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We are going to be changing gears and getting directly in to what the so called controllers fear most, your physical activation. I will be taking this opportunity to answer the most imperative questions about the body and how to get it functioning properly. Below you will find a list of questions that many people want to know the answer to, now is the time to expand your wisdom and application. Wholeness

Topics Discussed and Questions answered. (Actual Notes)

Vaccinations and Homeopathy - The truth about Homeopathy Prophylaxis or Homeopathic Vaccines and treating disease outbreaks with Homeopathic remedies.

Vaccinations and autism what to do after vaccinations have caused autism.

The importance of the imagination on health and spirituality.

The best tip for those who want to Lucid Dream.

Under the Microscope versus through the Telescope - Order and Chaos

How to treat based on the system.

Autism in Children - Kali Phosphate A Brain Nutrient

    1.    A mental condition, present from early childhood, characterized by great difficulty in communicating and forming relationships, and in...
    2.    A mental condition in which fantasy dominates over reality, as a symptom of schizophrenia and other disorders.

The importance of an Imagination

    ⁃    No imagination leads to depression excessive tired and sleepy feelings.
    ⁃    Why children are energetic, how much energy "Make Believe" generates.

What dimensions are the spiritual controllers actually on?
The overall effects of low frequency. How lower frequency entities are able to interact with humans.

We know of higher dimensional beings/ETs warring with one another throughout history. However, we are also taught that in order to attain many of the "supernatural" abilities that they had, we have to do all this work (energy, cleansing, practice, etc.) here to transcend our current restrictions/illusions on this plane. I have also heard about 5D in particular seeming like a space where (please correct me if I'm wrong) one would have found complete wholeness, most likely androgynous, and having transcended division, war, and fear. My question is, where to these warring, sometimes malevolent (against each other and maybe us), higher dimensional entities fit into this picture. Are they in dimensions somewhere in between us (3D) and complete wholeness (5D and up)? Or am I perhaps thinking about this the wrong way. It feels I might be missing something very obvious.

A question about the center of the Earth, the Entities that live there and whether or not the Ascended Masters are good or bad for us to seek or track down.

I have been doing some amazing research into the world underneath our surface and those that inhabit it which is fascinating in every way possible. I know you mention Shambhalla from time to time in your normal discussions, but it there any one specific show where you go into extreme detail? I would like to listen if there is. I am still trying to fathom this idea of a vast world functioning right beneath our own vast world and the fact that most spiritual people are completely oblivious to the idea, yet sure enough we find first hand accounts of people who have seen these beings, cities, technology; earth chakras, entryways and mountains like the Untersberg (and its ageless lore). It'd be great to have you shed some general light on some of these subjects. I feel like people need to know about this. Should we not want to purify and connect with these hopefully positive brothers/sisters below?

Safety precautions that should be followed when dealing with organite.

The announcement of the Virtual Cleanse getting the answers to question like, what do I eat on a regular bases, what can I take to give me energy. How do I stay awake with all of the stuff i have to do, Network, Life, Child etc.

What crystals do I recommend to be placed in drinking water?
What crystals do I recommend be placed in the Bath?

Exactly how many Chakras do we really have, some say 7 others say 9 what do you say and why?

Where do I start to properly begin this journey?

What happens when one has too much energy, can't center, can't sleep, can't eat, can't focus?

The wonders of Chulen, Shilajit, and Jing Builder on the male energy system.

Detecting implants with EMF detectors, if you need that personal security about whether or not you have been implanted.

Its obvious no fast food - but i will address the GMO


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Comment by Geminieast11 on February 14, 2013 at 11:15am

The KING OF PEDOPHILES RESIGNS lets make sure to give him , or it a anckle braclet so we know  his where abouts remember we can not lose track of these people in our communitys for the sake of innocent children .

Comment by jana on February 11, 2013 at 11:27pm

I am grateful you continue to address the balance/health of the physical body as an often necessary and important step towards activation/expansion/wholeness/feeling of well-being, etc. In meeting 'clients' as a SWorker or people in everyday life, it is very common to observe that the imbalance of the physical is holding people back/down/stagnant in many ways. It can be difficult to discuss spiritual matters, etc. when a person is dealing with continual physical imbalance. DNA, genetics and the genome has always been interesting to me and I wonder how much has been tampered with on many levels overt and covert and how empowered we are at this point of repairing/regenerating/transmuting; healing what may have been removed, removing that which may be there that we no longer need (as in negative programming, cell memory), etc. etc. As our vibration rises, we are blessed with an increased ability to remain healthy and heal quickly, therefor enabling us to go into lower vibrations with more immunity if called upon to do so. We are blessed with the ability to consume less if we so choose.

Also--a reminder thought on everything we ingest. Much of food is made up of water. Water reacts to emotion such as gratitude as illustrated by Dr. Masaru Emoto. Being grateful for what we eat/drink and directing that towards it will affect it's makeup.

MMS really is amazing. A few years back I did the original protocol which advised taking 15 drops twice a day for a week (of course it takes time to gear the body up to do this amount)! I mention this because a few weeks in I noticed a heavy metallic taste in my mouth for several days. It really does purge metals from the body! It is cheap and at this point one can still obtain large quantities or make it oneself.

"What we currently know to be the truth." Gratitude for your adeptness and forward momentum! Upward and Onward in freeing the masses as we free ourselves from illusion/delusion/elusion/seclusion/confusion. My whole body vibrated as the Mission Statement was read.

All is self---you ARE the master. Remember!

Comment by fergusontye1 on February 10, 2013 at 11:03pm

very important info,it is obvious that information alone does not completely raise your frequency.THANKS for addressing all elements of this process.WHOLENESS BRO.

Comment by noitavlas777 on February 10, 2013 at 12:37pm



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