Hi Guys,as I seem to have survived the laughs,jibes and jives of the previous vote of the Devine Femanine comment,all is well.Happened to read "Anastasia" on the road home.Anyone know of a REAL and reliable source where us townies can get such a rub it polished yourself pendant.Not that it's the biggest deal,but it sounds good.Obviously I'm looking at local forests as well,but there are a few different types of Cedar.Anastasia,wow,what a girl.Government could'nt catch her,atta girl,fantastic...

Views: 51


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Comment by Alan Robert Keating on April 28, 2010 at 4:10pm
Thank you very much Anja,I did see a few sites but my gut feeling was not 100%.I think you understand well how grateful me and others will be for your links.Big smile...


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