Ok its been a while since i've last posted but trust me its been for a good reason i've been really delving into Lucid Dreaming and Its Functions And How to Operate while in there. So far heres a list of some of the things that i have Done while Having an O.B.E (out of Body Experience). Im Not Nearly Finished with My explorations but i felt that Everyone can Benefit from From My Findings so Far so Hereeeeeee We Gooooo!!
Energy Beams from your Palms aka (Hadokens(street fighter) aka kameha meha energy wave(wave from Dragonball z) -This was also a wild abilty to play around with and really came in handy in a lucid dream i had when i somehow stumbled upon a village hidden deep in the woods where all of these monks were there batteling it out with us because we were trespassing. One of them shot an energy ball at me so i did the same without any thought i formed the energy in my hands and through my breath and used the power of my Chi by pulling in the surrounding enery to Fuel up my own internal Chi-Engine to Shoot the energy wave out and before long i was cranking em out! and it was blue just like in the video games lol. Our Body if Full of this light energy so its always readily available but takes time to cultivate and control
Flight-In order to fly in your dreams one would only have to Simply think "Fly" and then take off without hesitation. I find that with the slightest bit of Hesitation ie doubt it will throw the whole Thing off and then you'll have to try again until you regain your Confindence and single Mindedness to Just Simply Fly! Keep it simple only imagine your self in flight floating and as light as a feather and as fast as light itself. Focus only on that and youll be gauranteed to get great results.
Super Speed- Super is Amazing and also fun. You can actually Feel the wind as you zoom by people roaming around in your dreams. That is if your past the Loner stage in Lucid Dreaming Where there isnt a soul for Miles! lol..yes that's only a phase your Dream Dream World Will be Populated soon enough. Ok so in order to reach super speed it was just the same as when i was flying but instead of "Fly" i just thought of my destination and then imagined my legs moving at like 1000 times my normal Speed. And then again without Hesitation i Shoot off like a bullet and proceed to my Destinationas if its apart of my normal everyday routine.Imagination is a Very big component in the Astral. If you're a creative and imaginative person in the Physical then odds are you'll easily accomplished things that normally seem unachievable in astral.
Telepathy(Aka God Mode)- Focus on your target male/female/cat/dog/bird/plant/Tree and just as simple as you would normally speak out loud keep it internal and just Know that he/she or it can hear you and will follow any command you give them and Viola! watch as they respond to your thoughts. This is like One of my favorite Abilitys i cant lie(i've always wanted to learn telepathy), however this ability must be handeled with care. Abuse can pour out into the physical and you'll find your self trying to play puppet master here in the physical and its just not cool to mind control people. But you must know its possible just incase you do it by mistake. Remember Karma does exist!
When i found out that our thoughts REALLY control our Dreams i tried out telapathy. I would Just Look At someone in my dream say whatever command in my head that i chose and then bam they would do it! It was wild the first time i did that,I was having so much Fun being in what i call "God Mode" but then i could easily see how one could get wrapped up in that ability and just take it way outta control.You can litterly spend what seems like hours walking around controling people minds,changing peoples directions, making them Fall asleep and then wake up lol ..or whatever else your mind can conjuer up. now a days though i just let the projections in my dreams play out their roles. To me it's better that way, you could really learn alot by not interfering. Your Dream characters are parts of your subconcious, and each one of them holds a clue as to what your Subconcious is really trying to portray to you. So leave Em Alone for Now! lol
Talking to what seems to be In animate Objects Like trees and Plants- Almost the same technique as Telepathy applies to this ability , but i find that when i speak out loud to the plants they tend to respond quicker then trying through telepathy but either way will work. The key here is to really focus in on the plant i found out that when i did that almost instantaneoulsy a link was formed and then i simply asked the plant to speak to me, then the plant Began to go through this transform into a Purple Teddy Bear type character with all of these Pinks and purple and White in its Aura it was Amazing!, and then it started talking and statred off with a very warm hello and told me that he's been waiting to speak with me! if you have the mindest of being connected to everyone an everthing then dialouge can become open all across the board. Tune in the plants and Just Talk to them and remember to be patient. Plants tend to Come alive first then start talking.
Stopping Time- Ok this one was a little tricky and requires you take notes of the time you actually go into your O.B.E in order to really see if it worked or not. this is exactly what i did. First off I logged the time before i layed down to do my O.B.E 545am exited body through gazing at Third eye Chakra region between my eyebrows while eyes closed i would say around 15mins of gazing and chanting over and over that im going to exit my body i actually exited my body. Now Here Is where Im going to Introduce the "Door as A portal technique"(because it really is) But not only as a portal you can pretty much Set up your whole entire environment before you even open up the door to Explore the Astral.
First off try to do this on an obe attempt as oppose to a lucid dream attemp because in a lucid dream you can be anywhere and then just wake up in mid dream and then your lucid but theres no doors around because you're in a forrest or on top of a building or something. i find that atempting an obe where you leave your body directly from your house more than likely you'll have a door there already.
Ok so why do i need a door to stop time you say? well simple. I find that whatever im thinking of prior to opening up my door when leaving my home on the astral becomes what i see when the door opens..For example if i wanted it to be light outside, before i layed down to have my obe i would set my attenion on the sun being out but one day i opened up my door and it night so i closed the door thought about a nice sunny day and then bam it was sunny outside! just like that. Intention is Key (Carlos Casteneda The Art of Dreaming). So with that being said i kept repeating over and over when i open the door "time will stop in both here and the physical world". and to my astonishment everyone was completely frozen everything was completely silent and still. I then closed the door changed up my thoughts and repeated "only time in the physical world will stop when i open the door" and then as i opened the door everyone was back to normal everyday operations and i spent almost 2 days in my dream just exploring different areas an so on..when i awoke from this Session only 45mins had passed by and i knew for a fact i saw the sun come up and go down twice in my Obe. It worked Physical time can be put to a halt if you command it so.(what happens in the Innverse affects the "Waking" world I know this now and so will you:))
There' More to Come and Feel Free to Share your new found abiltys as well. We will all one day soon be up to speed and on the same page Shortly I can feel it.
Abilitys i'm Curently Working On Super Speed reading, Instant teleportation (without waking up) and Actually manipulating matter and forming my own shapes and Geometry out of thin air..already had some promising results!
See you on the Astral WBV Hopes this Post helps out! Keep your Mind and Emotions Clear Over excitement Leads to Waking up early in your dreams but on the Flip side no emotions or lack of attention equals Dream fade out. reamin Even minded and you'll have a blast!
Great work Mr. KV your the man, the Astral man :) levelng up for sure,
Okay so last night im dam near lucid im awake but cannot really move its sort of like when your in limbo but I did know realize what I was saying I was actually on the bed and was telling my partner the sounds in my mind were becoming overwhelming it stared to hurt dam near maddening because I couldnt control it it was getting loud. Then I realized what was happening I was hearing the sounds of the shapes around me then I focused on lowering the volume like you would a tv and then I began tuning in to different objects around the room. I experimented with different crystals I have around and behold each one was humming a different tone.
As far as telepathy Whole and I spoke to each other once thru our minds Yes here in the physical!! we looked at each other in amazment I believe the shock of that actually shut it down and it hasnt happened since.
Thanks for the post loking forward to new developments
Yea man its definitely time to cycle this energy. I gotta get my crystal collection back because that's one item I would love to interact with on the astral ..oh and about that telapathy incident I guarantee if you practice it in the astral Itll awaken the ability in the physical..
I do believe though that you were in sleep paralysis when you were lying down but could not move. Your astral body was ready to roam all you would've needed to do in that situation is retake control of your breathing by keeping your breathing steady not deep and then simply think get up and then Just Get up! You was right there! Lol. That's the reason why You were able to tune into those frequencys like that you was there but just chillen in the bed! Keep at it just remain focused and dont be afraid to just get up, sometimes that's all that it'll take...
WBV MR Spirit Matter!
Thank you for sharing your exploits and broadening my horizons :). Remember you -make- time, and with your abilities, in the astral now, you'll be able to do what you want with it. Try reversing it next time your there and repeating whatever you like.
Crystals are intense in the astral, very intense :). I'd advise going immediately, much fun there in the crystal fields. Their vibrations can almost pull you straight out of the body if you focus in on their frequency. I sleep with them permanently now however, so it might be a relationship built up over time.
It might work in reverse, so that the closer you are to reality the stronger the crystals vibrations are, not sure, never been higher than a bit outside the body, been plenty lower in dreams and not seen them in an obvious form. All I can say is the vibrations from crystals, if you focus in on them specifically, will blow your mind as to their potential.
What else, lightsabers if you are being pushed around, are violent on the astral in the lower states, to the point of just cutting through entire fields. In some places they are just sword-like, but others stretch across a great distance from the palms of your hands.
If you have any more trouble with monks, and if you feel like it, stop by and give me a kick to wake me up if I am in a low energy state. I'd sure appreciate it :), that goes double for anyone, seek out the angelic me though it's easier to work with and more effective, not the primal body lower self junk, that is just a mess at present, - sending gratitude.
lol i'll definitley hit you up if i run into those Crazy monks again lol. And You're Absolutely right about sleeping with the Crystals and them being able to pull you out of Body. I've Experience the Most Clear and Longest O.b.e's while having a Clear Quartz crystal as well as a tiger's eye and Amethyst under my pillow. During that time i was easily having multiple obes one night!. Lately i've been putting this Orogone piece that was crafted by Dennis Griffin (www.orgonecrystals.com) under my pillow and the peice itself has these crystal peices infuse within mixed with mano metal particles to create this dense powerful orgone matrix, and since then every last one of my dreams have been vivid. my crystal collection is starting to slowly come back to me Finally! :)
Man.. those pictures are getting me amped! Definitely gettin back on my regimen...
~ I'll be doing one of these soon~
@ MSM: lol ASTRALMAN so true bro.
Awesome post KV.
Wholeness to all, So after reading this I'd like to share some of my past and more recent experiences, In the past I used to have a re occuring dream, or so i thought at the time. I'd be under sleep paralysis almost every nite, and it was pretty unsettling at first..My dream would consist of me being in my room laying down in my bed, Some type of energy would be pulling me upward from my ankles towards the ceiling, sometimes there would be these shadow looking entities watching me thru this process...It was hell at first, I didnt know if it was a dream or not, because the scene was in my room with the lights off just as I remember when i fell asleep. I thought something was seriously wrong and hated going to sleep until one nite the dream occured and I completely let go of the fear I was holding onto. After that the re occuring dream stopped! Probably a year or two later after learning about AP and LD I asked that I wanted to talk to my higher self and experience an OBE. The other nite the same type of dream occured like in the past, only this time, I felt a sensation in my genitals, as if something was shifting within, sometimes it was kind of uncomfortable, I kept waking up and falling rite back asleeep into the same predicament! haha! I kept telling myself, just let go, just let go, and I kept getting pulled up from my ankles towards the ceiling but never left my room. So this was an indication to me that possibly my root chakra is beginning to activate, however there was some resistance there because 1: I never left the room, and just floated around with a feeling of being so uncomfortable and 2: its a new experience combined with what at one point was a very scary re occuring event. However I feel fine and love experiencing manifestions as such just by me simply asking for an OBE! So I feel im in the direction I want to head. Any insight?
Wholeness Invader Slim. first off i would like to say Congratulations You've been inadvertantly having O.b.e's the whole time! So YES you are definitly on the right Track as a matter of fact you've already crossed the Finish line!..lol..Sleep paralysis is the Prerequisite to leaving the body. What was happening was that Sometimes when we have obes and if our mindset is in a lower plane such as fear we tend to see these shadowy type figures roaming about. If your mindset isnt right(right minded)and its full of Doubt and fear then thats Where you'll be Headed as you unknowingly astral project yourself to that dimension.Knowledge Destroys Fear!
Now to Address the Uncontrollable Floating Issue While being Paralized. Well What happens when your body goes into sleep Paraylysis mode its a signal that it's time for your Astarl Body to Relaeas itself from the Body and Go about its Normal Astarl Duties. Alot of People Find It scary to Be conscious during This Process because you hear all types of wierd rushing sounds as if your in a room full of Monsters or Demons or whatever else you can think up! (thas how i described it as a child). I used to think that the Devil was holding me down! lol that was what my grandmother told me and to my surprise alot of other people parents told them similar stories lol (all untrue by the way). This is a natural Process and Is nothing to be afraid of.(there's nothing there its just your Astral Body Vibrating out of its shell) All you would Need to do the Next time you're Aware of your Sleep paralysis is Calm down, Focus your Breathing to a more Controlled Normal Pace. and when the sounds go away and it's silent again Simply Think Get Up! and Without Hesitation Motion yourself to get up! You then will simply pop right up and are Free to Roam About. You can even turn around and see your sleeping body Knocked out in the bed. Feel Free to open the Front Door Go outside and Have a blast try to fly, float, glide investigate the world of the Astral it's amazing!..Oh i almost forgot the question you had about the reason you're floating uncontrollably. Well it's simple. Your astral body is getting tired of just laying in bed the entire time you're having an O.b.E! lol Sometimes its has a Mind of its own and is simply just ready to get out and Explore. The next time you float up out of your body let go! you're free! Don't let the roof stop you from leaving the room Float through the Ceiling and Up out of it until you reach outside! until you feel the clouds, you'll be surprised how fast you gain back control once you're really away from your physical body.Go with the flow, you're capable of any and Everything while on the Astral You have no Physical Limitations So you can actually float through Solid Objects just as if you were walking through a wide open door!..Your Theme Is Letting Go! Let the fear of the unknown go away and just trust you'll be safe. its Your world and you Control it!...With Every THOUGHT.
rite on, thanks for that detailed summary, really got me juiced now! any idea about the shifting in my lower region though?
Wow Just Looked At the Date and time that I/We Wrote this Post And When You Do the Numerology for Both It's Numerical value is 13 and 13....hmmmmm Who wants to Tackle That One!...Wholeness and Balanced Vibes! to You all!
Wholeness Julia Actually i have so Far been able to master a few of Them(meaning everytime i make an attempt it actually works) like Telepathy-Energy Beams-Flying...The Super speed thing is something im working on(im lazy so i like to just glide every where, takes less energy :)) and of course the Whole Stopping time Thing is definitely Something that i'm actively trying to master. To Me that's the key to this whole thing once you've mastered time/Trancended it. I believe then You've unlocked a big piece of the puzzle.The other Day i was in a lucid Dream For About 3 days and only 3 hours had passed by here in the Physical.Our time spent here Conciously Awake is so Short its ridiculous lol. its like 13 to16 hrs on average..
So Controlling and Understanding time is Very essential..We're actually spending More time in the Astral Than we do here in the physical!. It's Just that our Perception is Distorted and We're not Consciously aware and In-tuned to our other Life/lives- LIFE=I FEL= To Live a physical life is to have fallen from the higher Realms, and it is our perception of time that has us beleiving That this Physical life is So Long and hard, but we can fix that with a little/a whole lot of practice :)
I Havnt really experienced Any Energy Surges or Peaks While Astral Traveling though. I Do Meditate every night in order to balance out my energy centers so that when i do Enter an Obe im fully Aligned and Activated And Ready to go!... And So far so Good! Steady Flight and Stable Dreams. I try to keep my thoughts as Clear and precise as possible i find that when you let your mind wander then unexpected things will start to Wonder into Your Dreams as well!.. And you're right using Energy beams and things of that nature Does require Energy and i too have felt the drain.lol
hope this Was helpful and i'm definitely in the process of checking those Vids out on Youtube
WBV...Kv three O five
Thank you for your post. believe it or not, what you did by posting this changed my life and the life of my children. blessings.
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