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The words wrapped around the everyday make things stick together, bound for no reason other than to stabilize the every of the everyday. Minding and wording are doing the gluing.
We assume that no one can possibly change/transform without new minding or new wording, but that is just another minding and wording, more of the same gluing.
The way out: the transformative hinge, door, exit: undo the glue, the words, the mind.
We are here to release the straight…
Posted on December 1, 2012 at 12:14pm
"There is an idiotic notion floating about that says we should only have positive thoughts, feelings, and expressions. This is a misguided and dangerous attempt to maximize only one half of creation. Mother Nature will roar back with an earth-shattering reminder that it takes two to tango. Embrace both the light and the dark, indulging in neither. See both the positive and negative as resources that embody the whole. Honor your ignorance as well as your know-how. Say both "bless you" and…
ContinuePosted on December 1, 2012 at 11:34am
"Lord, make us instruments of your divine madness. Make us empty so we can know the fullness of your original mysteries. Help us experience who we are not so we can become who we are. Help us be serious about the absurd, and absurd about the serious. Fill our bodies and minds with creative energy and inspired expression. Bring us contrary visions. We rejoice in being spiritual idiots, fools, and imbeciles completely devoted to your unattainable wisdom. For these things we pray. Amen"
Posted on December 1, 2012 at 11:33am
"Let us strive to be illegitimate sons and daughters of God, proclaiming the irreverent truths. We shall know that we have spoken the shaking truth when people get truly shaken and upset about their overly rigid truths being played with. They will lose control of their calm self and shout at us, writing nasty things about our legitimacy. When someone else is an inappropriate critical bastard, let us shout with glee: "We have shaken someone up. Let them continue shaking until they shake…
ContinuePosted on December 1, 2012 at 11:32am
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Welcome to the Resistance family Captain Noah, we are happy you made it home. Well wishes as you continue your spiritual journey.
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