I was searching for a title and this one came into my mind. I always had errors in apreciating time. So to me, meantime its different lol. What i wanted to say is that these days i feel very strange. I mean, inside, i feel peace, love, wholeness; outside i feel very stressed and i switch moods very quickly. Most of the time im confused, even now lol.

Reality seems surrealistic and everyday its like im in a dream. When i start meditating i feel the whole room spinning, and sometimes i have the feeling of shaking. This reminds me of an incident...

I was going to the bathroom and stoped in my way to look in the mirror (i ussualy do that lol) wich is on the bath's door. This was in the morning after i waked up. When i was in front of the mirror i remember only this:

i passed out and felt with my back against the wall until i reached the floor. (maybe this isnt the right description but couldnt find other, maybe you get the idea). I was shaking (vibrating?) so hard that i struggled getting up (i harldy remembered taht). After i got up facing the mirror again i've got back to my senses and didnt know if it was real or ....i dont know.

From that point i started feeling like i said in the begining. :)


PS: After you quote something, and you want to continue writing without quote, how you deselect that button lol?


Now i end my journal post whising you lots of LOVE.

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