I felt like I was stuck on my journey for the past few weeks because I had no money but now I've just been employed and will be able to buy things that will help me to combat all of the things that the evil ones throw at us. I will also be able to donate more often to the site and to other people, places and what not. I swear I had the same exact job interview before but I absolutely haven't!,(not in this reality at least!) I've just been having so much Deja Vu! This reality is becoming so blurred to me, I can't tell whether something happened here or in the dream world, this has always occurred with me since i was little but now it's happening a lot more. I like it though, helps me not get so caught up in this crazy world. +) Much Love and Whole to you all!! -Tracy

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Comment by Tre' Melano on January 26, 2010 at 3:21pm
Thanks Guys! @Ayzik, I sure do! =) @Terris, Yes they are cowards! They better not try it with me because I Am NOT the one! lol. Thanks again!


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