Pontius Pilate was a Roman procurator of Judea,who authorized crucifixion of Jesus Christ.After Jesus was arrested,he was brought to Pilate for his trial on a charge of attempt to destroy temple of Jerusalem and criticism of the Roman emperor.Roman procurator was sitting on a trown and his secretary was ready to write anything that he will witness during the trial.Two roman soldiers brought in arrested Jesus.Pilate:"What is your name?",Jesus:"Yeshua Hanozri",Pilate:"Where were you born?"Jesus:"I am from the city of Nazareth",Pilate:"What is your bloodline?",Jesus:"I don't know,I am alone in this world".Procurator:"Have you been talking jews in destructing Yerushalaim's temple?",Yeshua:"Kind man,I never talked anyone into such an evil action",Pilate:"Is it me who you calling a "kind man"?,Mark,take this criminal and teach him how to speak with me,but don't injure".Mark was a roman solder who was witnessing the trial,he grabbed Yeshua and hit him once:"Roman procurator shall be called Gegemon,other words don't use,understand?".Pilate:"And so,criminal admits that he never talked jews into destructing Yerushalaim's temple",Yeshua:"Gegemon,I repeat that I would never talk anyone into commiting evil actions".Procurator:"A lot of people gather in Yerushalaim,magicians,wizards and occassionaly,also,liars.You for instance a liar,it is written clearly:"incited to destroy the temple",people testified it".Yeshua:"These kind people haven't learned anything and have confused everything I was teaching them,I am beginning to afraid that this confusion will go on for a very long time and all because my followers write down incorrectly".Pilate:"I repeat to you,but only for the last time,stop pretending that you are insane,criminal.There is not much written in your record,but for what enough to hang you".Jesus:"No,no Gegemon,there is one who follows me,keeps writting after me all the time,but once I checked I was horrified,there was absolutely nothing of what I taught,I said burn these pergament,but he grabbed it out of my hands and ran away".Procurator:"Who was that man?",Yeshua:"Mathew Levi,he was a taxcollector,after I talked to him,he treated me hostilely and even insulted me by calling me a dog" and yeshua smiled:"Honestly I don't see nothing bad about this animal and didn't get offended by it,but eventually he soften and threw away all his money and became my follower".Pilate laughed,turned to secretary:"Did you hear it,money collector threw away all his money on the road,but what did you say to the crowd about the temple?",Yeshua:"I said that temple of an old faith will collapse and the new temple of truth will be build up and I said it with a meaning that easy to understand".Pilate:"Why you,tramp,were confusing the crowd on the market about the truth that you have no imagenation about,what is the truth?",Yeshua:"The truth is,that your headache is getting worse,that you intensively thinking about dying and it hurts so bad that unable you not just to speak with me,but even to look at me,which makes me your executor and that distresses me.You cannot even think and wish to pet your dog that apparently the only creature to whom you very close,but the pain will stop and headache will go away".Procurator couldn't believe and was shocked and headache began disappearing,Jesus smiled:"See,it's gone and I am sincerely glad,I would suggest for you to take a walk somewhere outside of palace for it'll start thundering later this evening,I'd go with you,there are some interesting thoughts that I'd share with you,I find you a man of a great intelligence,the trouble is that you are too closed and completely lost faith in people,your life is poorly void,Gegemon".Procurator rised and came closer to Jesus:"Tell me,are you great physician?",Yeshua:"No,I'm not a physician",Pilate:''How did you know about my dog?,Jesus:"You were moving your hand in the air,trying to pet your animal".Procurator:"Tell me ,Hanozri,why are you calling people kind men,do you call each and everyone of them?",Yeshua:"All of them,evil people don't exist".Pilate:"Tell me,what do you think of this solder by the name of Mark,he also a kind man?",Jesus:"Yes,but I see after some people injured them,he lost his trust in them".Pilate:"Well,I don't see any guilt in Yeshua Hanozri and I want to release him".Secretary interrupted:"Unfortunately,it's not quiet at all about him,there was criticism to the Emperor that involved insulting character".Pilate:"Listen,Hanozri,Have you ever sayed anything about Cesar,only be carefull with your answer,I'm warning you,speak only Truth".Jesus:"Besides everything else I said that any power over people is a rape,for time will come when there will not be any power of Cesar or anybody's,mankind will enter the kingdome of Truth".Procurator shouted:"It will never happen for there is no greater power for people then power of Emperor Tiberias and it's not for you,crazy criminal to think about it,I conclude to Yeshua Hanozri a verdict-death sentence".

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Comment by Pavel Lerner on July 3, 2010 at 10:06am
http://tuvasch3.jino-net.ru, email:tuvasch3@mail.ru


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