Show starts February 14, 2013 9:00 PM CST on The Occult Review

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Rated Adept


We are not done, this time we destroy fear so it does not occur again. Its very simple, but so key. By taking the knowledge that fear is a low frequency you can reverse engineer the entire reality and I will show you how.  It is important to first remove "you" from the conversation when analyzing this knowledge so you can be non-bias.


The first question should be "can anyone accomplish the limitlessness with fear"? Its not naturally spiritually or physically possible here are all the clues.


Fear is based on contraction. When some one scares or startles you, you will instinctively draw back or recoil. If a person has a fear of flying they are now limited to how many places they can go. If a person has a fear of driving that list of limits increases. There are hints everywhere around you telling you that the reality that we have choose to live through suggestion is one completely constructed on fear.


Since fear is a low frequency this means that the higher harmonics have no fear or contraction, they are expansion. Because of this there should never be a fear of coming out of the body, or taking your life beyond the limits of what everyone else thinks you can accomplish. Nothing can great you that would be opposed to you, after all opposition is a low frequency and thus does not exist there.


Now this may be simple at first, but when you begin to feel what I'm talking about you will see this is the key to your entire emancipation. Some more examples:


Realities such as the one we are in have to thrive on fear because it operates on separation. It makes more points to note the differences of our root cultures than its uncanny similarities especially when it comes to our physical origins versus our spiritual one. All this of course comes together when you take a hard look at etymology across cultures.


Illusions Fuel

False realities are powered by lies, this would manifest as a world where the truth is hidden. Major accomplishments in the realm of truth will take your engagement. On this dimension you see a ladder however on the astral plane you must first take the step for the staircase to appear. This is opposite to how we generally function. Fear based realities want to create everything for you, harmonic actualities encourage you to create in every instance with total control and responsibility of self, along with all thoughts and actions.


Transparency vs Walls

So the physical correspondence to fear that we encounter everyday is the wall you see in front of you. The walls silently say the person next door cannot see me for "add here" a whole list of fears, because we have been taught to loath transparency down to the bump on our back. Clothes or "close" do the same thing as we generally remain in the cave of our mind thinking about how we can separate or distinguish ourselves further. This does not mean we now go run down the street naked yelling "Its All Fear Based!" as such things will land you in the crazy house but just know We are on to "them". When fear is fully isolated then you can hit delete. There is a method to this I feel it is my purpose in life to become a Master Teacher in eliminating fear.


In the Chakra System

The abilities of the upper chakras are parallel with high abilities and the higher harmonics. Since fear cannot thrive or even exist in these frequencies a person who has fear cannot enter these centers nor have access to the abilities encased within them. So again its simple, if you are looking to release from the body through the pineal or just send healing vibrations powerful enough from you hands to vividly be felt by the applicant you must be free flowing. As many already know fear produces blockages/walls in the Chakra center and thus would be the reason we are powered down.


Geometrically Speaking

Fear in many tense can be geometrically seen as a circle not a coil. A serpent eating its tail. This means repeating the same actions over and over, the same so called mistakes not learned, not expanding through the growth of experience. So the "no longer controllers" were fascinated with trapping entities inside of a loop of fear constructed on perceived mistakes. Nothing is a mistake until someone insists their right, right exist because wrong came in to existence through you guessed it, fear, and once again you have the circle going in to itself seen still as a coil that is contracting not expanding inside of itself. The difference between the 2D flat mind versus the Spherical outside of the box mind renders limitless insights and explanations on any subject as all true knowledge is basically a coil recalling itself, a disk.


The Clause - Ego Based Fearlessness and Fear Based Motivation

There is another part to this, one that seems so close to fearlessness but in fact it is the ultimate fear itself. The fear that disguises itself as no fear. A double bind that can easily be released with proper recognition. There are men who appear so fearless who array themselves in the most dangerous devices wielded to destroy anything and everything physical but inside remain as cowards afraid to approach the enemies they created face to face. America and Britons Drone war is an ode this. They are afraid of the consequences of what they will face from the people if they keep sending physical troops in to fight their wars.  

But much deeper we must consider that many have been abused in some form or fashion and as a result build a shield around themselves so it may never occurs again. This shield becomes a huge wall, a great fear monument that is built upon constantly. It eventually becomes the reason they cannot even leave their own bed. This is defined as fear based motivation which means the fear has been given some type of strength to create more stages of itself. This is a vortex and also the answer to the power source for the Ego which can be proven is an actual a vacuum sometimes called a vampire or leech for sucking the life out of any situation.


The Solution to Death

Again this can reverse engineer the entire reality this knowledge. Death is equal to fear as it becomes Mort as in Mortuary which is synonymous with freezing, to become completely still, stagnant, qlippoth, shell. The evidence is all here, completely eliminating fear would place you on another frequency that would reveal the secret to none decaying immortality by never accepting death as something even real let alone alone something that should be feared.


Demons, devils, and the likes can all be considered as low frequencies so it is a fact that they are scarred of you. The most they may have is a grotesque appearance that we have been programmed to fear but they behave like the cowardly lion being smacked on the wizard of oz when you stand up to such eidolons by removing them from any position of authority. Darkness retreats from light in to the corners, true light, the light that is shined in to the prism before it becomes divided has nothing to do with something that is separated so in the truest sense light actually absorbs darkness which is symbolic of eliminating fear first from within.


This also means nothing should be given a status based on how it appears externally, its depth must be tested in order to discover its true stance. What is solid to you in appearance is actually very porous under the microscope with the right magnification. Not to mention respecting something because you fear it will trap you, respect must be earned.


The End of ReligionThere is a constant back and forth going through the mind of most spiritual people about the true stance of religions that spout good principles amongst their chosen people propaganda. This can serve to be confusing especially if a "lamb" is used to disarm a person visually from the internal obvious. Religion is fear based. Christianity and Islam alike teach the "Fear of God". No matter what people think, fear and love do not play well together, and such notions are the root to an abusive relationship.


As long as religions teach the fear of god, and the idea that god remains separate from humanity somewhere in the sky or on another planet or even inside of our very planet it is all false. The Most High is within, there is no separation knowing that The Most High is a totality of all things. Fear and separation slows one down and prevents them from merging with the fact or truth. Again what is left is the person has no choice but to live a lie, lies are the illusions. Again the knowledge spirals in to itself, you will have to keep explaining this to yourself just like this for it to be completely quelled as it is deeply embedded and generally taught from generation to generation.


Breeding Out FearGenerally a small child can experience one situation such as a friend breaking a toy and if that situation is not handled properly by the adult the child then develops a fear of getting their toys broke by others. This then leads to selfishness and a host of situations that ensue just from one experience not being handled properly. This does not mean you have to be excessive about every situation your child enters but it does mean that when you are fully aware of such things you can often prevent a major ripple effect from even occurring just by allowing our children to remain free flowing and giving like they naturally are.


Generally the parent is the first to suggest that certain toys can't be played with and certain children cannot be played with etc. We are in fact introducing our children to our fears no matter how we may see it so be sure you are taking time to fully analyze what you are doing and you will be even more amazed of the potential your child exudes.


Reflections and MayaI will leave it to you to crack through the illusion fully for yourself, after all nobody can do something for you that has already been done, you just need to apply it. Have you ever noticed in order to see a different perspective on this plane one must use mirrors, lenses, glasses, and crystals? For those that may think substances like DMT and Mushrooms were excluded from that statement think again as they both contain a great deal of ingestible crystals that refract the light within. So it should now be clear to you that such realities as the one we are on can truly be erected and dissolved using "smoke" and mirrors/lenses/crystals/optics which "bend" light turning the otherwise linear to non linear.


Master of Mind and Tongue

The first move is to watch what you say which later leads to watching what you think. Thoughts move faster than words since the thought comes first so it can be a little difficult catching up with your thoughts but you must be quick to avoid the dead thoughts. Its the way to start embedding your mind with an anti fear assistant that works to keep fear from creeping in. Here is a standard conversation in a group around lunch at the job for the average person.


"I need to hurry up and leave" (a fear of returning late and the repercussions). "Who's car are we taking my car is not that great" (a fear of the car breaking down, gas prices, etc.) Once arriving, "I wonder if I should eat here again" (a fear of what happened last time). This list goes on and on and I make a point to only point out the small stuff that you never catch as negative because generally these conversations are also mixed with thousands of more heavier thoughts like, I wonder where he/she is, how will I pay for xyz, what about the sister's husband, the sick dog and hey hello you need to wake up the matrix has you. :-)



Projections show that actuality without the so called controllers will not be as chaotic as you may think. They would want to make you afraid so you can believe that if they are not here to run the system than it will collapse. Nothing could be further from the truth. Remember the people have been working around the clock around the world for them to gather trillions, I mean beyond numbers of our resources and hoard it and stock pile it and trade against it.

When they are gone, now it goes to the people, and it is more than enough, always has been, always will be.  Our Mother/Father Planet could always take care of us on all levels. The sustenance is seen with why the mother produces milk and a womb while the father the seed and safety. Just as the earth does not just produce sweet fruits for the pallet of those who love such delights but also bitter minerals, plants, substances for the Astral Quester to thrust themselves to the innermost cosmic hangout.


More on this during the show, its a rough draft but I can feel this is the final cutting through. I have returned, the final Pen has been broken! See you at the Show


The Riddle - The Pentagram, Combustion, Phi, Five, Fire, Fear. To break out just change direction Centripetal or Centrifugal, you choose.


The Next News Headline

Spiritualists find a possible cure for fear epidemic, immediate testing underway says team spokesman.


P.S. Think about if they drop the borders and all walls then you can travel to all of those places that you always dreamed of without hindrance. So much of this is symbolic.

P.S.S. If you did not notice very little of this post was actually about the Pope, all of these setbacks will become a thing of the past.

Views: 2998


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Comment by Denise La Roche on March 7, 2013 at 6:14pm

Wholeness family. What's up with the mainstream media blackout on this? Why the secrecy?

Comment by Modayah on March 3, 2013 at 9:25pm

Makes a whole lot of scene.

Comment by John Malcolm Scott on February 18, 2013 at 2:54am

View also:;read=26...

...and this artiocle regarding a potential replacement Pope, black & named 'Peter' (as in Petrus Romanus:) Turkson :

Comment by jana on February 17, 2013 at 6:26pm
Comment by Deborah Norris on February 14, 2013 at 4:44pm

The cardinals look like they just swallowed a parakeet.

Comment by Karrade on February 14, 2013 at 3:52am

This is one I am looking forward too :D

Comment by John Malcolm Scott on February 14, 2013 at 3:42am

The Pope, QEII, and the so-called 'Elite', are all simple manifestations of our own (*possession/possessed*:) occult, 'dark' side which is finally coming to 'Light'. The time is ripe to cease denying, fearing and running away from one's own shadow and incorporate all within the Whole.

Comment by anastic on February 14, 2013 at 2:57am
Comment by Elke on February 13, 2013 at 11:36pm
I appreciated the darkness/demon insight. truly anything that we "think" we are scared of & appears (apparition) to have some power over us in life is synonymous to the weakness of that actual "thought". Brilliant Sevan. Thanks always, elke
Comment by Cee on February 13, 2013 at 11:05pm

"This does not mean we now go run down the street naked yelling "Its All Fear Based!" as such things will land you in the crazy house". LOL hilarious.i guess No hope for the pope. GREAT post and thanks for the reminder to rise above fear.


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