When Spiritual power training go horribly wrong!


A while back I accessed a new ability.  So I decided it is time to go practice.  Reiz (a friend in the Physical that also train like me) is always ranting at me for not paying attention to how my abilities work.  I sighed, fine so maybe that is not such a bad idea after all.  Maybe I should let my abilities, just go, and not try so hard to suppress them.


Holy crap! That was something different.  I did not expect what happened!


On my spiritual body I found that suddenly I have signs like siggles , symbols and runes, that shines blue, and my eyes turn shiny blue, with a light that shine from them!  Right! Now I know what to do with that!  I just took the elements to a whole new level, never used them in quite that way!


Well I decided to go blow off a little steam!  Knowing the extent I sometimes go to, I have created a place empty and desolate and far away.  I do not want to risk hurting someone.  I made this world, to be barren and empty.  Nothing grow there.  I go there to think or to practice new abilities.


I decided that I will play with the elements as they always seem to calm me down.


So I made 4 towers out of the elements like before, but around me.  Then I focused on stillness, inside.  Inside was everything but still.  My eyes were closed, and I visualized a pool of water, but it was vibrating, making small ripples.  So I stabilized it calmed the pond until it was glass still. Then I pulled the 4 elements together and started merging them around me, mixing them.


I felt the power increase, I felt it build, then the next minute I opened my eyes and the symbols ignited blue, then it slipped from me and created one hell of an explosion.  From where I stood grooves were carved into the soil and there were fires burning here and there.  My face, priceless!  Crap that was cool! 


Me: “Holy fucking hell, what the hell was that!  This has potential.  Mmmm… I need to change the control, let it be less wild and more focused.”


Next minute I was not so happy, to the left a heap of ground moved and Dracion emerged shaking himself down.  “What the hell did you just do, you nearly killed me!”


He was upset, and I well, I was not so well.  When the hell did he sneak up, I was so focused to get the pond quiet I did not hear him.


Me: “Why the hell, were you here, I did say I was going to train! You fucking know how I train, it is dam dangerous!”


Coughing from the right, had me looking there, Elron emerged from a ditch, his face black and his hair singed.  “Fucking hell, Anush! Do you really want to kill us!”


Me: “Where the hell did you come from!”


I heard rocks move behind me.  Sensay: “Fucking hell Anush what the fuck did you just do! You nearly fucking killed us all.”  Well, I have never heard him speak like that, my face were in total shock.


Me: “But… But… where the hell did you come from!”


Sensay was angry: “Fuck Anush we were not here, we were watching, from an upper level, to be out of the way!  You, blasted us right out of that fucking level destroying it completely. How the fucking hell did you just do that!”


Me: “I did what? Blast you right out of another level?  Holy crap!”


Sensay were coming closer, Elron was rubbing at his face and hair, Dracion was spitting gravel.  They were not happy at all. 


Well at this point I was relieved that they were OK, but the image of what just happened was so damn funny that I ended up laughing until the tears flowed. it looked comical.


Then Sensay were really looking at me again.  He grabbed my hand, and looked into my eyes! “You evolved again, how the hell, did this happen!”


I looked over his shoulder “Ask them!”


Kalnarh, Veridiah and Soriam was walking up, shaking dust from their hair and clothes.


Sensay turned and looked at them, fists resting on his hips.  “So, this is your doing!”


Kalnarh:  “Well, your way of training was not helping, it was too slow.  Even Reiz and his Avatar was to gentle!”


Sensay: “You fucking idiot, you could have killed us all, messing with her like that!”


Kalnarh: “We did not mess, we showed her who she was, and she did the rest.  She was ready a long time ago, but you wanted her to find it. I do think you are going senile.  You know she has memory loss, sometimes a jolt in the right direction gets more done like now!  How long have you been trying to get her to access her this abilities?”


Me; “Hey, the SHE is standing right here, you bunch of old men!”


Well that got their attention!


Elron “I wonder who the old one around here is!” He was really angry with me!


Kalnarh: “I am sorry Anush, we did not mean to push you this hard, but time is of the essence.  We need you ready and up to full power before Ascension hit, which is not far anymore!”


Me: “I have heard that from 2000 and we are still waiting! I also want my power back, and actually remember to use it, I was rather frustrated, that I keep trying to use things, but I kept feeling something is missing!  Most of my power is there, but I have tried to do the things Reiz insisted on, but I just could not get my body to cooperate.”


Sensay: “Do you think you can do that again?”


Me: “Sensay that is a rather stupid question! Now I know how!”

Sensay: “Don’t change it, use it just like that”


Kalnarh: “Change it if you can!”


They were glaring at each other! Good grief, this was bringing back memories, of the same training story when I was so young!  These two competing, and me trying to please them both!


Me: “Hey you two old men, you forgot one thing!  If I do this again, I am increasing the power, and then I will blast you to kingdom come!  You better do something about that.”


They moved back and they made a very strong bubble for them.  I was smiling, do they really think that bubble will hold.


Me: “That is not strong enough, increase the power of the shield!”


Sensay complied.


Me: "That is still to weak!"


Kal: "Anush this is fine!"


I shruged, have it your way, I thought


So I moved further away.  I stood there calmly and repeated the process. 4 pillars of elements.  Then I started pulling them closer, wrapping them around me, and merging them together!  Then I changed it.  I opened my heart chakra, added, love, my male and female side, Etherine and the soul cleansing power.  I slowly merged all of that together with the elements.  Then I stabilized the power, calming the vibrations until the pond is as still as glass again.


Then I started slowly increasing the power! The tornado raging around me intensified, you could see the multi colors of the soul cleansing, the blue white light and then I opened my eyes and the Blue pattern started to glow brighter and brighter.  When I felt the power increase to the level where it almost started to burn against my skin, I threw my arms out, and the explosion were even larger than the first, more controlled, more stable, more devastation.


I was smiling, now this is something useful!


As the dust settled, the lot of them came walking over to me, coughing and sputtering.


Elron was shouting at me “Anush, you really are intent on killing us today!”


Me: “Hey I did say increase the shield!”


Sensay “Well we did not expect that amount of force!”


Kalnarh: “Well, I will say well done, now you just have to remember the other powers.  Hell that packed a punch!”


Soriam: “I am going to have trouble hearing for a few hours, hell that was not fun!”

Me: “Well you wanted me to do that! I did warn you!”


Veridiah: “Anush, you really are just like the legend about you!  So, wonderful!”  She sighed!


I looked at her if she just went nuts, “I think you must have hit your head in the blast, you better have that looked at.”  Dam I was uncomfortable.  Elder Veridiah always get me very uncomfortable.


Sensay realized that this hero’s worship of this girl was really getting to me!  He thought it was very funny!  I did not!


Elron “Anush can you do that on a smaller scale, like the water blades?”


Me “Yes, how small?”


He “Medium size! Almost like the ball before you made the blade.”


Me “OK!”  The others looked closely.  I made 4 smaller pillars on my palms and combined it into a ball, added Etherine, love and the Soul power.  The ball changed all sorts of colors.  My eyes changed, and the symbols ignited.  I looked at the heap of rocks Elron stacked, and released the ball.


At the same time I made a shield to cover us, and the others were kind of thankful for that, as the heap of rocks exploded into gravel.


Sensay: “You already have this much control!”  He was rather surprised.


Me “Well Sensay, when Reiz got angry with me for not wanting him to help me a few hours back, he shook me till my teeth rattled, and his avatar ripped my last little bit of control on that part of me.  So I activated right there.  It took all my strength to return to me.  This is why I came here to see if I can get some sort of control.”


Kalnarh “Well there is hope yet!  We will have to push harder.”


Sensay: “Over my dead body!”

Kalnarh “That can be arranged!”


I looked at them, astonished, it is as if I was young again, watching these to fight about my training, “You two better stop pushing me this hard, I can barely keep up. I still have to function in the world as well, remember that!”




Some days I think my guardians take pleasure in torturing me.  Yet, I love all of them.


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