Etymology and Ciphering is a group that has a direct focus on determining the true meaning of words and symbols.
Our primary emphasis is to identify ancient and modern programming of the Mind, Body, and Soul. This we feel will allow us to gain a greater innerstanding and bearing in relation to the multiple realities that surround us, seen and unseen.
This tool will allow you to see all the posible spelling for a group of words. It is great to use on your name or longer words and sentences.
An online site that allows you to track a symbol by description. The site also contains a large database of symbols with loose interpretations.
This work will allow you to gain a great example of just how expansive the meaning and use of languages can be by highlighting the Hebrew Cabalah.
A look in to the English languages and the energy it evokes through shape.
The Book of Talismans, Amulets, and Zodiacal Gems
A masterpiece that highlights ancient work that is being lost and the true origins of many Sigils used today.
Members: 457
Latest Activity: May 27, 2021
Im not sure if this has been discussed, I am very new to Etymology/trying to remember how it works.I was at work today and was typing some automation code to test the company's software when i noticed the word "password" but the textbox that it was…Continue
Started by Dang Sikfu. Last reply by ultraviolet Aug 20, 2015.
4D to 3D, Why things start off internal, and go external, a working theory. While living in 3D, all things have to start internally in 4D as that is the dimension of time before they get here. They start a duplicate of what is already there, and…Continue
Tags: expansion, out, power, inner, 3D
Started by Karrade. Last reply by Charles I. Kenney, IV Feb 20, 2015.
Note to start - second page is more universal, breaking it down bit by bit!I wanted to start a thread everyone could contribute to, no matter how far fetched the ideas, just fire them off and we'll see if we make any progress. Please look at this…Continue
Started by Karrade. Last reply by Charles I. Kenney, IV Feb 20, 2015.
Hi All,I haven't read all the posts on this forum and do not know if anyone has touched on the subject of backwards phenomenon when they changed the writing system from left to right. I was a preschool teacher and the children all naturally begin…Continue
Tags: dyslexia, writing, system, backwards
Started by Savitri Scathach Shivani. Last reply by Charles I. Kenney, IV Feb 20, 2015.
Has anyone found that the original letter for Aleph (A) written in Phoenician is actually 2 Xs that meet at the end? Is it possible that the Aleph of the Sumerians actually represented the Cow to represent the feminine energy. The Matrix…Continue
Started by Stacey Palmer. Last reply by AM Oct 23, 2014.
I've been wondering this for a while now, so I thought someone might shed some knowledge on the etymology of right and left. Particularly, how most people are brought up to be right handed ( or maybe it's in their genetics) and how we say the…Continue
Tags: left, right, ciphering, etymology
Started by Tyrone. Last reply by Michael Fong Oct 3, 2014.
di·ag·o·nal[dahy-ag-uh-nl, -ag-nl] adjective1.Mathematics .a.connecting two nonadjacent angles or …Continue
Started by KFive. Last reply by Tay Aug 4, 2014.
Wholeness all! For a few years, I was practicing Kundalini Yoga and after the close of each practice, we students chanted SAT NAM. Which the teacher instructed that meant, "the truth is your identity." Today, I was listening to the show that Sevan…Continue
Started by Emily Banko. Last reply by Samuel Adam Alder Apr 11, 2014.
Greetings Dear Ones, I'm posing my question here in this forum as it seems I am having difficulty deciphering this idea and discerning whether this could be true. . . Could TOPPT be real and could their filings have any real effect on TPTB or (as…Continue
Started by Lezli. Last reply by Tyrone Ray Feb 14, 2014.
For-tune, everything is a melody. If you've been following the study group talks from Sevan on everything being a harmony, I thought i'd give you a quick shortcut to wealth or abundance in your life. Playing your tune, or being for the tune, on…Continue
Tags: orchestra, life, harmony, melody, for
Started by Karrade. Last reply by Zen Alchemist Oct 9, 2012.
great etymology and linguistics word play
check it out
is defined as:
“An open statement of
and many of us are coming
to see
just how powerful an
affirmation can be.
is an ancient word for
from a time when many
people knew
the potent power of spells
and rites.
Placing AE
-a small unit of magic –
-in front of IOU is a way of
spelling perpetual
of one to another
which is cosmically correct
but financially
instead,we place AE
before O-U-I
we AVOW the
AyE that is OUI
and the WE that is US
which unites and affirms
our individuality and
AE-OUI may be
avowal for our mutual
discipline: directly from Latin disciplina "instruction given, teaching, learning, knowledge"
weird (adj.) c.1400, "having power to control fate, from wierd (n.), from Old English wyrd "fate, chance, fortune; destiny; the Fates," literally "that which comes," from Proto-Germanic *wurthiz (cognates: Old Saxon wurd, Old High German wurt "fate," Old Norse urðr"fate, one of the three Norns"), from PIE *wert- "to turn, to wind," (cognates: German werden, Old English weorðan "to become"), from root *wer- (3) "to turn, bend" (see versus). For sense development from "turning" to "becoming," compare phrase turn into "become."
The sense "uncanny, supernatural" developed from Middle English use of weird sisters for the three fates or Norns (in Germanic mythology), the goddesses who controlled human destiny. They were portrayed as odd or frightening in appearance, as in "Macbeth" (and especially in 18th and 19th century productions of it), which led to the adjectival meaning "odd-looking, uncanny" (1815); "odd, strange, disturbingly different" (1820). Related: Weirdly; weirdness.
good answers man ! that makes it even more gnostic! :)
ill give a funny meaning to it samuel. i would say that the interpretation in the story is that cypher is good with the operating system, in that he can cypher the code, however i don't think he really follows up from what he knows, he doesn't necessarily go any deeper than his intellectualism and gets trapped in that and that loses himself to temptation of the body. so in that story he says that he knows the steak is just a code but he still loves it anyways.
A question: Why in the movie the matrix, is Cypher, a.k.a a word for an encryption or possibly someone who decrypts (cypherist) the traitor? And what, if anything, does that have to do with all of our cyphering
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