Kanani Ray
  • Female
  • Navarre, FL
  • United States
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Kanani Ray's Discussions

Distilled vs. Purified water
5 Replies

Ok Q&A i have a quick Q.....My instructions that came with the MMS I bought from ebay say very clearly to "use distilled water and DO NOT SUBSTITUTE"....Well all I have is tap which is outta the…Continue

Started this discussion. Last reply by Sevan Bomar Oct 23, 2010.

Awakening Starter Kit?.....for starters
18 Replies

Greetings all,What are the physical tools that a ground zero beginner needs to start the path to ascension?I'm almost 100% sure that I'm not the only person wondering what I'm about to ask. All of…Continue

Started this discussion. Last reply by Kanani Ray Jun 22, 2010.


Kanani Ray's Page

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What is your current spiritual level of innerstanding?
How did you find out about the Resistance?

Comment Wall (7 comments)

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At 1:46pm on October 30, 2010, Mr. Spirit Matter said…
Hey Kanani just stopping by to send some wholeness & balance vibes sister
At 2:37pm on June 25, 2010, Margens said…
I'm a vegan, so I innerstand the dangers of meat and dairy products could have on the human body. The human body wasn't physically created to digest meats which is why we have to cook it and add seasoning to it for "taste".


Food Inc.

Cows milk on the other hand contains small amounts of puss and blood, due to them overfeeding the animals with antibiotics and corn, making the cows sick until death.

No empathy whatsoever . . .

Find more videos like this on THE RESISTANCE
At 2:24pm on June 25, 2010, Margens said…
Fast food was out of my diet long time ago, one of the first things I attempted to avoid.

Look at what they're doing to our children . . .

How blatant . . .

Lol . . .

At 2:12pm on June 25, 2010, Margens said…
I realized that it's more easier to do things rather than saying it, the complete opposite of when people say "easier said than done".

My diet is so strict of any toxins and genetically modified organisms (GMO's), that when I can't afford to buy organic foods, I am forced to fast. I use this list as a guide to any reaction triggering neurotoxic chemicals (RTNTC).

This was one of the first things my counselor gave me, to avoid foods containing these ingredients. I keep this in my wallet, Lol.

Kanani, I would also recommend reading this short book about Genetically Modified Organisms.

Non-GMO Shopping Guide.pdf

And another called "Eating for you Blood Type" which is in the Library on this site if you missed it.


Frequency Chart

At 9:01pm on June 24, 2010, Margens said…
Nice shade of purple, my favorite color!

You're thinking, "Alright that's enough already"
At 8:55pm on June 24, 2010, Margens said…
Thank you for the friendship Kanani and yes, I am a youngster.

But, I didn't do/start this alone. Before taking this path, I had no intention on learning and I was very materialistic minded until my counselor, who happens to be a health expert and a very serious person, introduced me to Lenon's videos. I was blown away by the information that was being revealed to me and he told me I am the only student he showed this, and not to reveal it to any other students because they aren't ready.

Since I left the current school I was attending, he also left and the last thing he told me was to never stop learning and always remember to eat healthy in order to maintain a healthy mind.

I have no contact with him to this day and he doesn't realize how much he changed my life. He have planted a seed within me that will never stop growing. I honor him so . . .
At 6:28pm on May 16, 2010, Mr. Spirit Matter said…
Welcome to the Resistance glad to have you aboard


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