Alan Robert Keating
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Alan Robert Keating's Page

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Alan Robert Keating's Blog


Thanks for The Planets,Sevan.Finally really listened,very good indeed.I find this type of technology useful as a preamble to meditation.After a listen the body is relaxed and the mind focused,at the very least.On some days the mind is scattered and the emotions disturbed,this helps to quiten things down and get to a better meditation.The possibility of negative agendas encoded in some forms of this technology may exist.One would need to be wide awake for this,usually getting a feel for that… Continue

Posted on May 3, 2010 at 1:29pm — 2 Comments

What then,Brotherman?

OK Sevan,listened with great interest to your latest up-date to members.Being rather unfinancial and holding slim status in the main stream world,what can I do?as a Code to the Matrix member.Going back on facebook to post real information comes to mind.Doing the happy-clappy with various "new age"streams there left me feeling silly,although a lot of the nieve emotion is heart felt and worth harvesting.Get your point about Cassidy etc.Still like Little Grandmother,be sad to see that one… Continue

Posted on May 2, 2010 at 1:51pm

Personal ascension...only way to get the News...

Listening to a video clip by two people I really like and admire,nevertheless 3 quarters of the way through I snatched off the headphones,threw them on the desk and shouted "Dammit B...,when the hell are you gonna stop waffelling and TELL us something??? Even the good guys who are in the super high tech know seem to have been hanging around the secretive stooges so long they have become used to wishy washy waffell.As the lady said,we want some nuts and bolts info.Looks like we are going to have… Continue

Posted on April 28, 2010 at 6:50pm — 1 Comment

Mystical socks and the Planetary bounce

Thanks for the welcome Sevan.Surfing around I guess I will need to pull my mystical socks up a bit,quite a bit.All good!!Listening to the new Alex Collier videos it looks like our collective wake-up has happened enough to have been noticed and applauded by benevelant ET's.Commenting and posting on various sites and making an effort to raise our voices,has created a collective energy.Congratulations everybody.Love is just the best.Are we gonna bounce when we hit the plasma belt passing thru the… Continue

Posted on April 27, 2010 at 3:12am

Comment Wall (13 comments)

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At 11:08am on August 10, 2011, Freedom Jurnee said…

Greeting resistance members,

I am glad that you have decided to be apart of this magnificent, network of human improvement, going beyond the threshold. To get us back to wholeness. This message is to inform you, that the resistance is a living and breathing platform that needs pure substance to continue on its course toward improving the human condition to wholeness once again. As it was done ages ago. Please donate now, as don't require membership fees, nor would we like to. But the information is valued beyond words. If you can

donate $2,5,10,20 or whatever your heart desire.

If you have a paypal account send donation to: The Resistance(

At 10:03am on June 30, 2010, Mr. Spirit Matter said…
Greetings Mr. Alan, I wanted to stop by and say hello and that were glad your on board here with us at the Resistance. thank you sir
Strength and Clarity to you
At 8:38pm on May 3, 2010, patrick cassidy said…
hey alan....all i can say about angel ill um in naughty is that .....he is known unto the most high & will get his just desert.....
At 8:33pm on May 3, 2010, patrick cassidy said…
this wont accept my
At 5:56pm on May 2, 2010, SLR2 said…
Welcome to the Resistance.
At 8:34pm on April 26, 2010, Sevan Bomar said…
Whoa, way too busy should have got here awhile ago, Welcome to the Resistance Alan it is great you are here.
At 6:34am on April 2, 2010, patrick cassidy said…

Sitting humbly at the bottom of the illustrious list of confidants, we find 'Microsoft Man', Mr. 'William Henry Gates', with a link to Ms. 'Kylie Anne Minogue' close by. The remaining listed individuals comprise the greater ancient ruling families and Kings of Bohemia: Von Habsburg, Saxe Cobourg, de Borbon, and diamond heirs, de Beers. I swiftly saw extensive personal inter-connectivity between the famed descendants of ancient European dynastic nobility, Global mega-business capital, and the entertainment elite. But with a few thousand friends to his name, who should turn up as the twelfth member in Gates' list of legendary friends, but a mysterious person with the moniker "ANGEL ILLUMINATI"!

Please do take a moment to conduct some simple primary research. These facts are easily verifiable if you open a Facebook account, then follow the rabbit hole, while it remains open to public access. (But please, offer a personal prayer for protection from the Good Lord before traveling these dark corridors.) Be sure to click on the name at the top of page to load the information.

Today, the increasingly popular Dark Angel of the Illuminati has 566 friends, but few without significance. Mr. 'Bill Clinton's page turns out to share this dark fiend, presenting today in prominent position No. 6 (of 3,210
hi alan, check out these links you might find it very intresting!
At 3:06pm on March 29, 2010, patrick cassidy said…
hey alan..hope you had a brilliant weekend & plenty of music..
i was wanting to ask you about contact with other entities....what was your encounter like : as i'm not sure how to approach this??
p.s. have you ever heard of john macsherry..he plays the pipes low whistle.....
At 9:11pm on March 27, 2010, patrick cassidy said…
...yes everything needs respect........people will only do something if its presented in the right way: you certainly have me thinking alan thankyou...
At 4:32pm on March 27, 2010, patrick cassidy said…
yes im up at 13 drops of mms at the minute plus a tablespoon of baking soda in the morning,not sure about the crystals so i would appreciate any help you my have on this ....any help on anything really! lol
peace to you alan...


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