Let me post a very quick briefing of our planetary situation... This might sound crazy to some, BUT... it does connect all the dots ...
Earth has been colonized by the White Pelasgian race for about 3.5 million years. They made first contact with the indigenous black race (aged 4.5 billion years, born with the planet). A deal was made to give the Pelasgians the northern lands in exchange for advanced technology and communication with the other 70 billion human inhabited planets. Our solar system fell into severe siege in 11,500BC when the Draconian fleet under the command of YHWH arrived... after the galactic government supressed his revolution and destroyed his homeworld in the Alpha Draconis and E-Bootus systems through the Perseus mission.
The incomming fleet allied with the former system commander, Cronus (see Hesiod's Theogony) and took control of the inner system. Ever since the planets (up to Saturn) have become the Draconian inner defensive perimeter. They commenced the first attempt to empose the New World Order with Atlantis, but their plans failed. Ever since, they are building up to make this planet a second homeworld, by annihilating both black and white race.
The yellow race made its appearence on the planet as a cross-breed between Vrills (Grays) and traitor Croneans in 4,000BC (exactly when the scripts say that Adam appeared on Earth). After a massive genociding campaign launched by Ur of Mongolia (today's Ulan Bator) in 2,200BC (with 7 hordes) they are now preparing for their judgement day (armageddon) through the world wars (especially WW3). The reason why such huge technology is brought out the past century is because the previous remainings of the government fleet returned with massive reinforcements. The past years, the Draconian control of Saturn was lost to the fleet. Draco war planets are stationed outside Jupiter these days (look into the newly discovered Jupiter "irregular satellites"). Also look into the Mars project, where they are now building defensive lines (as the US military participates, claiming they are expeciting a threat from outer space).
There is no accident that all of this hurry to errupt a 3rd World War exists.
It is quite a big story and it took quite some time to put all of these together. The fact is that I never read any of David Icke's books, but some things are common. Ok, let me begin from the source of the information I have.
In Hellas (Greece), the past 12 years specific books started to "move" in the market, speaking of an "Team Epsilon", that was supposed to be Zionism's great opponent and that it was laying low until the time was right to turn the tide of today's situation. The strange thing I saw was that those books were only published in this country.
I seeked a contact with a person I somewhat felt had something to do with non conventional reality. I was right. He belonged into a group of researchers that were looking into things that in several ways was close to what I read in the books. I joined the team (of free researchers, no initiation or cult) and started looking into things. From there I learned that there was something wrong with the books that were out in the market. Something was not right. There I came to know about an even larger group, called H.R.G. (Hellenic Restoration Group), that was acting in secret mostly, because of the Zionist plague. There I got a more clear view of the situation and our position in the Universe. Still, I was not certain of everything, as in the begining it sounded more like science fiction. According to their words, we were a planet under Sino-Mongolic occupation, which was (and still is) under the orders of the Draconian leader YHWH (Yahweh, but at times used other names such as Asmondai, Jedi, Metatron etc) and the traitor ally Cronus (which in the scripts is reffered to as Savvaoth). After a year our group was contacted by H.R.G. itself and we got to meet its external representative, ex member of the sub-command of the group (ex, because all his family was killed and he got totally bankrupt from Zionists once he made his appearence). He gave us several hundrend pages of hand written and typed reports (not printed). Ever since the attacks on our group got worse and we've been placed under surveilance from Mossad, NSA and even the supreme zionist lodge -AOA (Adeptis Ordo Atlantis = Order of the Descedants of Atlantis) of London set up a plan of framing one of us, which was uncovered and sent to us by H.R.G.
After performing about 2 years of research, verifying the reports we got, it all made sense. Everything linked. You name it, Zion, cults, religions, world wars down to ancient invasions (and legendary wars) and up to gennetic experiments, clones and UFOs. Everything connected to one single master plan. That plan is the forming of a new Draconian homeworld in our solar system. This means that the black and the white race will either be totally assimilated genetically or... annihilated. And here is where Zion comes in place.
The long term assimilation plan has failed, and therefore they move into our annihilation.
The top of the pyramid hierarchy of the occupying forces is located in Levan (the original Draconian name of our moon). It is the flagship of the Draconian fleet. It's headquarters is operated by a 24+3 council, which YHWH (Yahweh) is the ultimate leader. Behind it lays Lilith (legends speak of that name as "the mother of demons"), the secondary flagship, ruled by Tamil, known to the scripts as Velzevul, Lucifer, Satan, Devil. Two sides of the same coin. That is why the NWO logo, the pyramid its cut-off top, comes into place. The lower pyramid is the rule structure down here on Earth (Gaia). The top part is the hierarchy council in Levan, that sees all of us down here.
N.W.O. dragonian logo:
(the original has an eye of a reptile)
Here is a bit of story as to how they came down to our planet.
One and a half million years ago, a huge rebellion broke out in one third of our galaxy. The core of it was the systems of Alpha Draconis, Epsilon Bootus and Opheos (snake system). The Draconians destroyed several races and assimilated others through their mastery in genetics. Some of those species allied with the rebels, in order to evade extinction. Such an example are the Orions (Vrills if I am right, known widely as "Grays"). In the end though, they were almost assimilated and became the ones to do the Dracos' dirty work in multiple worlds (including Earth). The intergalactic government of Andromeda, a defensive species of extreme intelligence (the most advanced one in our part of the Universe) set up a mission to strike at the heart of the rebellion (Star-Wars inversed). The name of it was Perseas. After the success of the fleet, the systems started to slowly be liberated from the Draconian influence. One last fleet escaped, composed of 118 war planets and 2 flagships (Levan and Lilith) and entered our solar system in 11,500BC. They pleaded for permission to disembark their populations down to Earth to survive, which was granted by the Zeus headquarters, under specific terms only in the land of Poseidon... the continent of Atlantis. The entire procedure took place from 11,000 to 10,500BC. The white race (Pelasgians, codenamed Hellenians, a healing-civilizing tribe of the Andromedians) was already present in the northern lands of the planet for 3.5 million years (as recorded in the chronicles of the Dogon race in Mali of Africa, which were the ones to make first contact). After the disembarking of the populations, the first forms of religions started to appear, worshiping the snake God named Seth. The Draconians (and their assimilated allies) turned the Pelasgians against their own kind in Europe, Esperia (today's America) and Asia. In 9,700BC they were secretly starting to mass technology and building up armies to perform a total invasion against the neighboring continents... to impose the New World Order (sound familiar?!).
The white race at that time though, being in its Golden Age (extreme technology) discovered the plan and the solar counsil decided to prepare for a wide scale war. The Zeus headquarters send the message to the Athenian Empire (a huge state that expanded from the middle east to the canal of Gibraltar, known back then as Heraclean Pillars) and a surprise invasion to Atlantis took place in record time in 9,600BC. The Athenians destroyed the Atlantean armies and caused them to run to the neighbouring continent, Esperia. The rage of YHWH was brutal and warned Zeus headquarters not to intervene, or he would destroy the planet. As a warning, he used Levanian gravital cannons to increase forces over the continent of Atlantis and cause the crack of the lithospheric plaque, thus submerging the entire land under the Atlantic Ocean. The instability of the crust caused the submerging of the Aegis valley, creating today's Mediterranean Sea. The pressure applied to the magma below seeked a way out and burst through the volcanoes to the west, causing extreme disasters.
Cronus, the former system commander, who had joined the revolution earlier and lost to Zeus, joined YHWH and attacked the Jupiter (Zeus) Uranus coalition. The Andromedian fleet, composed mostly of transports and laboratories, was forced to retreat in order for the battle not to completely destroy life on Earth. It broke down into 3 parts. One entered Earth's poles (North and South), the other retreated to the outside planets of our system, making a defensive line in Uranus and the third left to call in for reinforcements. The Draconians then attacked each and every inner planet, demanding its unconditional surrender. Two planets refused, Hephaestus and Phaethon (Hephaestus was between the Sun and Mercury and Phaethon between Mars and Jupiter). Both of them were destroyed. Hephaestus debris was sucked in by the Sun and Phaethon is now the asteroid belt we see between Mars and Jupiter (even though many of its debris, including structures fell down on Earth, as the ancient texts speak of a "sky crying tears of blood").
YHWH and his forces managed to set up an elementary government system on the planet on 5,619BC. The Pelasgian memories of the Universal codenames Zeus, Hera, Apollo, Artemis, Athena etc were from there on replaced with the 12 Gods that were played by officers of the Cronus-Savvaoth army. After extensive genetic experiments, the Draconians initiated their assimilation plan. Cross breeding the Vrills (short, big headed, big black eyed, weak bodied alliens) with the Cronean Andromedians produced an entirely new species: the Yellow race. The new species disembarked in the steppes of Mongolia/Siberia in 4,000BC (when religions speak of the appearence of Adam and Eve). In 2,200BC the huge campaign of invasion began, broken down in 7 hordes:
Greys or Vrills (Orionids)
Abductions & Genetics Masterminds-manipulators of the Draco Alliance:
Semi-Draconians Genetic Creations of Draco Levaniah-Lilith
and "Chosen One People" of Sin-Sion-Zion-Chin-YHWH for the task
of genocide and infiltrate into the White-Andromedian-Pelasgian and Black-Indigenοus Races:
1st Touranian Hebrew-Mongolic horde
Under the name of Hyksos and Elamites invaded south, today’s China, killing all Pelasgian (white) male population and committing massive rapes of females. In the central area of today’s China they found powerful resistance and were forced to turn South West. To protect their territories from the counter attacks, those that remained began the construction of the Great Wall. The advancing horde then invaded Assyria and Babylon, which in the end fell.
In Babylon they found the city of Ur, as a tribute to the mother land (the city of Ur of Mongolia) and to honor the God Sin/Sion (Zion) of Selene (moon). In that place, Habra Khan was born (Habra Khan > Habrahan > Abraham), father of Jacob, Isaac and the genealogical line of David and Jesus Christ.
The Assyrian-Babylonians revolted and drove the Hebrew-Mongol Elamites out of their territories. A part of them (Elamites) under the leadership of Abraham headed towards Egypt, which they crippled through internal conspiracies. The other part headed to the east and invaded India where it waged wars that destroyed the Pelasgian population there. From there they formed the Semitic Arabs, who up until today are Israel’s supposed enemies, until the total genocide of the non Semite Arabs (of Pelasgian origin) of Iran, Iraq, Syria and Palestine.
2nd Touranian Hebrew-Mongolic horde
Under the name Japanese they invaded the island of Ainus (island of Ionian colonists), today’s Japan. They genocided the Ionian tribes , keeping alive as slaves only the ones expert in fishing and boat building in the coast areas.
The Mongols Khan of Japan in cooperation of the Bavarian Mongols Othon Khan, produce in 1930AD the fascist axis against themselves .
3rd Touranian Hebrew-Mongolic horde
Under falsely naming themselves Dories (after the ancient Hellenic tribe of Dories) they traveled through the southern coast of the Black Sea and invaded the Balkan Peninsula. All the Hellenic cities managed to repel their attack, but Hebrew agents achieved in infiltrating Sparta deeply in its priest orders. The horde heads to the west where they invade the Italian Peninsula and genocide the Hellenic tribes of Etrusk Sabines and Latins of Troad and Sicily . There they find the city of Rome.
Having as a tool of corrosion the priest order of Sparta, they break the Hellenians in opposing alliances. Lacedaemon of Menelaus is corrupted to the barbaric Sparta of Lycurgus that was exchanging ambassadors and letters of “National Identity” with the head priest of Jerusalem, as is extracted from the books A’ and B’ of the Maccabean of the Holy Bible, Translation of the Seventy.
4th Touranian Hebrew-Mongolic horde
Under the name of Huns and the leadership of Attila or ATL (meaning ATLantean) arrived and established themselves in eastern Hellas (today’s Turkey), Bulgaria, Bavaria and partly in Rumania. According to their fixed tactics, they slaughtered and genocided all the native European tribes.
5th Touranian Hebrew-Mongolic horde
Under the name Urges (from Ur) / Hangars (Hungarians) and the leader Jenkins Han-Khan-Kon-Koen they captured today’s Hungary, Finland, Leetonia, Estonia and other ex USSR lands. They genocided the native Pelasgian populations and especially the Russ and Thubals (descendants of the Pelasgian Scythes), who are today’s Byelorussians. Also they descent to the Balkans and destroy the Scythes.
6th Touranian Hebrew-Mongolic horde
Under the name of Seljuk they empowered the Turkish Mongols of the 4th horde of today’s Turkey. A second division took over the area of today’s Albania, where they genocided the Hellenic tribe of Illyrians.
7th Touranian Hebrew-Mongolic horde
Under the Tamerlane attempted to invade Europe but was cut off by the Mongols of the 4th and the 6th horde, due to conflict of inner Mongolic interests. So they turned east and attacked today’s China with the help of the Mongol Manchu co of ex Manjuria.
Descendants of the 5th horde, known as Saxons headed on to the west, entering today’s Britain and continued the Atlantean expansion project by genociding the Pelasgian tribes there . They met strong resistance in the northern highlands of Scotland and in the island of Ireland. Ever since that time, the Saxons have waged wars against those two territories.
Through these wars, massive rapes of white and black women took place and gave birth to the white-mongols and black-mongols.
This is merely one part of the story, as to how things began on our planet. I hope I gave you enough information to think about!
The lizards right now are in a very difficult position. Despite what has been written about them, it lacks several other key information. Like as to how and when they got here, why they got here and what exactly is their purpose. Other questions that follow up, are they alone? Do they have friends? Enemies? Are we to expect big developments?
And above all, do WE, as humans, have allies?
I happen to be "inside the game" for quite a while and the developments are quite astonishing...
How can you say you know their purpose?
I operate as a member of a semi-public group of researchers of mostly non-conventional information in cooperation with other secret groups that have infiltrated even the Zionist supreme lodges. This story about the former Draconian Empire and its homeworld destruction by the Perseas Operation (see the myth of Perseas & Andromeda) up to our days has become such an everyday routine to us, that our "morning prayer" is about cursing YHWH and his traitor ally Sabit/Sabbath/Savvaoth/Cronus.
Of course, for that reason we have sustained numerous attacks, but we are holding the line, because we know how the Draconians function.
Who are their enemies?
The Andromedean Intergalactic Government. Ever since the huge rebellion on the 1/3rd of our Galaxy about 1.5 million years ago and the treason of our system commander Cronus (see Hesiod's Theogony), the remnants of the Alpha Draconis and Epsilon Bootes systems entered our solar system by 11,500BC Earth time. The battle between the alliances Zeus-Uranus against Levan(moon/Selene)-Saturn(Cronus) ended with the retreat of the first coalition, to avoid the total destruction of life on Earth. One third of the Zeus-Uranus fleet (which was mainly composed of laboratories and transports) found refuge in both North and South Poles of our planet, another 1/3rd returned to the outside planets (Uranus, Neptune, Pluto) and the last third left the solar system to request reinforcements.
Developments in what?
The 4th Solar Space War has commenced already. The Draconian forces count 118 war planets and 2 flagships: Levan (moon) and Lilith (the second moon behind Levan). All of them are on the 1st dimension of matter inspissation (visible) The Andromedean fleet has arrived in the mid 20th century and completed its massing in 2000 by 960 war planets, 340 of which belong to the 1st matter dimension. The rest are of higher and therefore visible only through neutrino telescopes.
In 2003, reports announced that the Andromedean fleet has taken back Saturn and is now advancing towards Earth. The Draconian fleet massed outside Jupiter (that's where all the new "moons" came from). More recent information say that the higher dimensions of the Andromedean forces have just arrived. The levels are from 2nd to 6th of matter rarification. Keep in mind that each mater dimension can effect ONLY its own and the one below it through technology.
The Draconian forces have crew of 1st and 2nd dimension of matter rarification, while their high leader and commander, YHWH belongs to the 3rd. The Draconian sensor capability is limited to 3rd dimension spotting. The reptiles' high command consists of 24+3 members under the leadership of YHWH.
So there is no one left in this little galaxy?
The entire revolution has been suppressed and utterly defeated by the Andromedeans. Our solar system is the last Draconian outpost and the 70 billion human inhabited planets have their eyes on us... the planet with the most extraordinary oblivion that was ever encountered. The operation has been hard though, since two planets have been destroyed by the Draconians and our balance hangs from a thread. One more loss and it could mean the failing of the system, the hyper solar system, the galaxy and then the Universe itself. We are talking about a deadly serious situation here, that's why there were no other operations against the Draconians, not until the Andromedeans gathered an extremely powerful fleet. If we add to that the millions of captured souls into the Draconian Energy Generators (that's right, just like the first episode of Matrix... those souls are being used as batteries), things are not that simple.
Why Andromeda?
Andromeda is the white race's home world. The Andromedeans, codenamed Hellenians (healers of light/civilizers) colonized this planet 3.5 million years ago when they made contact with the indigenous black race and came to the agreement to populate the northern part of the planet, in exchange of advanced technology and direct communication with the other human inhabited worlds.
Either we like it or not, we are Andromedean descendants and the race of the Dogon tribe of Mali in Africa know it, as they were the ones to make the first contact.
The Yellow race appeared in 4,000 BC through the Draconian genetic labs in order to begin the operation of total world hegemony, thus to create here a new reptilian home world. Along with other cross breeds they plagued the world with 7 major campaigns that started from 2,200BC and ended at about 900BC. They acted that way, since their first attempt with the NWO through Atlantis failed because of the Athenian attack... and it took them about 5,000 years to establish an elementary control of the planet.
How do I get to get a space ship and kill Draconians?
This will be taken care by the Andromedean fleet. Our task will lay down here with the rest. Once everything is done, many of us will be called as witnesses and DAs to create a case against those responsible for our world's journey to death. The guilty will be taken to labor camps upon prison planet Titan.
How do I contact higher density beings?
You cannot. They contact you. Be aware though, because the Draconians fake this level of communication too often through certain frequency broadcasts. Trust your instinct and trust it deeply. Monitor your head's reaction (where the mind, part of the soul, resides), as it is the entrance to the depths of your soul. If you feel short but sharp pains and/or high pressure, it is the Dracos that try to get in. You need to focus upon yourself, to "Know Thyself" before you come in full balance and have the power to resist the Draconian energy and mental warfare. Our soul is a 2nd dimension entity and once you get to know it, you will be able to hear its calls.
If at any time you need help, ask of it only from the one supreme being, the Intelligent Universal Organism... the Universe itself. Make certain that it is not for selfish reasons and your request will most likely be granted. Request aid for things that are mostly in the energy levels, which are required to empower your soul.
The Andromedeans are the governors of 1/3rd of the Universe, the Hera part (left) of anti-matter and inspissations (tendency to materialism). The middle part is the Apollonian Mid-Sun and the right is the Zeus part of matter and rarifications (tendency to spiritualism).
Is it true that Jesus Christ and Lucifer are brothers?
Jesus Christ or if you prefer his real name, Rabbi Yehoshua, was a clear Draconian creation, sent for a specific mission of mental warfare. Lucifer is YHWH's second in command Draconian, commander of flagship Lilith. His real name is Tamil... The "Satan's" orders though come directly from YHWH himself.
Jesus (Yehoshua) has been residing in Levan (moon) for the past 2,000 years, coordinating the religious mental warfare. It is highly possible though that his spirit has reincarnated and not for a good purpose. Ever since reptilians have been sighted upon the planet, it means that they are in a huge hurry to initiate their "predicted" (read planned) Armageddon project. I don't think they will have enough time though...
But I have met some hot asians. Is it not possible that we are all hybrids now?
Even though the Yellow race is very dangerous, in the past several Andromedeans were spared in order to serve the Sino-Mongols with their expertise. Much of the Andromedean DNA has survived in them and that can be seen through their appearance, as they are not quite identical with the other yellows. This phenomenon has happened mostly in Northern Japan.
Unlike other species, the Andromedean gene is extremely powerful and the Draconians have not managed to defeat it yet. Just recently I gathered some experiment results that show just that. It takes many generations for the Andromedean Ichor gene to become powerless against the reptilian DNA.
In this life? How long do I have to wait for eveyone to get their panties out of a wad?
You should ask members of other groups to see how long they've been waiting for this moment! In our group we have the "patient" and the very optimistic... the latter expect it very quickly. Most recent reports speak of major developments in 2004. Do you think I am not fed up with them? I had a permanent YHWH demon over my head for years, until it was recently destroyed by the Andromedean forces of the 3rd dimension of matter rarification that arrived. You have no idea how good it felt!
I am sick of living like this. I feel like I am at constant warfare with these beings. They are very crafty. The entire planet is in the war... some know it, most don't. Most things do come from our soul, its age and past experience. Some of us have been sent down here by the Universe itself for a reason. This case is the planet's best kept secret. EVERYTHING that is happening today is orchestrated for that purpose alone. You name it, Zion, religions, cults, secret organizations, world wars, NWO... it all serves this one thing.
Thanks for posting i was also thinking that when Malcolm X preached about the white devil and violence against whites he was left alone as soon as he went on hajj and came back and talked about unity the kill him. Same with MLK. Bottomline is this I feel in my soul that The everlasting ALL has a plan for us, it makes sense when you consider that with all the creativity in the human race we have not evolved socially spiritually and in our humanity. who profits from this. It also makes sense when they teach us that the enemy is over there somewhere and we watch on T.V. and the internet as our soldiers kill innocent and helpless men women and children that don't even know what they are dying for and then they write it off as collateral damage.
I will say this and I agree with what perseas is saying to a degree, there are those of us that are here to help but I feel in my heart and soul that this planet is being helped that is why there has been such a massive degradation in the last 20 years. Litigation to suspend civil liberties if necessary our youth becoming more materialistic the pop music of today sounds like they aren't even trying for real anymore the night is darkest befor e the morning. The one thing these beings have in common on the astral and physical plane is they need our fear our sadness they feed on it it nourishes them. when one is not aligned it is difficult to know the truth as we as a race have been lied to so often.
So as we all are students and we find out abotu all this new information and study dilligently to remember what we have forgotten our goal should be to open our pineal glands and gain access to our akashic records until that happens the solutions should be simple Love Wisdom Unity and Truth and we must seek the aid of the everlasting ALL to guide us for the benefit of ourselves our neighbors and our loved ones.
Remember these negative beings NEED US we DO not repeat DO NOT! need them!
I have seen posts where people want vengeance against these entities anger is not the way. We have a right to defend ourselves however allow me to provide some perspective into the psychology of conquerers and no matter how powerful cunning and deceitful they all are they all have similar weaknesses.
1.) Conquest is easy; maintaining what you have conquered is another story and ultimately it will destroy the conquerer (This is what ultimately led to the fall of Rome and it led to the independence of the US from England)
2.) Pride Arrogance and Greed - will ultimately destroy any being and we all know how these entities and beings are Satan himself boasted that he was greater than the ALL which resulted in his expulsion and he still has not found the wisdom to ask for forgiveness (pretty sorry)
3.) United we stand divided we fall; Humanity must be united we do this in how we interact with people at work in our families and communities. we should speak to people more often smile more f you see someone who needs help help them so long as we believe we are separate we will destroy ourselves.
All praise is due to the evelastign ALL
From my point of view, we are in front of a challenge: to survive the physical death.
For me, there is no other being in the universe superior from Man, only the Universal Being of whom Man is a part. Many beings have consciousness and their certain evolutionary paths, time-space technology and power over inferior matter , but only Man has the gift of Passion, Feeling, Love, the energy that makes the stars to radiate all over Cosmos.
The day the Man would stop to love its offspring, or our Gaia, is the day the Sun would stop to reflect the human love on the planet.
"When someone is in a state of love they emit a radiant energy. It takes but a second for it to reflect off the celestial bodies floating overhead and come back to Gaia and give life to everything that breaths. The Sun is one of those celestial bodies, and it reflects but a tiny fraction of that radiance, Only bright rays can travel into Space from man on Gaia. And only beneficial rays can be reflected from Space back to Earth.
Under the influence of malicious feelings Man can emit only dark rays. These dark rays cannot rise, but must fall into the depths of the planet (Tamil powes-incantations).
Bouncing off its core, they return to the surface in the form of volcanic erruptions, earthquakes, wars etc.
The culminating achievement of these dark rays is their direct effect on the Man originating them, invariably exacerbating this Man's own malicious feelings."
In my innerstanding, help might come, but the Universal Law of Justice, the Order of the universe doesn't allow salvation for a warrior being like Man. Such move would be a shameful denial of Man's free will of choice and an eternal slavery under the obligation of feeling saved without liberty anymore.
The present situation of humanity could be likened with a father King who has given to his children all the gifts of the Universe, they are the Princes and Princesses of the Cosmos, and they have the honor to be challenged for their evolution. And them instead of feeling their integrity and self confidence in their nature, they have been spoiled, they are begging for Saviors, they pretend they are babies who shit bricks in their nest, our Gaia, make the planet full of garbages and pollution. How this father would feel for these children?
Our planet Gaia in her infinite love for us is going to give us a very simple lesson which all mothers bring to their offsprings in order to lead them in maturity, self responsibility, integrity, freedom and life: DON'T SHIT INSIDE YOUR NEST.
WOW! Thanks For Sharing...
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