed. Only this time I started moving, or should I say something was moving me as I wasn't making any effort. Then a deck of cards appeared in my head and i set out 4 cards, all suits at first A K Q J. I flipped the cards face down then face up to see all Jacks, the images on the cards had transformed as well there were two colored sketches of what I thin k was the virgin Mary wearing white and light blue, the other two where black and white sketch of a medieval Page (like in the Tarot).
After that things were kind of blurry I was moving around conjuring things or who knows what but it was something. My fiancé woke up and asked me what was wrong and if I was having an episode (I've told him about my sleep paralysis).
He sprayed me with water which shook me out of whatever was happening. I said that I felt something had possessed me because it wasn't me doing any of what I was doing. He agreed with me and for a moment I felt a devious smile on my face and I went over to grab my fiance's neck. Still I was in more control and stopped myself before I did and then began to cry. Told myself I would never drink and I'd exercise everyday and only eat the purest food. Then I really woke up.
But this dream felt so real. And I almost couldn't distinguish it from some of my sleep paralysis episodes. Like I said I don't know if its some of the crystals I bought that have brought things up to my awareness. I have a small piece of Moldavite because I had always wanted one. I've read here that it's not a beginner crystal and I am definitely a beginner.
Anyway I'm not sure if anyone can get any meaning out of this but there are time where I have experience strange paranormal things very often and I have a feeling that I'm getting into another one of those phases. Every time it seems to get more intense. Any guidance in the right direction would be very helpful as sometimes I'm at a loss. I try to become lucid but find most often Im an observer with great recall.
Thank you Aurora! Feeling the innerstanding!
Hello Marie ,
To answer your question, being the observer and experiencing your dream, means that you are reviewing your life,its simply holding the technique of objectivity is also a gift..this gift can sometimes also assist in remote viewing...
The interpretation to your dream, means that you are experiencing your nephew as a strong survivor and playful but dangerous, if you look at the qualities of a feral cat, these should give some description of his behavior, perhaps even before he passed on...His Mother would also like to talk about her own feelings and perhaps even bear them to you as the observer...She might also not have mourned his death fully...this then leads to a renewal of feelings and emotional strengths that you and she might share and experience...Be the change...Wholeness...
Can someone help me with the difference between being the one in the dream doing the observing and knowing you are actually experiencing the dream? For instance, last night I dreamed a feral cat jumped into my arms and became my 5 year old nephew who I loved in life very much (he died at the age of 30 from a drug overdose). Later I observed his mother's skin coming off and a voice that said, "You will be made as new." I was very aware of the difference of observing and participating. Comments?
Hello Indrek ,
the 1st stage of your dream: meaning , "I was traveling in corridors"
Travelling is a good sign, it means you are going forward, you are not a person that stands still and idle , awaiting are the change, that you need to be...
" in the end of the corridor appeared silver aliens with light blue eyes, that startled me and I fired shots at them."
Meaning , in the end of the corridor, this means the end of a decision or a direction that that you have made , you find silver aliens, these are the beings that are actually doing negatively interfering in your might have dream't of them before...they are called Orions...Well done for shooting them...!
I can suggest you follow this link -some clarity
2nd phase interpretation : " I was climbing up a steep mountain with other men, which reminded me of my days in the obligatory time service of Estonian defense forces. " -You are being corralled to take on a defensive position...Do you suffer from headaches?
climbing a mountain, to find a higher purpose, If I could suggest, let the mountain that you climb, be the mountain of your own creative choice...
3rd phase -
interpretation- This is the higher calling or the mountain that you are being forced to climb...the meeting, the big thing that is militarizing you...
the president is making a deal with a professor with a lightning bolt on his third see with a warlike insight, There may be an element of judgment involved,personified in the Greek god Zeus ..see this video,
explanation on some symbol stuff...
The deal is actually made with the Orion alien element...the fist stage of your dream gave an introduction already...The Orions are master manipulators of many species, humans and non human...Know who you are, and this will make things harder for anything or anyone to try to control you..
(Just recently Obama made a visit to Estonia)- it speaks for itself...
4th phase :
Interpretation - Self realization , to know who you are , is also to move away from the involvement of the drama, or get introspection...and become objective in your own existence...
You are perhaps seeking love and innerstanding of your own existence, why you are here?
Why do you go through the things that others might not go through ?questions like that...
So a co worker, someone on the same lifepath as you..
(don't worry you wont die before you have accumulated the information you seek)
The house in the countryside, was not up to standard , This is why this dream is so vital . Dreams give us a heads up - so even though you see this event unfolding in front of you, you are still given a choice
And more good news, you do...
You contact a friend to join him in school...more higher learning...
Make sure you know where you want to be in life, this journey of wisdom seeking is a difficult one, and sometimes, lonely, but the great thing about it ,is that you gain wonderful friends , and you gain wisdom...Cudos to you! it takes courage and strength ..
Well done for writing the dream down...this is a very important dream for clarity about your choices
Loving yourself is the best thing that you could start doing right now, this will give you a greater advantage over any type of influence you could suffer from...
Contact me, if you are stuck or don't understand, thoughts are welcome..
just want to say that one day at 7 am to 8 45am i think i stop breathing for a min an was on the other side or what i think it is ,its like our world but no body could hear you an i try to breath but could not started cough an cough an them wake up but as soon as that clear ,went right back in same dream just like our world i could not talk to any one they can't see me lost my breath again cough wake up an back in the dream again this time i hope i did wake up because i can see everyone but they don't respond to me so i told my mind to walk around when i wake,i press on other people skin tap them but they don;t respond its like a other world you can see everything the people that live there don't see you or hear you last time my breath was gone cough wake up an this time i walk around my bed ,but i know there is another plain aline with ours not sure were is that but its true.
correction-MY mother and I where very close................ I was on a bus when sitting across from me was my mother.
I AM HERE! People talk about and wonder what happens after death,I say Life begins again.I have been told by my mother to remember my dreams and so I have remembering the numbers whatever location I am send to.I will use these numbers to play the pick 3 or 4 lotto.My mother and where very close,she crossed over in 08.Deeply I was sad,one night in 09 I had a dream.I was a bus when sitting across from me was my mother.She smiled at me and said she had to get out of the house.I left your father home.When my mother crossed over she was in her early 80's.When I saw her on the bus ,my mother 60 years younger.I saw my mother two more times after that.In my dream state I was aware enough to look out of the window while on the bus. THERE WAS PEOPLE MOVING GOING ABOUT THEIR BUSINESS.Say what you think about the after life,this is what I saw.
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