The already treaded Occult World is vast and just as unmapped as the bardic planes that exist beyond the construct of the mind. This Group is designed to Solve the Occult riddle and show once and for all the various repetitions of Universal Law including their distortion through Society and Religion.
Members: 209
Latest Activity: Nov 3, 2022
Well, as I wish this to remain more of a disc us sion and a dis covery / un-veiling, i will keep it short: i believe all systems and man made al leg gories are "necessary evil" for covering and…Continue
Started by Samuel Adam Alder. Last reply by jun perez Feb 6, 2013.
Couldn't believe this vid... it's the Lucifer Invocation they are saying has the intent of love hope peace and harmony.... so they are putting down the Windsors I suppose as an ethnocentric ploy to…Continue
Started by Sylvia. Last reply by jun perez Feb 6, 2013.
Hey family this day started out with a bang! Another 3D experience for you. I find myself…Continue
Started by REG,Fn. Howard. Last reply by REG,Fn. Howard Dec 20, 2012.
In the support of this described text. It is, or should be commonly known that. What is "language" of today; Was derived from the making/design of the "dictionary" too define the B.I.B.L.E.…Continue
Started by Du@Ly.Plane0. Last reply by Du@Ly.Plane0 Jul 21, 2012.
As I have followed the pagan occult systems for years, I have hit a point where they have maybe served their reasons. As one of my teachers said, I have hit the spiritual plateau and trying to ride the the wave of existance. Though I am mindful of the deeper spiritual consequences of my actions, it is the everyday things I miss out what I am sending out. This talk helped open up on some things I had not considered before.
thought it was interesting about some of the popular esoteric titles (pardon the oxymoron pun)
I hope someone got August 6th? Was an interesting one. How do you effect a change in a system without creating an imbalance - not pushing/pulling/altering, well you do as they did. You unpack it from themselves, as its already in the system that way, just expanding it. For me all answers are inside the chakra centers, to create anything, so the answer to how rebalance the negative vampire dynamic even on a global scale is right there in your body, right now. How do you remove/balance/neutralise/move past negativity from your body, yourself? That will give you the answer.
I will post some of this in general, as its a more general question (from my perspective anyway).
we had a great group call, i recorded it and am uploading it currently, it will be in my default play list to begin with, there was a lot of laughing, synchronicity and potential i felt! (:
hope to c u at the next one !
Unless and until one's third eye is open through a harmonious Kundalini episode, it is not even possible to even contemplate the realities of the occult sciences.
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