

Lucid Dreamers is a group centered around dream interpretation, dream logging, along with techniques and people that will help you maximize your dreamtime experience.

Location: The Astral Plane
Members: 572
Latest Activity: May 15, 2021


Sleep stages are divided into two main categories: non-REM sleep and REM (Rapid Eye Movement) sleep, where dreams typically occur.  Over the course of the night a sleeper will cycle through the five stages of sleep a number of times with the REM stages lasting longer and longer towards morning. 

Here are the top resources for Lucid Dreamers


WNYC's Radiolab - Radiolab recently released a short story about someone using lucid dreaming to overcome a recurring nightmare.  The podcast has a great overview of lucid dreaming and is well produced and entertaining.

LucidDreaming - Reddit's active, knowledgeable, helpful Lucid Dreaming community. 25,000 dreamers strong and growing!

Lucidipedia - A veritable treasure trove of information about the practice of lucid dreaming. Tips, tricks, & techniques.

Exploring the World of Lucid Dreaming by Stephen LaBerge - from the father of all modern advancements in lucid dreaming research, and the creator of several useful lucid techniques, comes this, the Lucid Dreamer's bible. 

Discussion Forum

Entity influence or SP Hallucination? 1 Reply

Hey guys. So I just pulled myself out of the bed after 6 hours of "not sleeping. Why not sleeping. because every-time I would cross over and lose consciousness I would not and retain it in my other body while being pulled up with a feeling of…Continue

Started by Archy Mor. Last reply by Suze Wilderstien Nov 19, 2018.

A Blue Desert Bloom

G'day, EveryOne. I posted in the "Ask" section on about a portion of my dream journey last night, was directed to a fascinating dictionary of symbols, and more strongly, referred here to ask the same. Following this post, should…Continue

Started by Derrick Brent II Jan 12, 2016.

Strange Dreams, Visions, Sleep Paralysis... How to do more than just observe? 16 Replies

Hello everyone, I'd like to start off by saying that this is my first post here and I've made an attempt at trying to answer these questions myself, but I just can't seem to. Most of my "supernatural" experiences have occurred while sleeping or not…Continue

Tags: Dreaming, Lucid, Paralysis, Sleep

Started by Saskia Monteverde. Last reply by Archy Mor Sep 1, 2015.

Theme of Repair 5 Replies

so i have yet to really lucid dream, but the dreams i do have are quite vivid and seem to try to convey certain things through symbolism but i can only recall bit's and pieces. i'd like other points of view to give there input of what they get from…Continue

Started by Lebby Cascovi. Last reply by Lebby Cascovi Mar 10, 2015.

Lucid Dream vs Out of Body Experience 14 Replies

I'm finding that the line can become blurred between a lucid dream and an out of body experience.How can one tell if the experience is just a lucid dream where one doesn't come out the body as opposed to an out of body experience where a person…Continue

Started by Nineteen. Last reply by Megan Feb 23, 2015.

12 Years A Floater 3 Replies

Wholeness All!For the past 12 years, I have been experiencing the same dream. In these dream I began to rapidly float and when this happens my stomach begins to flip. I am beyond scared because I can’t stop myself from floating so I start to grab at…Continue

Started by Lanai Reid. Last reply by Tanycha Jan 27, 2015.

Astral Plane assistance required 3 Replies

I am all that is and everything is a part of myself.I will start by sharing my own experience on both planes phyzical and astral.My feminine phyzical energy (my girlfriend) is being constantly attacked on the phyzical plane,and as new on the astral…Continue

Started by Florin Lionte. Last reply by Ahein Jan 10, 2015.

finding my way 3 Replies

hi I am new here and very excited to be here.I have out of body experience and dream of things, events time and places that eventually occur the thing is I have no control over them.In the dream world how come I can't see a reflection of myself in…Continue

Started by Shannlloyd. Last reply by janet myers Nov 30, 2014.

being in a maze 1 Reply

HiI am often having dream's where there is no way back or out, being trapped.The last one I was a kind of prison camp and I was told that stuck. Sometimes the dream is of an old house that goes on and on or a hospital or school type of building, it…Continue

Started by James Douglas Sutherland. Last reply by janet myers Nov 26, 2014.

A Question 1 Reply

If someone begins a lucid dream and finds their own body sleeping, does it become an out of body experience?Continue

Started by Trancendant. Last reply by Ramob Nov 6, 2014.

Comment Wall


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Comment by Yvonne on January 8, 2015 at 2:38am

Awesome Marie - that's so inspiring!   I had one this morning saying I must remember it's the time of THE QUICKENING.   Need to work on that one! :)

Comment by Marie Adams on January 6, 2015 at 3:32pm

Just before waking I heard a voice say, Go to your Deep Truths. It was about 4am so I got up and lit my meditation candle and  grabbed my favorite crystal and meditated and had the most remarkable vision quest!

Comment by Terra Preta on December 9, 2014 at 4:09pm

has anyone tried taking supplements, I use a combo. 5-HTP before sleep, wake up 4-5 hours later then take galantamine & alpha gpc (choline) stay up for around 10-20 minutes then lay back down. Then comes the sleep paralysis & body vibrations as I enjoy the ride! Ive had lucid to semi lucid dreams every time out of the 3 attempts I had w/ the supplements. You cant take every night or a tolerance will build up

The 1st time I went lucid I believe I opened my 3rd ear as Sevan talks about. I could hear something like a radio playing w/ man talking followed by a woman singing. I was in darkness but I believe all I needed to do is open my astral body eyes to see. Other times I have interacted w/ dream characters only for them to not be very responsive, like their running on their own set program. 

I think going lucid is fairly easy when you know the process the supplements just adds an extra boost to the neurotransmitter process in your brain. The hardest part is remembering everything that happened & with detail

Comment by Megan on December 9, 2014 at 6:46am

That's great advice Michael.  I am not lucid dreaming as yet although I do have small moments of consciousness in my dreams.  I too find that there are periods where I don't remember dreaming and then other periods where I am dreaming all night every night.  

Comment by Michael Boatright on December 8, 2014 at 11:05pm
Luis, I go through certain cycles, most of us are using Hod for astral travel, our lunar astral body unless you are a master. So there are many things to consider, diet, hydration, controlling vices and building virtues, they spill or build light in your DNA by compounding the hydrogen bonds in the lattice transferring to the pentos in each helix. It's crystallizes m state in your CNS. If you're upset you lose it, if your loving and grateful you gain it. Same for all vices. Don't spill your orgasm it's concentrated bound hydrogen. Do pranayamas it builds it, set intention! Don't be discouraged part of it is controlled by lunar cycles, a waxing moon in the early morning works better for me. Find a position, on my back my head under a pillow with my legs supported is mine. Make sure you have polar balance. There are certain chants that loosen your DNA and unchain you. Don't watch tv or smoke pot or look at a screen at night. Eat light , healthy and early no nuts or meat before bed, no meat at all. Lucidology 101 will give you methodology on cycles it helps. It's on youtube. There's a lot more, but know you can and set intent always
Comment by Luis Cruz-Rivera on December 8, 2014 at 10:27pm
Would anyone perhaps know of how to begin lucid dreaming, I've taken the time to creat a dream diary and take subconscious checks on what is real what's not, I listen to 582 hertz every night but I'm still finding it difficult to even dream? If anyone had insight or similar problems and advice it would be greatly appreciated
Comment by Luis Cruz-Rivera on November 28, 2014 at 2:28pm
Thank you Megan I'll be listening into the 528 hertz your comment was much appreciated:)
Comment by Megan on November 27, 2014 at 3:27pm

Hi Luis. I am new too, however I have heard Sevan talk about 528 hertz. I searched this last night on the resistance site and there was a good you tube video with the music and frequency playing.  Hope this helps :)

Comment by Luis Cruz-Rivera on November 26, 2014 at 10:39pm
Greetings fellow lucid dreamers I was just wondering if anyone knew some good music to listen to, to enhance and help lucid dream better I'm just starting off and it would be very appreciated to have some personal enlightment on how to begin.
Comment by Trancendant on October 22, 2014 at 5:54pm

I have a problem. As soon as I become lucid, any light in the dream starts fading and doesn't stop until I'm awake and looking at the black on the back of my eyelids. Has anyone else experienced this? I'd appreciate any insight, thoughts, tips or suggestions.



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