Greetings all,

What are the physical tools that a ground zero beginner needs to start the path to ascension?

I'm almost 100% sure that I'm not the only person wondering what I'm about to ask. All of these extremely experienced folks are just that...experienced. They talk of taking "flights"...visionong things etc.. If I understand correctly, the end goal all of us is acsension. How to star though? Imagine a person stumbling around aimlessly on the internet watching random Vimeo clips...and then literally stumbling across a bunch of Sevan's videos. Which in turn led to viewing many more videos due to sparked interest. Kind of a "I knew there had to be something more" type of feeling.

So now this brand new initiate...literally exposed for the very first time to any of this...wonders where to start. Spiritually an infant (if even that) where do you physically start? Dr. Blair says we are what we eat, drink, and think. A lot of the discussions we see on the site as well as videos are extremely complicated and their level of depth is very much overwhelming to someone seeing it for the first time. I wish it could be broken all the way down to a simplified level that beginners could run with. Having said that, the only thing I have seen as far as instruction to get started is use krystals and magnets and eat organic food. Then what?

Let's go back to the starter kit. There are many types of krystals...which kinds are to be used and how are they to be used. What am I supposed to do with them once I get my hands on the proper kind. How are magnets to be used?

These may read as silly questions to some of you but I am (and possibly many others) am anxious for progress and discrenable results. Clarity is important. However I'm lost right out the gate. Anyone who can relate but has since advanced and holds wisdom to offer...please do.

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I'm going to check out that book by Edgar Cayce but until I do, here are some additional questions. ....when having crystals on you whether in your hands, pockets, jewlery etc....will having more than one type interfere with each other's energy? For instance a celestite & on time on my person. Or will they operate as normal?

Second question is...previously cut, polished crystals. Is their energy affected by being already poloshed? we have to be cautious of any "bad" programming. Can they even be programmed?
yes be cautious, especially of programming. Its preferrable to have the crystals uncut, unpolished but its not as big of a deal. I was advised against quartz, i suppose it is easily programmed against us, at least it was against me, thats what im told. I left it outside. But yea, u can program ur crystals, visualize ur cleansing them, by blowing on them, running them under water, or leave on the window sill under the moon. I currently have celestite and bloodstone (hemetite, i think), and the quartz outside. My next purchase will certainly be aymthyst, i would definately reccommend that and selenite, but take it slow, dont go on a spending spree necessarily. everyone has different sensitivities to the crystals, i dont think they will interfere with eachother, just experiment, see what is worth your time
This is excellent info Clayton. Thanks so much..
They're bold enough to actually have a brand named "EL"?? Wow...I don't know what a 6 pointed termination is (please forgive my brand newness)...but this helps a lot.



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