Translated fragment from the G.H.REES SURVIVAL MANUAL
In Ancient Hellenic Language (Read “Lexicon of Ancient Hellenic Language” from I. STAMATAKOS) the Chinese were named “SINES” (hence the name Great Sinic Wall) from “SINOS” = Chinese (Page 1206). In the term “SINIS” the translation is: “The Destructor, the Annihilator, the Thief, The Robber, The Baneful (Page 892).
In the term “THE SINOS” the translation is: “Wound, Blow, Malfunction, Plague, Armageddon (Devastation), Corruption, Damage”.
The term “SINOMAI” (verb) means “Loot, Steal, Corrupt, Harm, Depredate, Annihilate, Devastate, Eliminate”.
The thief “SINIS PITIOKAMPTIS” means “Personalized Devastation”. (Pages 892 – 893)
(Read the myth-“mitos”-clew of the Hellene Hero Thiseas against Sinis Pitiokamptis)
The natural attribute of the SINESE or CHINESE as Annihilators-Terminators namely Genociders against the White Hellenes or IONES, is proved by the fact that while Southern China is still named “Yunnan” namely IONIA, in that territory there are no more IONES (namely Hellenes) existing, because they were all annihilated by the Chinese.
The above are proved and by the German Archaeological Missions that were deported without any explanation from China, when in their excavations proved the existence of Twelve Ancient Hellenic Cities inside China. The Chinese Government ordered the covering of the Twelve Ancient Hellenic Cities with hills of dirt upon which were planted trees-Forests of rapid growth.
Today the traitors “Greek” Politicians visit China and instead of demanding the disclosure and excavation of the there existing Hellenic antiquities from Hellenic Archaeological Missions, they kiss the ass of the Sinese annihilators of billion Ancient Hellenes and Pelasgians from the Asiatic Upper Ionia, in order to gain free houses and survival in China, as a reward of their treason which is:
The destruction of Greece and the military Attack of the Greek remnants as Typical Leaders of “NATO” and of the “US.E.J.” axis (USA-EUROPE-JAPAN trilateral) against China, in order to give the moral alibi to China to annihilate completely the White Race with first victims the Hellenes of Greece and Hellenes of Diaspora.
And while for our Hellenes forefathers, the SINES-SINESE-CHINESE (Childs - Genetics Product of the Lunar Draconian Elohim SIN), are synonymous of the Criminals, Genociders, Murderers, Annihilators of the other Terra Races, White and Black, today the Greek Politicians and the emetic traitors Maoists Chinese-friends Greek Communists and the more emetic Greek Industrialists/Businessmen, they shit over the graves of their ancient forefathers (annihilated by the Chinese genociders), in order to establish companies in China, and by leaving the Chinese slave-crummy Products to be imported without taxes in Greece in order to eliminate the Greek companies, by left the Chinese to invade without control in Greece, and by naming the Chinese “Saviors of the Greek Economy” and “Strategic Partners of Greece”.
In the above Hubris of the “Neo-Greek treasonous whorehouse”, the paramilitary leg of G.H.REES will respond with blood baths and genocide of the above mentioned traitors. We call them to abandon now Greece in order for them to avoid the miserable end of the traitors of Greece and of the insulters of the Ancient forefathers dead “Yunnan”.
We call them to abandon Greece by taking with them, the Judges, the Military officers, the Police officers and the Masons that cover and protect them, because the incoming ADRASTEIA and NEMESIS will eliminate both the Protégé and the Protectors.
Commentary on the above:
Today the Turanian Mongolian Seltzuk Turks still call with this exact name Hellenes and the country of Greece. They call us “Yunnan” and “Yunnanistan”, namely IONES-Ionians Hellenes Pelasgians of Minor and Upper Asia.
See map of the Yunnan Province in Southern China.
See also newspaper article about the Alexandrian Ancient Hellenic city Nigia that was excavated in western China near the chinese city Kashgar in Xinjiang Province, that were also being found there well preserved mummies of White Race Pelasgian People dated at least 3000 years old.
Apollo the Lizard Killer: Million Years Enmities between Hellenes from the Constellation of Andromeda and the Reptiles-Draco coalition
The Apollo Sauroctonos (Apollo Lizard-killer) is a 1.49m high ancient sculpture in the Louvre, as Inventaire MR 78 (n° usuel Ma 441). It is a 1st - 2nd century AD Roman marble copy of an original by Praxiteles. It shows a nude adolescent male about to catch a lizard climbing up a tree. The left arm, the right hand and the lizard's head are modern restorations.
Formerly in the Borghese collection, it was bought by Napoleon in 1807.
It could indirectly refer to Apollo's fight against the serpent Python or, if the lizard is an attribute of the god, it could show Apollo in his purifying function, as a destroyer of plagues - Greek gods called smintheus (rat-killer of rat) or parnopios (grasshopper-killer) are certainly known.
The bronze original of this sculpture is attributed by Pliny (XXXIV, 69-70) to the Athenian sculptor Praxiteles. This is usually dated to c.350-340 BC.
Other copies
The original was even copied in reduced form in the Roman era, as we learns in an epigram of Martial (14, 172).
Sauroctonos = Lizard (Reptiles) Killer
In the superb original non-destroyed statue, Apollo was holding an arrow aimed at the lizard.
Apollo (Male) : The God of Fine Arts and Natural Harmony.
Artemis (Female) : His Sister, Goddess of Hunt, Nature, Birth and protector of the wild animals.
Place of Origin-Birth: The Island of Delos (Prehistoric Andromedean Planetary Center)
In Hellenic Language Numerology the word "APOLLO" is equal to the number: 1061
In Hellenic Language Numerology the word "ARTEMIS" is equal to the number: 656
APOLLO / ARTEMIS = 1,61737805... approximately the irrational mathematical Number "Phi" of the Golden Ratio "φ" of Fine Arts Architectural Harmony, Natural Harmony, Métron ... Ancient Hellenes designed their monuments by strictly using Architecture based on "Phi", in order to verify the archaic Delphic (Civilization Matrix) Way of Life gnome:
Mēdén ágan="Nothing in Excess"
Zeus belongs to the Dynasty of the Uranides "Gods". Uranides a word from Uranus which means Beings that came to Earth from the Sky. (Skylings). Zeus was the Andromedean Planetary leader of the Uranides and of the Pelasgean Terran Population. He had as its Terran base the Pergamon city of Minor Asia were was built the Academy of Sciences. He was a hyper-scientists with role to transfer scientific knowledge and to inspect and keep the balance of the terran civilizations. He was the leader of other 12 male "Gods" scientists and of the Pantheon. The full Andromedean Commanding-Leadership staff was composed from 40 reprsesentative Gods, 12+1 Male deities(sciences), 12+1 Female deities (Practical Technologies), 12+1 Androgynous Deities (Fine Arts) and 1 pantheon Leader-Supervisor. Later on after the Andromedeans Uranides departed from our planet the Zeus staff was defamed from Demons-Spirits of Cronus-Savaoth and of Sin-Zion-Yahweh as a god of Religious Ritualistic functions that demand sacrifices and submission of the Earthlings. They later built over the academy of sciences, religious temples and altars for the dodecatheon. Today the maximum altar of Zeus in Pergamon is displayed in the Museum of Berlin. Of course the Olympians gods supervisory base was the mountain Olympus.
As a universal function the codename "Zeus" is representing the male deities, the counterclockwise suns (Solar Logos) and solar systems, the Sciences and Intellect and the Brain Dodecahedron part of the triune Universal Organism. The Andromedean Government is organized accordingly to the Nature and Universal Organism function. Aghivasien métra="Live in harmony with Natural Laws"-Heracletos.
Any form of ritualistic and religious Gods after the great Athenean-Atlantean War and the parellel Space War between the Olympians of Uranus+Zeus and the Selene-Draconians-Moon-Cronus Coalition was role-played by Draconian coalition demons and by the psychotronic emissions of the Draconian spaceships Moon + Lilith(secondary metallic black glossy war planet behind Moon). You see all the Religion were created by the Moon, so Egypt and Sumeria Gods and Religion were also Draconians inventions. As we already told the Andromedean Olympians were role-played by Cronian and Draconians demons and were defamed as Religious Gods that demand worship, human sacrifices, sex orgies and the rest. Later the Hellenes Pelasgians disgusted from their corrupted 666 Gods and Priesthoods (role-played by Draconians) easily adopted the pure Draconians-Hebrew-Chinese religion of Christianism 888.
In Atlantis the first adopted religions were the religions of the snake and of the Set cult. In the previous prelunar they were no religions just balanced with nature civilizations and the Andromedean Olympians of Zeus staff that transfer to the earthlings Scientific Knowledge(Zeus staff), Fine Arts Knowledge (Apollo staff) and Practical Technologies Knowledge (Hera staff). The ancient universal role of the White race Pelasgians and of the Andromedeans genitors is that of the Civilization matrix. They are civilizers, civilization cells and natural harmonic civilizations generators all along the Universe.
The ritualistic religious cult behavior is purely of Draconian origin.
Finally be informed that Ancient Egypt (Aigyptos) was an Hellenic Collony under the Delphi command and Hercules inspectors. The word Egypt (Aigiptos) is purely of Hellenic etymology and means (Yptios Aigaiou)=Under the Aegean stating the geographical position of this country-Hellenic colony. Delphi is another word for Hellenes and means Civilizers-Civilization matrix.
Later on all those Ancient Pelasgian Empires (Egypt, Syria-Sumeria, Babylon) were corrupted by the White-Yellow Mongolians and Hebrew-Mongol Hordes. The fist Mongolian horde invaded west in about 2200 BC through Mesopotamia and founded the city of Ur in memory of the ancient mongolia capital Urgha. The city of Ur had as its supreme God the God SIN of the Moon.
Egypt was corrupted and eventually destroyed by the Hebrew-Mongolian hordes of the Hyksos tribes (Ixos). The Hebrew-Mongolian genociders hordes left Ur of Chaldea and broke in two main parts. One destroyed -through inner leadership corruption- the Pelasgian Egypt and the other invaded and destroyed Palestine which was an Hellenic Cretan colony at that time. Those ruthless genocides are described in the Old Testament as allegedly "God's will"(!!!) (Yahweh's will) genocides of the allegedly "chosen people of Israel" against the allegedly "evil" autochthon hellenic people of the area.
Today, the Israelites Sephardic leadership, namely the descendants of the ancient Hebrew-Mongolian hordes, continue to genocide without mercy the descendants remnants of the ancient Cretan Pelasgians Philistine settlers, namely the people of Palestine.
The Egyptian pyramids were essentially a work of the Hyksos tribes. Ever wonder why the supreme emblem of the Masonic New World Order in the 1$ bill is the Egyptian Pyramid with the all seeing eye of Horus on top?
One primary moon goddess of ancient Greece was Hecate. She was part of the moon trinity and goddess of the witches. (Hecate, Selene, Diana/Artemis). She was Titanide, aka she belonged to the Cronians.
Of course Ancient Greece was also being corrupted by Shemitic priests and priesthoods e.g. by the Draconians through Cronus the Andromedean mutineer who allied with Sin-Zion-Yahweh after the arrival of the Moon and roleplayed-defamed the Dodecatheon of Zeus.
But the primary moon cult worshiping center was that of mesopotamia and mainly of the metropolitan mongolian city of Ur or Urgha of Chaldea with patron God the God Sin of the moon. The word Sin produces the words Sion-Zion-Sina(Mount Sinai the mount of Sin-Yahweh)-Sinic(Sinic Wall)-Sinos(Chinese)-China etc. The word "Chaldean" means moon-worshiper (from the root "Khaldi"=moon god)! Guess who was a Chaldean from the city of Ur? The Shemite or Sin-ite Abraham the patriarch of the Jews and of the three primary monotheistic religions.
Abraham (or Havra-Khan) was also a Chaldean magus and kept the secret art of cabala that transferred to mesopotamia from the deep mongolian-chinese areas. Cabala is a magic-occult technique of directly telecommunicating with the Lunar Draconians (Through vocals vibrations-symbology and/or highly concentrated medium thought). The Draconianss respond Through technology and they materialize and dematerialize (through pituitary gland transmitters and resonance frequenices) various phenomena to the coordinates of the cabala session. The terrified practitioners of cabala and the rest terrified observing primitive stupid earthlings-mediums consider those phenomena as an act of super physical unexplained magic of the ...spiritual world. What a scam!!
Any relation with the occult drives those forces against us with more power, more or less like a "magnet". G.H.REES has already published from 1988 its research about the Moon (through neutrino technology) and the Terran Draconians Masonic Hierarchy. The moon has inside it "written in tablets" all the codes and symbols of cabala. The more complex the symbols the more higher the Sino-Hebrew Masonic Hierarchy that use them. When one mason or occult related person performs a cabalistic ritual essentially it sends his coordinates to the Lunar HQ's. The moon responds electromagnetically by sending holograms and visions to the medium's pituitary gland after it pinpoints the coordinates of the cabala session. This is described in science as the resonance frequencies, that can materialize and dematerialize various phenomena which to the poor untrained mind would look like pure magic! You see, it's not magic, but highly advanced lunar technology for mind - psychotronic control. Demonic possession is also possible during those sessions. Moreover, Tarrot is used by the Draconians Masonic Hierarchy and represents the 72 members of each of the opposites collusion masonic hyper lodges (+AOA, -AOA).
Astrology and any form of Oracle - Futurology is Cronian related. It has nothing to do with pure science that was taught by the Zeus staff. The pure science and knowledge of the Universal Organism was later converted to rituals and astrology and religion and white and black magic by the ritualistic behaving Draconians and the Cronian mutineers coalition, for the purpose of mind control. Every person easily fears magic and the unknown spiritual influence and the parapsychological harassment. But pure science and knowledge kills the fear and truly leads the person to freedom form his mental religious prison. It is enjoyable to understand and demystify the occult, through technology. G.H.REES did that, because they are essentially Scientists, descendants of the Andromedean Scientists of Zeus.
Of course we are free to choose the way of life we prefer.
But any action has its reaction and its consequences.
The choice is ours.
In paragragh 7 last sentence of the article I will paste below;
China to annihilate completely the White Race with first victims the Hellenes of Greece and Hellenes of Diaspora
I have underlined the word diaspora and want to point out the video of New Age manipulator George Kavassilias where he indicates that the home world of the purpertrators of this faction come fro,m the star system Al Nitak and home world planet Diaspora. It sounds as if he is twisting Diaspora projecting that the cosmic criminals come from there he below is the statement at 9:50 of the video
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