Wholeness to everyone, Ever since I heard that a person could become consciously active in their dreams , i wanted to fly in my dreams, and finally in my dream a few nights ago I had the perfect opportunity.

To make a long story short, I got my chance to act out my want to fly. I was again trapped this time apparently at a junkyard/mechanic shop/ recycling part place,  i was being chased by people who wanted me to fall in line as far as become apart of their sheeple, to get back to work, but i wanted to escape. So as I start drifting off,

i fall into this dream state and the dream started almost as soon as I close my eyes cause I was saying to myself yet again I'm gonna fly tonight, for some reason I half way awoke in the middle of the dream, but I still had my situation in mind, and it's like i said to myself go back to the same dream as i went back to sleep my eyes I remember them rolling upwards and my eyelids fluttering,

so i awake in the dream at a tall fence, the fence wasn't sturdy and had holes but i had to think fast cause they were after me, so I took off flying upward and before I could fly off good, at about 20 feet  off the ground, i thought to myself don't look down and so I did look down and said WOAH that would hurt If i fell right now and so I did, i immediately started to flop to the ground like a chicken, and like a chicken I found my self not flapping my arms but grasping at the fence for anything to compose my body.

I jump up again and my mind started to think about getting off the ground and the whole flying aspect, of course I started to descend after this thought, but this time there were to protruding ledges like i was taking off of the front of a building, I hit the edge of the first ledge, but I said to myself that's just physics getting in the way trying to make me fall, mustard up some courage, shook off alot of disbelief and then I was off, up I went, flying straight towards the sky,

when i got high enough for me about cloud level, i started flying forward I dreamed about flying long distances, kind of like the movies, and because I was actively practicing my flying skills in the dream I wanted to come back down because I started thinking about testing my chakras, and getting my life together so to speak, I came down, landed on my feet, jumped off to see, If I still had it, came back down a tried to hover, in which I found myself completely off balance. I could only fly if was going fast, but trying to hover ,I was literally wobbling out of control and just to see if it was my mind playing tricks on me, I tried it again and I was still wobbling alot.

Just thought I'd share my dream with you , I appreciate any feedback. Have any of you flown in your dreams? I would love to hear about your experience.

p.s. My most vivid dreams I always remember with detail is when I'm trapped, somewhere on earth, first it was a small school, then a kind of campus, after that a city, then a county, then a state, then a religious military grounds, this time a mechanic/junkyard/work program base.

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WooHooo!! Oh man Im happy for you Carolyn Isnt fun : ) can feel quite amazing, Yes I have flown the first time I flew it was great and that day I was thinking how incredible it would be to thru the landscape where I was at the moment at that night BAM it happened I woke up in the dream and took off I was ripping thru the air then plunging into the sea flying thru the water then popping back out straight up into the air Its still in the top 10 dreams for me :). Well its seems to me if it finally happened now you know it can happen and it will be happening more frequent  now if we can all just gain some footing and meet each other there wow that would be fantastic. Thanks for sharing


 Thanks Mr. Spirit and yes It was an amazing feeling,  I had put everything aside, believe and just take off , I will I must do it again and again, also I didn't know people could meet up in their dreams, what a wondrous thought. :)

Just realized your name Dorleon ~ D-loreon ~ DeLorean :)  

~ Flying DeLorean ~


Thanks for the cypher Jon, I love anything like that when it comes to my name, your breakdown gives me more insight on why i search for things I do on the site. Thanks a whole lot Jon :)

Well First Off I would like to Say Congratulations. Flying for the First time in your dreams Means Alot..Your Now Free to Roam The Astral as well as the Physical(Your Wings Have Been Granted:)). Feel the Breeze as It Passes By Dip In and Out of Clouds! Spy on all of Humanity from up above lol...Im Getting Hyped Up Just thinking about it again..Well Here's A Tip in Flying and Hovering that ive found Useful When trying to Fly or Hover in my Dreams..

With Hovering (and pretty much all things in General)its all about your thoughts and How sure you are about them. You must be 100% confident that you can do "IT" Whatever that "it" is is in entirely up to you. You must rid yourself of all Doubt. Doubts make you Wobble. You must Overcome all doubts and just simply Do! Remember Nothing Can Harm you You Control Everything and Can Interact with Everything.

I had a  Lucid dream where i was Flying High Above the Apts where i live but while i was passing over i saw a bunch of kids below me just playing around and having fun. At that time i felt it would have been a perfect opportunity to Practice Hovering as i Descend and to just slowy float down In an upright hovering motion and totally surprise the Kids with a Grand Entrance! lol.. And then in One thought i said to Myself "Hover Down Slowly like Magneto from Xmen! lol(im so serious though) and only pictured my self hovering Down Perfectly Just like in the Cartoon,  And It happened Just that way! The kids were amazed they were all like wooooooow it was so funny lol but i felt good,  Because Just like you i use to wobble up and down and all over the place lol but now ive gotten a whole lot better at it with practice and focus removing doubts can be a task but it pay off greatly in Both Worlds!

In your Dreams you gotta have a sort of "Take Charge" attitude if you really want to gain Full control of Every aspect of your  Dream! what i mean by that is this. If you find yourself at the bottom of a Skyscraper and you want to get to top a quick as possible without taking the stairs or the elevator. All you would need to do is Look up at the top of the skyscraper and in your mind just say im going to fly to top right now take off and dont look back!(Clear your mind off all doubts) until you have enough clear thought and control to sustain flight then you can look all over the place without dropping out at mid flight like i used to do lol.. another High Flyer is In tha Buildin!..We are Here for you :) Any Questions You have about the Lucid Realm Feel to hit Me up Im Always There lol...

Ps: Shared Dreams Are Real and Yes i have Done It, which means you have done it, which means we all can Do it! lol and i am currently trying to perfect it! The post is Coming Soon! and i am always ready to Cycle that Energy  Along our Resistance Ley Lines So stay tuned..Got Good Info On the Way..



WOW, very informative Im totally looking forward tolearning more about lucid dream, flying, learning and all that good stuff.

Thank you Kv305 for taking your time to talk to me, youve helped me learn more in so many ways, this response is Awesomeness! Thankyou!

Nice dream!  I have dreamed of flying here and there.  The latest one, it was more like the air was water.  I recall seeing ripples in the air and kind of riding those to float/fly.  The most magnificent flying dream was where I dreamed I was flying high over this golden city.  I'm not sure where it was, but I woke up just feeling really happy afterwards.



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