We have arrived at that time again for the Superbowl, decoded as the Supper Bowl (a feast), or Super Baal (challenge of the Nephalim or NFL) a mass occult ritual involving millions of on lookers. This has always been a time for us to put more people in the know, build bridges of awareness, and expose the treachery behind energy draining practices of the Zionist controlled media.


An entire interactive segment has been scheduled for Tuesday Feb. 5 2013 on Occult Review with me and Dave Mathematics dissecting the entire thing live so be sure to catch that. As always I would like to put some text behind this for further review by those seriously interested in the topic.

Tune in here during showtimes:


We must first deal with the basics of what is taking place, excluding all conspiracy. We must go to fact in order to gain the sufficient credibility necessary to allow listeners to follow what will be mentioned latter in the show about an extraterrestrial component.


Topics Discussed:


Before any true ritual can take place there must first be a portal or gateway configured. Without getting in to the complex explanations of Phi you can see it is a doorway. The knowledge of Phi being a doorway is encoded in the symbol known as a Pentagram used heavily not only in magic but also in designs everywhere on Earth. The Pentagram and the Rectangle are then also connected just in case you want to know why all doors in most houses are rectangles and generally split at the Phi division point at the door knob. This ultimately leads to the truth that the human body itself is a gateway as your Spirit entered your body, hence the all time statement "I am not the body".






And much much more. They haven't even reached kickoff and full disclosure is already on the way. Wholeness

In the Gnosis?

Update: I would hate to say I told you so lol



Views: 8873


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Comment by Du@Ly.Plane0 on February 18, 2013 at 1:59am

Wholeness family; Outstanding once and over again Sevan! Touche` & perfecto`...
But must say too the ongoing readers and to everyone in concern. Do not be sidetracked as usual concerning "the dissension" of any so-called geometric corrective gestures*. Predetermined interjure`e.g. Any finite or forced solutions are systematic and controlling nature and engineered fashion? Anyway The addressed attention to the cosmic rift and or staying on point concerning rituals & ceremonies (outside of intent) can never be predictable? No more than any one (or mind) could possibly conclude in fact, exactly how many souls would be @ the event , or watching...No Mat` how much control is desired (in life) what is relevant however? Still; Someones missing the whole point of mathematics concerning it's mastery, since they are obviously clueless about  parallel postulation and the point where science takes over and magic meets! Thank You Sevan the post was very informative.

Comment by Du@Ly.Plane0 on February 18, 2013 at 1:57am

...Cont'd, For the initiate and sensible humble minds. Firstly; A  1dimensional drawing, chart and or diagram on a 2D source for reference (paper, viewing screen, canvas etc.) can never accurately depict  or formulate the precise proportion of multiple-dimensional "SPACE" no matter how much control that is attempted in equation there are too many "CHAOTIC" benefactors. As an example there is no such thing as a perfect sphere or circle where the displacement is as micro as .0003 to true?! Or, in this exact case where a Fibonacci spiral as a "plane" curved line (as a copy) does not reflect "MOVEMENT" (energy) which does not confine to the law of man (or mind) in actuality spiraling is a centripetal wobbling effect....Where-by ethereally (as cosmic) doorways are moving (vibratory energy) anyway, and do not conform to stringent 3D space requirements as the proven science shows of the quantal. Energy atoms and electrons are more qua-qua-versal, and never in the same place, at the same time? This is how the convergence of the parallels work anyway; The magic, so-to-speak!
Also wait until you start hearing more about sub space as that info is in-line to be ready to be released per technology!

Comment by Marie Adams on February 11, 2013 at 7:48pm

Thank you from the bottom of my heart! Years ago I started with the Young's Analytical Concordance & did strictly Biblical research because I was a fundamentalist. My research moved me away from the church but I know from experience research can be bias depending on where your perception is at the time. Now that I consider myself sovern, there is so much more to study. I have notebooks filled w/research but if it is slanted, tainted, or bias, what good is it? Have met Mr. Hancock & followed his work for several years.  Thank you for all your help!


Comment by Marie Adams on February 10, 2013 at 7:34pm

I'd be interested in knowing your sources, authors, books (besides the Bible). I have heard there are different types of bibles but did not know how many types. I have enjoyed the books of Zecharia Sitchin such as "When Time Began". After reading Sitchin's works, I really began to question like how far back do the lies in history really go? How do we peal the onion skin? How can people go to original sources when so much has already been destroyed. I keep a notebook of authors & books to try to find regarding Numerology, Symbols, Heiroglyphs, forgotten languages,etc as I find it all so fascinating & it is remarkable how far back mankind truly goes!   If anyone out there have research tips or tools of the trade they could share, I wld be grateful My biggest problem at this point is how to organize everything I read...a method that works in trying to piece it together....I'm thinkin a huge wall chart!!!! Not very decorative!   

Comment by Marie Adams on February 8, 2013 at 2:34pm

 Goddess is great...wld love to see her reemerge in this culture...I'm not convinced this is the way to go about it.Archaeological evidence affirms a time span of nearly 30,000 years the worshipping of the female deity beginning in the late Paleolithic age. Goddess religion was very earth-centered & body affirming & quite holistic as it was viewed to be part of nature representing the regeneration of life. I'm just not convinced the Super Bowl portrayesit  in that light. The Goddess culture received it's death from a monotheism, male , all-powerful & absolute domination. The last Goddess temples closed in the 5th century in Gaul. Goddess religion has been portrayed as heretical, evil, from the devil & women who identified with the Goddess image & her ways was denied participation in society. This was an actual paradigm shift that presented a different reality, different category of being that deeply affected human relationships & the balance has not returned. I believe that it will...if done correctly. I applaud Beyonce's talents & her feminine powers but I'm not convinced the lens that she is portrayed through  contributes to highest order for balancing male & female energies in these times.          

Comment by Aisha on February 8, 2013 at 5:46am
I just read this on Facebook regarding Beyonce and her performance.

New Orleans connection part 1, let me start with the matriarch celebrated by the Dereon brand.

Beyonce Knowles - VIRGO [Virgin] born 9-4 [13] (as in 49's playing the superbowl)
Agnèz Beyincé (born Agnès DeRouen) (1909 – 1984) was a Louisiana native, whose birth surname and passion for creating beauty from the mundane is the inspiration for House of Deréon, a fashion line founded by her daughter, Tina Knowles, and Tina Knowles's daughter, Beyoncé Knowles.

Agnèz Deréon was born on July 1, 1909 in Delcambre, Louisiana, a town near the city of New Iberia, Louisiana.Deréon was the daughter of Eugène Gustave "Eugenie" DeRouen (1884–1940) and Odilia Broussard (daughter of E.R. Broussard (of white French ancestry) and Josephine Lesser (of Creole ancestry, who was quarter African American)).[9] She and her family were Louisiana Créoles. Self-taught, she became a well-known seamstress catering to private clients in Louisiana. She was accustomed to tailoring pieces that stood out by decorating the fabrics she used with such embellishments as embroidery, appliques and smocking. Incorporating materials such as lace, beads and jeweled buttons, Deréon made her style unique, according to the House of Deréon official website.

Deréon later married Lumis Albert Beyincé (Boyancé) of Abbeville, Louisiana, at which point her surname changed from Deréon to Beyincé. Lumis Beyincé was the son of Alexandre Beyincé (Boyancé) and Marie Olivier. The couple relocated to Galveston, Texas where they raised their family (some of the Beyincé relatives still live in Galveston). Both Agnèz and Lumis Beyincé were French-speaking Creoles of predominantely French, Native American and additionally African-American descent.[10]

The Beyincé family was fairly poor, yet upwardly mobile. The couple made many sacrifices to see that their children matriculated through private school and received a proper education. In an interview with Ebony magazine, Tina Knowles recalls that her mother made altar boy robes and other garments for the church so her children could attend Catholic schools.

The "Fleur Di Lis" begins as the symbol for matriarchal heritage - it is the official symbol for New Orleans.... brought to New Orleans by the French Aristocracy. It is the triple goddess symbol - and the French used it to represent the goddess Juno.

I fucks wit Beyonce, because she heralds in the advancement of matriarchy and is bringing back goddess worship......

Why the sexuality?

during the various cycles of the moon - MOON MAGIC was partaken of as sensual priestesses danced until their bodies were filled with spirit (practice known in African Tradition as "mounting") - yes we danced using our full sensuality and brought the house down - which is why Beyonce AND ALL THOSE WOMEN ON THE STAGE DANCING IN A RITUALISTIC MANNER - brought the power down.

The blackout occurred, and stopped Patriarchy(football- testosterone) in its tracks - to show you WOMBMAN - exactly how much power you have.... you bring the triple darkness- you are DRK MTR... You are the force of nature... you are not powerless....

Those ladies on stage did their thing -

All hail the Great Mother.....
Comment by Marie Adams on February 7, 2013 at 11:53pm

I appreciate the fact that someone takes the time to educate & clarify what comes as a front called entertainment by way of sports. On Super Bowl days, domestic violence goes up (.I'm a SW) People get sucked in & worked up...maybe it does serve them right for still watching the idiot box but perhaps if they knew the truth about the rituals then maybe, just maybe, they would shut it off & go do something really worthwhile with their time. These sports events are multi-billion dollar industries. Our society is sic, twisted & silly & we have to bring it around or atleast do our best to try. Many people are doing the hard work out there putting the pieces together to educate the rest of us so we can keep our wits about us as we try to make our way through the muck of the Matrix. Have you noticed the competition for these events are getting more & more grandiose...half time is filled with the latest movie stars & getting more bizarre...any event that sucks in sheepale masses will continue to be over the top like drugs where you need more. Somebody has to reach out & help bring this back to balance...let people understand they are being possessed & carried off to la la land ...making too much of it?Whoever puts these shows together know exactly what their doing...& now, so do we. Thank you Sevan.

Comment by Dusty Tru on February 6, 2013 at 7:38pm


Comment by Josh on February 6, 2013 at 4:39pm

Also, it is known that Daimler-Benz, like other companies, produced arms for the Third Reich.

Comment by Josh on February 6, 2013 at 4:36pm

I had just changed my name to Squid because I was getting harassed by someone. Is there anyway to undelete this post ""?



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