Human mind chapter 3-Human experimentations(read two chapters that I wrote before)

I came back from Vancouver to Toronto.After seeing that vision I can't believe how crazy I went that I took it all seriously.Without a prove,I began working on organising the cult of the World Warriours.I wrote a Declaration to the world,where I suggested all religions to unite in war with the Devil's kingdom and start executing the demons by sending them to burn in the Lake of burning sulfur and on the internet i was distributing those declarations mostly to every church.And at the same time I was trying to cure the ill with a knowledge from that vision.First i went to Toronto epylepsy support group,because i've witnessed some epylepsy seigures before,it looked so horrible that it reminded me of demon shaking in the body.I met with epileptics and preached my religion to them,but they acted like they knew all about it.That branch of the church of scientology was the first church I gave away the declaration and after I talked to one lady,I began feeling evil smells and they frightened me.First evil smell was a stink of a sulfur,second evil smell was a stink of demoniac possession and third evil smell was a stink of Hell.I went down to the Front st.,the stink of sulfur was making me dizzy and I had to swallow it,even a good perfume can't kill that smell only making it worse.Demons began telling me about people's sins:"This person killed his perpetraitor,but had no choice,that 's why he stinks sulfur,that lady who just passed you by cheats on her husband,that's why she stinks worse,these guys are rapists and these ones kill people and they love doing it".I felt so dizzy that vision started changing,I said:"O,my God,I am living in Hell and didn't know it" and when I sniffed under my arms,I screamed:"O,my God,I stink like that too!".Black Hawk came down from the sky and landed on the Front street,the Hawk looked wild and was angry at me,wanted to attack me,but was hesitating.People were impressed to see that big Hawk,walking like a human.Drivers were signaling to that Hawk because he was jamming all the traffic.It was a sign from Heaven that I was up to something dangerous.When Jesus was baptised from John the Baptist,a white dove came down from Heaven,as a sign of good news that Christ will give to the people.Me ,I wasn't sure whether my news were good or bad,but very dangerous.But nomatter what, I wanted to help ill people and I went to University ave.,where most of the hospitals are located.In Toronto sick children,administrators told me that religious healings are not tolerated.Any sickness is a mark of an evil touch,if you command demons under the threat of sending them to burn in the lake of Fire and Brimstone,the sickness will come off and I felt good about it.But I felt scared imagening demons burning and screaming in the insufferable pain and that something that was confusing me whether it's right or wrong to preach.
One time I felt so frightened that I went insane and began seeing the vision of Hell.I don't have words how to describe that demon world,it's horrible to imagine that it exists.
Forbidden fruit.
Warning:Frightening effect,do not take for realm
Devil is a god of evil,master of lies and deceptions,creator of everything the opposite of what God the Father has created for His children in Heaven.Devil has a big army of demons,who worship him for the purposes of becoming independant devils themselves to create their own evil worlds.Devil is full of hate and evil,unable to create a soul,he can only steal children of God and teach them to love evil and unfairness and eventualy turn them into demons to serve and worship him for eternity.All people are children of God,were deceived by Lucifer and placed in the worlds of telestial category,where demons dwell in souls.
Demon hierarchy has a structure of three major levels:high level is coded by the number of 666,which are demons governors,judges,agents,professors,secretaries.Next level is coded by the number of 66,these demons are mostly legion commanders and last level is coded by the number of 6,these demons work on each and individual person who lives on this planet to develop evil roots that grow out of humanhearts.They work days and nights to prepare people for the candidacy into the demonhood.Demon university has laboratories with accesses to every humanmind.Through out the day,every thought,word and action gets recorded in the Book of Life by the 666demon-secretary.While we sleep,demons have stuffmeetings where they discuss the fate of the following day of the people they are working on.
Basic principle of their work is to develop evil roots in every humanheart:selflove ,pridefulness,jealosy,arrogance,etc..They create circumstances purposefully,to make people suffer and by desire of their hearts,do the same to others.There is a fact known to the world about false-christian churches,where older priests abuse and rape younger priests and it's been passed down by many generations for the past 2000 years.The entering level into the demonhood are candidates,human souls who completely turned into evil beings during their lifetimes in the world like ours.Candidates experience all beatings,humiliations,like no other ranks do,there is no brotherly love but hate between demons.

Demons punish any tolerance of disobedience,yet in the temple they have to worship Lucifer,as the most kind and merciful god,thanking him for opportunity to become independent devils themselves and have their own worlds with the deceived souls.Demon laws and regulations are against any blasphemy to Devil and punish brutally any tolerance of blasphemy or suspection.The worst punishment is a place of repentance,which is the worst secret for demons to admit that it exists.Place of repentance is a code-word for Lake of Fire and Brimstone.In the Bible it's a place where all evildoers will burn for eternity.Every demon gets burned and has to cover burned flesh under the clothes and a mask of a human image in order not to get caught for criticism to the Devil.

Demon system reflects in everything,if we take a close look at our world,selfishness and pridefulness don't allow people to be equal,but instead everybody exalt themselves above each other like demons do.When people can't handle sufferings,demons offer to people to sell their souls to the Devil in order to feel better and they accept it and it becomes a secret that they would never reveal to noone.

These are the preparations for the Lake of Fire and Brimstone that demons want every person to experience.By bringing candidate into the demonhood,demons get promoted to the higher ranks.The highest rank of the hierarchy is Satan,he governs all the demonhood and on the way of becoming independent devil himself.

If you raise your right arm and command your demons to go and burn in the Lake of burning sulfur,your demons will get arrested by 666 demon-agents and will be in the custody for tolerance of criticism to the Devil,because true meaning of that Lake is a secret,demons call Devil the most kind god.They will be taken to court and demon-judge will give them a verdict for tolerance of criticism to burn in that Lake.

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Comment by Michael A Brito on March 16, 2010 at 12:15pm
The only thing I can think of to say to you is. "Love yourself"


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