A thought occurred to me today.Energy can never be created or destroyed it can only be transformed.In addition I was thinking of the movie daybreakers.It occured to me that these reptilians and lower…Continue
Started this discussion. Last reply by Brandy Scarborough Apr 9, 2018.
I had an experience when I was 19 where I was going through a great deal a stress depression and overall disallusioment with my life. I believe that I chose to come into the life at this time and I…Continue
Started this discussion. Last reply by Ahmad Swope Dec 22, 2012.
I would like to begin with an affirmation. All praise is due to the boundless most high the creator and the sustainer. I am in the love of the most high and the love of the most high is within me. I am nothing without the love of the the most high all and the love of the most high all is nothing without me. I am ruled by balance, love, innerstanding, and the laws of the most high.
I am grateful for this site and pleased to be here. I am a spiritual warrior in training. My soul mission is to aid in re-applying balance to this planet. Along with the positive forces of the galactic cancel, our innerstanding, the destiny of our DNA, the guidance of the most high all, and the gathering of like minded warrior souls such as myself we will destroy the matrix implemented by the Disagreeable negative entities that has Gaia and the lifeforms on it as prisoners.
My Journey has been an interesting one and the most high knows that I have been hard headed on many occasions however, I have made a commitment and will not turn back.
I am looking to connect with others are interested in accomplishing the same. There is much that I have to learn and a short time to learn it in. I am looking to learn and be taught as we are all students no matter how advanced we think we are.
Love Balance and Innerstanding
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Wholeness, welcome to the Resistance family, Ahmad. We are also happy that you are here and wish you well as you continue your spiritual journey.
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Welcome all beings of love and balance I am new to this site and I am looking forward to learning and sharing a great deal. All praise to the Most High for this Site I am happy that it is here!