Attacking the Qlippoths of Indifference and Acquiescence.

This is only one of my little personal litanies; but since I do all the shopping for both myself and mum, last week I brought a sliced Malt Loaf, and mum had been eating it while I was too busy working to think of eating anything. She told me a few days ago, that she'd had some and hoped I didn't mind. I said nothing; and kept my own cousel on the matter, as I usually do. Then yesterday I found the packet empty, and threw it in the rubbish bag - since she had been remiss to do so, while not having been remiss enough to finish the contents; and this morning I said to her "You said you hoped I didn't mind that you'd had some of the Malt Loaf; and it's finished, so really, it doesn't matter if I minded or not, because it's already done, so there's nothing left that can be said." I glanced for long enough to see her head slump towards her chest. And as I shut the living room door hard but not actually a full blown slam, I thought to myself - regarding her - 'yes, we're learning lessons now, aren't we!'
Don. x.

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Comment by DonaldChristopherAdrianRobinson on January 10, 2010 at 6:30am
My late father, who was always breaking his own rules told me "Ensure that brain is properly engaged brfore operating mouth!" last
Comment by DonaldChristopherAdrianRobinson on January 10, 2010 at 6:29am
Should've applied a little more thought before engaging verbalisation
Comment by DonaldChristopherAdrianRobinson on January 10, 2010 at 6:28am
I guess chakra users could identify me if I said that I guess when I acted, the third chakra down acrted without much input from the first!


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